Wal-Mart why are some people making a big deal?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
I shop at Wal-Mart. Some people feel it needs to be unionzied. I feel it does. I agree with Unions cause people need to make a decent wage.So whats a big deal about Wal-Mart?
well first of all......................

almost all items in walmart are imported cheap labor more profit and unions are anti business and don't help companies at all

so put it to a vote if the union thinks it can get into that or any company they should try........most employees there would vote against it out of job satisfaction or pressure and or fear of management
I shop at Wal-Mart. Some people feel it needs to be unionzied. I feel it does. I agree with Unions cause people need to make a decent wage.So whats a big deal about Wal-Mart?

Liberals hate Walmart because its successful. It provides thousands of entry level jobs, that wouldn't otherwise exist, and sells products at prices low income people can afford.
At the same time though Rick, Wal Mart could easily afford to give bottom of the chain workers a better deal, and still make a huge profit.
almost all items in walmart are imported cheap labor more profit and unions are anti business and don't help companies at all

so put it to a vote if the union thinks it can get into that or any company they should try........most employees there would vote against it out of job satisfaction or pressure and or fear of management

Walmart is anti business. Try to find American made products there. And who always goes out of business when a Walmart opens up? All the small, local merchants. Such a great victory for America. Let's all pay a few pennies less for our consumer crap so the big corporations can continue to liquidate assets here and move their production to China. And all with generous tax incentives, courtesy of the US Congress. Talk about short sighted. I wonder when the moment was that Americans got so stupid? What was the historical and cultural tipping point? I wonder what prompts Americans to commit suicide so that the multi-national corporations can satisfy their share holders bottom line. America has become a nation of servile, slobbering idiots who anxiously swallow what ever lame rational big business offers. Anything to save a couple of bucks.
American Made Products are expensive and cost too much.Sure Wal-Mart is driving the competition out of business but if you wanna compete against wal-mart then LOWER YOUR PRICES!
Walmart is anti business.

Anti-business? Hate to tell you, Walmart IS a business.

Try to find American made products there. And who always goes out of business when a Walmart opens up? All the small, local merchants. Such a great victory for America.

Actually, I just bought a set of towels there. Made in USA, and the quality is excellent. Lots of stuff there isn't from the US, but there is quite a bit that is, too. There are still many things that are more economically feasible to make here.

Statistically overall, Walmart is actually good for small, local merchants. There are 1) people now employed who have more money to spend, 2) savings from items bought at Walmart equates to more to spend at other places, 3) competition helps define or redefine businesses. We're going to have a new Walmart in town in 2008. It's on a side of town that has been largely overlooked for the service/retail sector development. Now, there are numerous new business and franchises making plans to come to this side of town. Will some locals be hurt? Probably, if they don't make plans and adapt.

A great victory for America? Of course! Walmart is a wealth creator. There are times it is my shopping destination of choice, and times it isn't. There are two sides to the coin, and you are failing to recognize that.

Let's all pay a few pennies less for our consumer crap so the big corporations can continue to liquidate assets here and move their production to China. And all with generous tax incentives, courtesy of the US Congress. Talk about short sighted.

Few pennies less? Estimates range from 16-30% resulting price increases if we adopted the isolationist policies you advocate and moved all production back into the US. Production of goods has moved to China, and many other countries, not due to Congressional tax incentives. On the surface many think it is tax incentives, but it is actually repressive taxes and regulations NOT to move off-shore.

Where Congress has missed the boat is in the area of tariffs and duties on goods coming into the country. Our goods going to other countries are often met with charges two, three or more times the charges goods from that same country coming in here. Walmart has merely utilized that fact to their advantage, and that's good business.

I can't disagree about Congress being short-sighted. Ross Perot said it well in 1992 when he labeled that "big sucking sound." It was primarily about NAFTA, but he also foresaw additional, global ramifications.

I wonder when the moment was that Americans got so stupid? What was the historical and cultural tipping point? I wonder what prompts Americans to commit suicide so that the multi-national corporations can satisfy their share holders bottom line. America has become a nation of servile, slobbering idiots who anxiously swallow what ever lame rational big business offers. Anything to save a couple of bucks.

Okay, well.... Yep, Americans HAVE gotten "stupid." My phrase is, "Stuck on Stupid." As the dumbing down has occurred in our state run schooling, combined with the entitlement attitudes, with a good measure of victim mentality, and finally mixed together with a narcissism that has grown at the rate of the increase of our technology. Voila! This is what you get?

The corporations are responsible for increasing the bottom line for the, dare I say it? SHAREHOLDERS! Those "servile, slobbering idiots" are all of us, investing toward our retirement. We're the ones saving for our kids college. We're the ones hoping that our 401K's grow through our employers, or that the companies retirement and benefits packages will remain solvent.

And at this point, saving a couple bucks has nothing to do with it. The idea is to make a couple bucks.

The biggest thing I hate about Walmart is that I didn't buy shares when dear old dad advised me to back in the 1970's. Sigh...
Anti-business? Hate to tell you, Walmart IS a business.

Actually, I just bought a set of towels there. Made in USA, and the quality is excellent. Lots of stuff there isn't from the US, but there is quite a bit that is, too. There are still many things that are more economically feasible to make here.

