What was worrying Garland that caused him to issue "shoot to kill" directives to agents raiding mar-a-Lago?

Only a demented devil would sent a horde of heavily armed storm troopers into a safe house to look for papers with instructions to open fire on whoever is there is they deem it necessary.

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they always are allowed to "open fire if necessary", *****.
that has nothing to do with trump, it has to do with their everyday job. Its why we arm law enforcement agents, *****, and authorize deadly force if necessary. duh.
god you are stupid
they always are allowed to "open fire if necessary", *****.
that has nothing to do with trump, it has to do with their everyday job. Its why we arm law enforcement agents, *****, and authorize deadly force if necessary. duh.
god you are stupid
Cop: Chief, the suspect is refusing to stand down and is going for something in his seat.
Chief: You have authorization to use deadly force as needed. That is standard procedure.
Cop: Chief, the suspect is refusing to stand down and is going for something in his seat.
Chief: You have authorization to use deadly force as needed. That is standard procedure.
Yes self defense is always standard procedure, legal *****
Trump's resort hotel was not anything that anyone could call a "safe house".
Maybe we would be more successful in cleaning up the scum in our inner cities if we sent platoons of heavily armed swat teams into crime infested neighborhoods with guns blazing?
There is something sinister about Garland's directive. Who he expecting his heavily armed agents might have to kill? The maid? Illegals from Mexico or some other nation? President Trump? Melania? Barron? Secret service agents?

There is something seriously wrong with Garland that Congress needs to look into.
Same shit that Bush was thinking when he had JFK murdered