War Powers

I noticed that. You're a guy that doesn't want to fight indiscriminately, but when you think we should go to war, you think we should go balls out. I'm the same way.

well balls out would not be how I would say it always...but hit them hard, but hit them smart would be how I would say it...war is as much if not often more about perception and ideas these days then about what you can blow up. Such as if you move in to take a person who is known to be armed, killed many, and is leader of a group that has declared war on US...if he instead of putting his hands up or waiving the white flag...decided to make a move for a weapon...you shoot him. If someone has put up the white flag and you have taken him prisoner...you don't torture him. 1. It kills any moral case you have. 2. Torture does not yield good intel, its gives you what you want to hear..or plays into there hands if they give bad intel...wasting your assets on this intel. Torture me long enough I will tell you what ever you want...not saying it will be true, but I will say it to end the torture even if its just for a while...thats true for most humans. Its a war crime...I know some cry water boarding is not a war crime...but fact is..they are simply wrong and refuse to say it it...because they can't say yes it is but I still want to do it. and last...its a huge recruiting tool.

"Our policy of torture and abuse of prisoners has been Al Qaida’s number one recruiting tool, a point that Buckley does not mention and is also conspicuously absent from former CIA Director General Michael Hayden and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey’s argument in the Wall Street Journal. As the senior interrogator in Iraq for a task force charged with hunting down Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, the former Al Qaida leader and mass murderer, I listened time and time again to captured foreign fighters cite the torture and abuse at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo as their main reason for coming to Iraq to fight. Consider that 90 percent of the suicide bombers in Iraq are these foreign fighters and you can easily conclude that we have lost hundreds, if not thousands, of American lives because of our policy of torture and abuse…" this is from a report 14 year vet of the air force , who was a interrogator. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/matthew-alexander/whats-not-said-is-more-im_b_207151.html?page=1

fighting tough does not mean fighting stupid...thats what some don't seem to understand. They think the show 24 is real, they belive in the mythical bomb going to go off in 24 hours and if they just torture the guy enough they can save the world...of course if I planted a bomb and had to hold out 24 hours I would simply state ok the bomb is..x...what are they going to do torture me after I said where it was? no...but they will send resources out to waste time and find out..shock ..I lied!