Statistically overall, Walmart is actually good for small, local merchants. There are 1) people now employed who have more money to spend, 2) savings from items bought at Walmart equates to more to spend at other places, 3) competition helps define or redefine businesses. We're going to have a new Walmart in town in 2008. It's on a side of town that has been largely overlooked for the service/retail sector development. Now, there are numerous new business and franchises making plans to come to this side of town. Will some locals be hurt? Probably, if they don't make plans and adapt.

A great victory for America? Of course! Walmart is a wealth creator. There are times it is my shopping destination of choice, and times it isn't. There are two sides to the coin, and you are failing to recognize that.

Few pennies less? Estimates range from 16-30% resulting price increases if we adopted the isolationist policies you advocate and moved all production back into the US. Production of goods has moved to China, and many other countries, not due to Congressional tax incentives. On the surface many think it is tax incentives, but it is actually repressive taxes and regulations NOT to move off-shore.

Where Congress has missed the boat is in the area of tariffs and duties on goods coming into the country. Our goods going to other countries are often met with charges two, three or more times the charges goods from that same country coming in here. Walmart has merely utilized that fact to their advantage, and that's good business.

I can't disagree about Congress being short-sighted. Ross Perot said it well in 1992 when he labeled that "big sucking sound." It was primarily about NAFTA, but he also foresaw additional, global ramifications.

Okay, well.... Yep, Americans HAVE gotten "stupid." My phrase is, "Stuck on Stupid." As the dumbing down has occurred in our state run schooling, combined with the entitlement attitudes, with a good measure of victim mentality, and finally mixed together with a narcissism that has grown at the rate of the increase of our technology. Voila! This is what you get?

The corporations are responsible for increasing the bottom line for the, dare I say it? SHAREHOLDERS! Those "servile, slobbering idiots" are all of us, investing toward our retirement. We're the ones saving for our kids college. We're the ones hoping that our 401K's grow through our employers, or that the companies retirement and benefits packages will remain solvent.

And at this point, saving a couple bucks has nothing to do with it. The idea is to make a couple bucks.

The biggest thing I hate about Walmart is that I didn't buy shares when dear old dad advised me to back in the 1970's. Sigh...

And there we have it. Typifies what has become a common American attitude. Doesn't see and doesn't care. Doesn't care about Americans or this country. As long as his investments continue to profit he is safe and happy in his little world. I wonder how long some of these people think the free ride to fantasy land will last? With the huge and ever growing trade deficit with China. With Chinese banks financing our national debt. Watch how these same people are stunned, when years from now, the bottom falls out and their investments are worth ****.
When I was younger I worked for walmart. A cart door's (the heavy and I MEAN HEAVY garage door that is in the shopping cart alcove) coil spring broke on one side which caused the opposite side to lift me about 10' up then dropped me on my back at which point the door fell on me, mind this door is about 300lbs. I went to the doctor who said I'd hyperextended some muscle in my back, he said I SHOULD be ok in about 3wks if it isn't too bad. However when I requested another comp'd visit to the occupational health doc, the manager refused stating that I was ok because "the doctor said 3 weeks" To this day I have back pain on occasion although not nearly bad enough to really complain about, it still exists, and I feel this was the cause. The benefits sucked, the hours sucked, the pay sucked. I worked with a really cool guy who'd worked there for appx 10 yrs since he was 16, he made .15 cents more than I did, and I was a new hire. Walmart is known for union busting (just like the majority of corporations running in right to work states do) and even have little dvds they made us lowly new hires watch that told the horrors of unionization. I still shop there because they do offer cheap food and items that are much more economical for me at this time. This doesn't mean I feel they're a good place to shop or work, call it necessity. When sam walton was alive the company was a wonderful place, on his death it all fell apart.
I shop at Wal-Mart. Some people feel it needs to be unionzied. I feel it does. I agree with Unions cause people need to make a decent wage.So whats a big deal about Wal-Mart?

Wal~Mart pays better than almost any other jobs of the same type, they offer stock options, 401k, health and life insurance, management training, and give you paid holidays; and after your first year you get a weeks paid vacation, after two years, two weeks paid vacation, after five years, three weeks paid vacation. Walmart will even pay for your books, classes, and tests to help you get your GED. If you work for Walmart for thirty-five years you could retire comfortably. If anything, Unions would cost employees benefits due to higher wages. Its better to have lower wages and more benefits when you have a family or have no other means at corporate positions. Oh, I forgot profit sharing. Walmart employees receive a share of their stores profit every quarter.
Walmart is anti business. Try to find American made products there. And who always goes out of business when a Walmart opens up? All the small, local merchants. Such a great victory for America. Let's all pay a few pennies less for our consumer crap so the big corporations can continue to liquidate assets here and move their production to China. And all with generous tax incentives, courtesy of the US Congress. Talk about short sighted. I wonder when the moment was that Americans got so stupid? What was the historical and cultural tipping point? I wonder what prompts Americans to commit suicide so that the multi-national corporations can satisfy their share holders bottom line. America has become a nation of servile, slobbering idiots who anxiously swallow what ever lame rational big business offers. Anything to save a couple of bucks.
I like you
And there we have it. Typifies what has become a common American attitude. Doesn't see and doesn't care. Doesn't care about Americans or this country. As long as his investments continue to profit he is safe and happy in his little world. I wonder how long some of these people think the free ride to fantasy land will last? With the huge and ever growing trade deficit with China. With Chinese banks financing our national debt. Watch how these same people are stunned, when years from now, the bottom falls out and their investments are worth ****.

seriously dude Kicking azz and taking names

Beetle Bailey is DEAD NUTZ on here folks

i couldn't have said it this well