What was worrying Garland that caused him to issue "shoot to kill" directives to agents raiding mar-a-Lago?

Here's some facts you're unfamiliar with.
Btw. They were unarmed at Mara Lago. You conveniently forgot that.

You really should stop putting your faith in the lying crap being propagated by demonic leftist liars. They are filling your head with lying crap.

DOJ and FBI silent following raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home​

ByJerry Dunleavy
https://api.whatsapp.com/send?text=DOJ+and+FBI+silent+following+raid+of+Trump’s+Mar-a-Lago+home https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/687416/doj-and-fbi-silent-following-raid-of-trumps-mar-a-lago-home/

August 9, 2022 7:29 pm
More than 24 hours after raiding former President Donald Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago, the Justice Department and FBI remain tight-lipped about the purpose and justification behind the raid.

Wyn Hornbuckle, the DOJ’s deputy director of public affairs, told the Washington Examiner that “we’ll decline to comment” on the raid of Trump’s Florida home, while a spokesperson for the FBI’s national press office said that ”we have no comment on this matter.” The search warrant and FBI affidavit for the raid remain sealed.
They need to raid Mar A Lago again, and raid Bedminster as well. I am pretty sure they will find even more documents.

Trump hires a staff of dozens at Mar A Lago, and years after he made off with the documents, Trump was claiming that he hadn't done anything abut sorting out the documents because they were crammed into boxes with tennis shoes and golfing laundry.

Apparently, Trump's staff were incapable of separating the documents from the dirty laundry. Is that the sort of person we want running the White House?
Were the agents told that deadly force could be used if needed? Yes. Why? Apparently Garland had his reason for arming his agents with loaded weapons as they entered Trump's house populated by Trump family members, servants, secret service agents, and possible friends, not to mention civilians all around the golf course who could have been shot if Garland's anticipated firefight had broken out.

Democrats don't take chances when dealing with defenseless citizens their bosses want terrorized by a show of excessive mob force of body-armored swat police storm troopers armed to the teeth and ready to shoot if the need arises.

View attachment 13881
Every search warrant allows deadly force if needed, legal ***** its standard procedure is why duh
There was nothing unique about Trump's
There was no shoot to kill directive
God you are stupid lol
What a lying ***** who lied about a directive th8nks doesn't matter duh
Demos have a habit of using massive excessive force in front of cameras for the best effect when arresting their enemies for accusations of minor crimes. That is how the Biden secret police took down old man Stone at his house in his pajamas for saying things the democrats did not approve of.
Demos have a habit of using massive excessive force in front of cameras for the best effect when arresting their enemies for accusations of minor crimes. That is how the Biden secret police took down old man Stone at his house in his pajamas for saying things the democrats did not approve of.
Habit? Prove it, lying *****
Perhaps I should have also said that if you cannot prove you are right then just skip it because you couldn't prove it even if you wanted to.
You can say anything you like
But you are a lying ***** as long as you make stupid claims and don't prove them
You really should stop putting your faith in the lying crap being propagated by demonic leftist liars. They are filling your head with lying crap.
Garland is demonic???
Your stretching it a bit now boy.
It is quite clear to everyone but you what the raid was for. It discovered further classified docos hidden in Trump's bedroom. Four in fact.
That picture was taken during the initial raid, not the other day.

Wyn Hornbuckle, the DOJ’s deputy director of public affairs, told the Washington Examiner that “we’ll decline to comment” on the raid of Trump’s Florida home, while a spokesperson for the FBI’s national press office said that ”we have no comment on this matter.” The search warrant and FBI affidavit for the raid remain sealed.
Why would they have to blurt out every reason they do anything? We know what they were doing and so do you. It's no secret at all.
Where's the conspiracy to hide something.