we are in a ice age

What a ***** it has a lot to do with your post . Do you not recall all the liberals telling us we have 12 years to change the world before its to late.
By the way I have had to use the heat the lat 3 weeks on and off and I live coastal Florida in the southern part.

my post was how he was comparing telemarketers to climate science, *****.
that post had nothing to do with that.

god you are a total *****. lol
The proud and deceived are wrong to imagine their false ideas are only opposed by lesser humans not as smart as themselves.

Scientist Admits Omitting ‘Full Truth’ From Climate Study To Get It Published (msn.com)

Nobel Winner Refutes Climate Change Narrative, Points Out Ignored Factor | The Epoch Times 9-9-23
Irrelevant lane change.

Let's go back to my point. Who taught you everything g you will ever know about climate? Climate scientists.

You claim they suddenly forgot their own life's work.

Surely you see that this is absurd.
Indeed. We can go all the way back to single celled creatures.
Interestingly, researchers have proven the single-celled original life form assumption is no longer valid. That is why wiser men cut down Darwin's diseased tree of life speculation proffered in his books on evolution mythology that completely failed to offer a scientifically acceptable theory on the origin of the species.
Interestingly, researchers have proven the single-celled original life form assumption is no longer valid. That is why wiser men cut down Darwin's diseased tree of life speculation proffered in his books on evolution mythology that completely failed to offer a scientifically acceptable theory on the origin of the species.
Interestingly, researchers have proven the single-celled original life form assumption is no longer valid.

One hundred percent false.
No one knows for sure how life started be it from space or chemical reactions organics single cell , creation . Planted by aliens etc. no one can say other then those why believe in creation can say how life started
No one knows for sure how life started be it from space or chemical reactions organics single cell , creation . Planted by aliens etc. no one can say other then those why believe in creation can say how life started
That's all abiogenesis. Abiogenesis is a fact. Life formed. That's a fact. We just have to hash out the details.
That's all abiogenesis. Abiogenesis is a fact. Life formed. That's a fact. We just have to hash out the details.
Life either formed or was formed. That is not in doubt. However, there is no scientific possibility known to man for life to miraculously jump start into existence by dumb luck.
Life either formed or was formed. That is not in doubt. However, there is no scientific possibility known to man for life to miraculously jump start into existence by dumb luck.
The formation of life is called abiogenesis.

And luck is not involved. Physical forces are not random.