What Brings You Here ?


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2007
I think answers to this would be interesting.

I come here to hone my opinions with people intelligent enough to explain their opinions.

And I don't mind a clash of ideas.
I think I come here to learn the different views (hopefully rational views that have facts to support them) that people might have on a certain issue.

I also come here to let my thoughts be heard by everyone in the world.
There are more people reading this than I thought, if you look at the "viewed".

I wonder why more of them don't write anything. Shy I guess.
My friends are too lazy to join.

But maybe it is better to go for quality than quantity
You have some pretty good people so far.
My friends are too lazy to join.

But maybe quality is better than quantity ?
Unless you are planning ads
You have some pretty good people here.
Sorry I tried to delete the first one because of the question mark.

For ads I guess you would want a giant demographic.
I come here because no other adults I know in the offline world like to talk about this stuff very much, although both my kids do.

Also - to be truthful - I get more motivation to learn something if learning it will help me win an argument.

It would be very interesting if your kids joined and you guys engaged in some "debates". I really wonder what the outcome would be.. hehehe.. be sure to let me know if they do join.
I'm an art student nearing the end of my freshman year in college and, as I believe that good art tends to have a socio-political message of some kind (even if it isn't the main theme) I'm here to assist in developing and discovering my own personal political identity.

It would be very interesting if your kids joined and you guys engaged in some "debates". I really wonder what the outcome would be.. hehehe.. be sure to let me know if they do join.

Oh, you would see the dust fly then !!!
I'm an art student nearing the end of my freshman year in college and, as I believe that good art tends to have a socio-political message of some kind (even if it isn't the main theme) I'm here to assist in developing and discovering my own personal political identity.

You're only 18 or 19 years old? Well that explains a lot... You should drop the attitude and be more open to new information. Free your mind.

Give the following a read:
