What was worrying Garland that caused him to issue "shoot to kill" directives to agents raiding mar-a-Lago?

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
There is something sinister about Garland's directive. Who he expecting his heavily armed agents might have to kill? The maid? Illegals from Mexico or some other nation? President Trump? Melania? Barron? Secret service agents?

There is something seriously wrong with Garland that Congress needs to look into.
The policy statement on the “use of deadly force,” which appeared in an operations order for the Mar-a-Lago search, is not evidence of a plot to kill Trump. It is a Department of Justice policy that is standard to include in such documents.

“The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force,” the agency said in a statement. “No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter.”

As it appears in the operations order, the policy stipulates in part that Department of Justice officers “may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.” The policy is in the department’s Justice Manual with only minor differences in wording to what is included in the order and is summarized on the FBI’s website.

You morons are so stupid lol
There is something sinister about Garland's directive. Who he expecting his heavily armed agents might have to kill? The maid? Illegals from Mexico or some other nation? President Trump? Melania? Barron? Secret service agents?

There is something seriously wrong with Garland that Congress needs to look into.
Grow up you nutter. You know quite well its bullshit.
The policy statement on the “use of deadly force,” which appeared in an operations order for the Mar-a-Lago search, is not evidence of a plot to kill Trump. It is a Department of Justice policy that is standard to include in such documents.

“The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force,” the agency said in a statement. “No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter.”

As it appears in the operations order, the policy stipulates in part that Department of Justice officers “may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.” The policy is in the department’s Justice Manual with only minor differences in wording to what is included in the order and is summarized on the FBI’s website.
Imagine Garland issuing a shoot to kill directive for cops going in to break up violent pro-Palestinian mobs.
You morons are so stupid lol
It wasn't a shoot to kill directive
God you are so stupid lol
Who was Garland afraid of that caused him to issue a shoot to kill directive? The maid? President Trump? A little kid? A secret service agent? An illegal Biden crossing gangster from Guatamala or Iran? Something had Garland scared stiff.

What did I miss? Garland did issue a directive authorizing lethal force in the raid on President Trump's home, did he not? Was he expecting armed mercenaries to come out of the woodwork and engage in a bloody firefight? If not, what was Garland afraid was going to happend that might require armed agents to open fire with their assault weapons? Garland had to be aware that issuing such a directive cound result in gunfire and dead bodies. Maybe Garland anticipated a deranged Trump-hating gangster crashing the gates in an attemopt to get at President Trump and having to be shot down by armed FBI agents on the ready with guns cocked and loaded. But were there no armed secret service agents already there to protect president Trump?

I think such actions are just more examples of leftist incompetence and bad judgment.
What did I miss? Garland did issue a directive authorizing lethal force in the raid on President Trump's home, did he not?
Again, that is standard procedure for when making a raid. Spin anyhow you like but it's not true.

Was he expecting armed mercenaries to come out of the woodwork and engage in a bloody firefight? If not, what was Garland afraid was going to happend that might require armed agents to open fire with their assault weapons?
You appear to know what his directives were but now ask what his reasons were. You find out and tell us.
Garland had to be aware that issuing such a directive cound result in gunfire and dead bodies. Maybe Garland anticipated a deranged Trump-hating gangster crashing the gates in an attemopt to get at President Trump and having to be shot down by armed FBI agents on the ready with guns cocked and loaded. But were there no armed secret service agents already there to protect president Trump?
Trump deranged gangsters rioted on j6.
I think such actions are just more examples of leftist incompetence and bad judgment.
You shouldn't think because it's obvious your thought process is corrupted. It's also shows how your dementia is increasing.
Again, that is standard procedure for when making a raid. Spin anyhow you like but it's not true.
I never read anything about Garland authorizing the use of deadly force where agents entered Biden's home to collect documents Biden had stolen years or even decades earlier. This is a clear example of hateful political bias and injustice.
I never read anything about Garland authorizing the use of deadly force where agents entered Biden's home to collect documents Biden had stolen years or even decades earlier. This is a clear example of hateful political bias and injustice.
It's not my fault you don't know the law.
There is something sinister about Garland's directive. Who he expecting his heavily armed agents might have to kill? The maid? Illegals from Mexico or some other nation? President Trump? Melania? Barron? Secret service agents?

There is something seriously wrong with Garland that Congress needs to look into.
Congress is part of the problem as they have never solved anything
It wasn't a shoot to kill directive
God you are stupid lol
It is just a directive, as in the case of Waco. If you encounter resistence then shoot (to wound?) as necessary, even if that means killing more than 2 dozen children you are supposedly trying to 'rescue.'