Another wild-eyed secular speculation has been discovered? What else is new?
I remember when secularists 'discovered' about 40 years ago that dinosaurs went extinct as a result of an asteroid impact in the Gulf of Mexico. Now that wild speculation has been discarded for yet another speculation they believe is more reasonable.
Another wild-eyed secular speculation has been discovered? What else is new?
I remember when secularists 'discovered' about 40 years ago that dinosaurs went extinct as a result of an asteroid impact in the Gulf of Mexico. Now that wild speculation has been discarded for yet another speculation they believe is more reasonable.
Nobody ever proved the asteroid hit, much less wiped dinosaurs off the earth worldwide. Secular researchers ignorant of the record of the universal flood and its massive impact on wildlife on earth still struggle with figuring out what might have caused the massive extinction event.
Learn about the mass extinction event 66 million years ago and the evidence for what ended the age of the dinosaurs.
In total, this mass extinction event claimed three quarters of life on Earth. ...
Piecing together what happened has been a massive effort for paleontologists, and theories for what killed the dinosaurs and the rest of the planet’s Cretaceous inhabitants have ranged from the plausible to the downright zany. For now, two leading ideas are battling it out within the scientific community: Were dinosaurs victims of interplanetary violence, or more Earthly woes? ...
Death from above
One of the most well-known theories for the death of the dinosaurs is the Alvarez hypothesis, named after the father-and-son duo Luis and Walter Alvarez. In 1980, these two scientists proposed the notion that a meteor the size of a mountain slammed into Earth 66 million years ago, filling the atmosphere with gas, dust, and debris that drastically altered the climate. ...
Volcanic fury
However, other scientists maintain that the evidence for a massive meteor impact event is inconclusive, and that the more likely culprit may be Earth itself.
Nobody ever proved the asteroid hit, much less wiped dinosaurs off the earth worldwide. Secular researchers ignorant of the record of the universal flood and its massive impact on wildlife on earth still struggle with figuring out what might have caused the massive extinction event.
Learn about the mass extinction event 66 million years ago and the evidence for what ended the age of the dinosaurs.
In total, this mass extinction event claimed three quarters of life on Earth. ...
Piecing together what happened has been a massive effort for paleontologists, and theories for what killed the dinosaurs and the rest of the planet’s Cretaceous inhabitants have ranged from the plausible to the downright zany. For now, two leading ideas are battling it out within the scientific community: Were dinosaurs victims of interplanetary violence, or more Earthly woes? ...
Death from above
One of the most well-known theories for the death of the dinosaurs is the Alvarez hypothesis, named after the father-and-son duo Luis and Walter Alvarez. In 1980, these two scientists proposed the notion that a meteor the size of a mountain slammed into Earth 66 million years ago, filling the atmosphere with gas, dust, and debris that drastically altered the climate. ...
Volcanic fury
However, other scientists maintain that the evidence for a massive meteor impact event is inconclusive, and that the more likely culprit may be Earth itself.
The Alvarezes' impact hypothesis was rejected by many paleontologists, who believed that the lack of fossils found close to the K–Pg boundary—the "three-meter problem"—suggested a more gradual die-off of fossil species.[6][10]
About 70 percent of our planet’s surface is covered with water, and it plays an important role in our daily lives. But how did water get on Earth in the first place?
Boris and 3 cells knowledge of science is that of a imbecile, they do not seem to be able to comprehend the meaning of Scientific Theory .
We are in our infancy of science . It is far from being accurate . there are several theory's not only as to where water came from but how the universe formed to how life started. The simple truth is no one know . Perhaps in a few hundred or thousand years if we are not destroyed by nature or ourselves we will learn and know more.
Science proves it self wrong all the time.
And a theory is really saying were guessing .
A theory is NOT a guess; it is the best possible explanation we have found thus far. The creation of the Earth cannot ever be a law, because we cannot repeat it. IT is one thing to say that God created the universe, but the Christian religion comes with tons and tons of baggage, which includes ritual cannibalism and an omniscient Supreme Being that for some reason requires helpers (angels).
A theory is NOT a guess; it is the best possible explanation we have found thus far. The creation of the Earth cannot ever be a law, because we cannot repeat it. IT is one thing to say that God created the universe, but the Christian religion comes with tons and tons of baggage, which includes ritual cannibalism and an omniscient Supreme Being that for some reason requires helpers (angels).
Yes its a guess thats why there are so many different ones on the same subject . Such as we are living in a computer like the matrix . Yep I can see where that is the best possible explanation , then you have the multi verse , the big bang which appears to be wrong after the James Webb telescope was launched. Dont forget at one time science believed we were the center the universe and before that the earth was flat, which was obvious stupid just as some are today.
Your next claim , Please give me some examples of christian having ritual cannibalism.
Reading Time: 5 minutes By Jackson Morgan, Auburn University It is a historical fact that in the Church’s early years, Christians were persecuted vigorously by the Roman Empire. In justifying this persecution, the Romans made all sorts of charges against the Christian community. We learn from...
Next angles , I have never seen one and do knot know if they exist or not same for god in the traditional sense .
When we speak of religion most have preconceived perceptions as to what god is. Right now today No one has evidence as to what god is or if he exists.
Just consider that for a bit if there is a biblical god what makes you think you comprehend what that is,For example god created the word in 7 days ,ell mans perception of a day could be Billions of years . Or he created man in his image , did that mean physical image or ? lots of different interpretations just as with Science .
When you talk about events that took place billions of years ago it just might be beyond sciences comprehension right now so yep a good guess maybe but a guess regardless,
Yes its a guess thats why there are so many different ones on the same subject . Such as we are living in a computer like the matrix . Yep I can see where that is the best possible explanation , then you have the multi verse , the big bang which appears to be wrong after the James Webb telescope was launched. Dont forget at one time science believed we were the center the universe and before that the earth was flat, which was obvious stupid just as some are today.
Your next claim , Please give me some examples of christian having ritual cannibalism.
Reading Time: 5 minutes By Jackson Morgan, Auburn University It is a historical fact that in the Church’s early years, Christians were persecuted vigorously by the Roman Empire. In justifying this persecution, the Romans made all sorts of charges against the Christian community. We learn from...
Next angles , I have never seen one and do knot know if they exist or not same for god in the traditional sense .
When we speak of religion most have preconceived perceptions as to what god is. Right now today No one has evidence as to what god is or if he exists.
Just consider that for a bit if there is a biblical god what makes you think you comprehend what that is,For example god created the word in 7 days ,ell mans perception of a day could be Billions of years . Or he created man in his image , did that mean physical image or ? lots of different interpretations just as with Science .
When you talk about events that took place billions of years ago it just might be beyond sciences comprehension right now so yep a good guess maybe but a guess regardless,
Your next claim , Please give me some examples of christian having ritual cannibalism. I would say that believing that somehow, chemicals assembled themselves into organisms that could reproduce themselves is perhaps hard to believe, but not nearly so hard to believe is that the entire Universe was created by an omniscient. omnipotent, omnipresent being that is also invisible, inaudible, intangible and cannot be smelled.
Ockham's Law (which is not really a law) declares that if there are a variety of theories about something, it is wisest to choose the least complicated.
\ I am not saying that there is no God, just that there is insufficient proof of one. And the more baggage you include with this god, the less likely it is that your belief is valid.
Transubstantiation: a word for you to look up. Drink this wine, it is my blood. Eat this bread, it is my flesh.
Humans eating humans is cannibalism. Since this is a rite, it is ritual cannibalism, like it or not.
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