What if every one talked like Biden

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes it would be a really funny thing, but sad that our President actually talks like this .
His mind seems a bit clogged with information from his days as a professor or as from all the tricks his daddy the used car salesman has imprinted on him . He is so dignified and special .
But now I see why I am so hard on him as I dont speak Biden very well like some do and just do not comprehend what he is saying in moron .
Its my fault .
Yes good old plain speaking Joe Biden , I can see why liberals voted for him none of therm knew what l he was talking about.
Its almost like Elmer Fudd and Donald duck had a kid together and named it hoe Biden

You know other world leaders look at Joe and go why in the hell did they elect a moron like that .
I can see why liberal defend Biden . They are embarrassed they elected such a moron .
So instead of admitting that he's a stooge they need to defend him so they do not have to admit to themselves they made really poor choice . Perhaps the worse choice in history .
Just think about a world leader having a private talk with joe mumbles. Lol he would walk away asking his aide what the hell was that moron saying ? Or can you believe Americans were stupid enough to elect a lying idiot like that ?