Welcome to Obama's Amerika

Study: 15 percent of US youth out of school, work

WASHINGTON (AP) — Almost 6 million young people are neither in school nor working, according to a study released Monday. That's almost 15 percent of those aged 16 to 24 who have neither desk nor job, according to The Opportunity Nation coalition, which wrote the report.

The coalition also finds that 49 states have seen an increase in the number of families living in poverty and 45 states have seen household median incomes fall in the last year. The dour report underscores the challenges young adults face now and foretell challenges they are likely to face as they get older.
Rising child poverty pushes American dream out of reach for many

Two studies released this month point to a troubling demographic shift that puts the American dream out of reach for an increasing number of U.S. citizens, especially children.

The Southern Education Foundation found that, for the first time in 40 years, the majority of public school students in 13 southern and four western states are living at poverty levels.

"We've had very slow economic growth, and particularly falling real wages for workers with less experience and less education for more than 30 years. So, this is a long trend in the making," said Sheldon Danziger, president of the Russell Sage Foundation.

Another study by the group Opportunity Nation found that one in seven young adults between the ages of 16-24 is "disconnected" -- meaning neither in school, nor working.
I hope you all keep it that way. It might be the last refuge.
The Feds are pouring in the illegals at the moment. It is unbelievable how many are here now! The leftist are hell bent on changing Texas into a blue state. You know as well as I do once that happens our great Country is lost forever.

Something needs to be done .... and soon!
Homeland Security Spends $80 Million On Armed Guards for “Civil Disturbances”

IRS buildings to be protected; What is the federal government preparing for?

Paul Joseph Watson


October 21, 2013

The Department of Homeland Security is set to spend $80 million dollars on hiring a raft of armed guards to protect IRS and other government buildings in upstate New York during “public demonstrations” and “civil disturbances,” once again prompting concerns that the federal agency is preparing for food stamp riots, anti-tax demonstrations or some other form of domestic unrest.

A National Police Force is unConstitutional. But, obviously that is not stopping Obama from creating his own Gestapo!

So much for the 10th Amendment which basically guarantees the powers that were not granted to the federal government were therefore given to the states. Establishing a police force was never granted to the Federal Government. That power was considered best to be given to states and their local officials.

In September 17, 1997 Congressman Ron Paul stated in his speech to the House Speaker in the House of Representatives in Congress over the recent broadening powers given to the Federal Government that,” Under the constitution, there was never meant to be a Federal police force. Even an FBI limited only to investigations was not accepted until this century.”

It was the intentions of our founders to limit the power of government to create a more free society. What, if anything, does the government or the Obama Administration, hope to achieve in creating such a powerful police?

One can only be reminded about what Germany did before World War II. Tell me if this does not give you a moment of pause.

First, in order to get Germany out of a financial depression, Hitler quickly past legislation that gave his government power to take over the banking system. Next, Hitler lead the government to take over most of Germany’s industrial industries in hopes to lessen the unemployment rate.

Last, but not least, Hitler took over all police powers in the country and created the Gestapo. By doing this Hitler guaranteed his grasp over his country and the Nazi Party began its long, but failed, crusade in taking over the world.

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