I may not be dancing in delight that we disagree, but I'm sure glad someone is, finally, really adamant and justified in the disagreement.
I'm just saying that it was a different time, I ended up changing the meaning a bit too much. About growing up: I'm still working on it
I agree with what you're saying about them working and earning their elite status, but the widening gap between the richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor is increasing faster than ever before. People (why am I bringing this up, I don't know...) like Paris Hilton are born into their wealth and didn't have to earn it. I don't feel that it's deserved wealth, even though it is inherited.
Life isn't fair and some people have to work harder than others to get to the same level economically.
Just the first two of those election solutions would make me more than happy. This is the people's country.
I don't like corporate contributions to political campaigns, but that's just me.
I love this country and the free exchange of ideas.
Thanks for calling me out and correcting me on some of my statements.