Whatever happened to Afghanistan


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2007
Have we just left this country to die? I know that we still have forces on the ground but our reconstruction allocations in that country are pathetic and the fact that outside of Kabul there is virtually no government or military juridiction. It's still open season for warlords and the like. How did we forget about this country so quickly?
Yes we have. And plenty of British soldiers get killed there every day. And once Iraq is stable enough for the troops to leave without the loss of anything to do with oil they will leave it in ruins as well and move on to Iran.
I hate Afghanistan. I hate the Afghans.

Since when is it our responsibility to stand up a "sovereign" nation's military? Our role has traditionally been much simpler: Destroy the enemy's ability to make war. Not, pump billions of US dollars into their economy, build an infrastructure, support that infrastructure, train their corrupt officers to discipline their peasant soldiers, and constantly remind them to show up to work, pretty please.

The worst part, is that they believe that for whatever reason, we owe it to them. Owing to Afghanistan's strategic importance of bisecting the two great empires of the late 18th-century, the Russians and the British, both sides began a forward courtship with the burgeoning country. This lead to an expectation that the people of that nation were owed tribute simply for being Afghan. I do not subscribe to this belief. If anything, those cocksuckers owe our troops for giving up decent lives to come out to their ****-hole country and play ****ing nurse maid to a bunch of grown up children whose heads are so swelled with pride for being Afghan Muslim males, that whenever they **** up or steal something, which is often, it is uniformly someone else's fault. This particular quality is more Muslim than Afghan, but that doesn't make it any less irritating.

Another ****ed up Muslim tradition is the male on male sex party every Thursday night. Our Western media staples don't highlight this custom very often, but every Thursday night is a Manlove bonanza. In the Muslim tradition, men are to be used for pleasure, and women are for procreation. It is forbidden for a woman to have a sexual encounter with another woman. A machismo culture of bisexual males who pee sitting down, like a woman, that doesn't allow any girl-on-girl? I still can't wrap my ****ing head around that. Which brings me to the issue of personal hygiene. The Proud Beggar man-****ers pride themselves on being clean. Cleanliness is next to Godliness and all that. These are people who bath about once or twice a month, who wipe their ****ty assholes with their bare hands and smear the fecal manner on a nearby wall, and pack their open wounds with chewing tobacco. Personal hygiene is a real work in progress at this point.
I hate Afghanistan. I hate the Afghans.
You are, of course, entitled to your opinion.

Since when is it our responsibility to stand up a "sovereign" nation's military? Our role has traditionally been much simpler: Destroy the enemy's ability to make war. Not, pump billions of US dollars into their economy, build an infrastructure, support that infrastructure, train their corrupt officers to discipline their peasant soldiers, and constantly remind them to show up to work, pretty please.
Here's your scenario. We go in, we destroy the enemy's ability to make war...and then ten, twenty years down the line they've rebuilt and developed an even stronger grudge against us than they had before. Personally I'd rather make them an ally. Keep going with your strategy and eventually the whole world would hate us. And contrary to what you may believe we can't fight the whole world.

The worst part, is that they believe that for whatever reason, we owe it to them. Owing to Afghanistan's strategic importance of bisecting the two great empires of the late 18th-century, the Russians and the British, both sides began a forward courtship with the burgeoning country. This lead to an expectation that the people of that nation were owed tribute simply for being Afghan. I do not subscribe to this belief. If anything, those cocksuckers owe our troops for giving up decent lives to come out to their ****-hole country and play ****ing nurse maid to a bunch of grown up children whose heads are so swelled with pride for being Afghan Muslim males, that whenever they **** up or steal something, which is often, it is uniformly someone else's fault. This particular quality is more Muslim than Afghan, but that doesn't make it any less irritating.
They want help from someone who can help them. Is that so hard to understand? Whether or not we give it to them is still up to us. If we give it to them we are benevolent; if we do not we are selfish. Self-image there.

Another ****ed up Muslim tradition is the male on male sex party every Thursday night. Our Western media staples don't highlight this custom very often, but every Thursday night is a Manlove bonanza. In the Muslim tradition, men are to be used for pleasure, and women are for procreation. It is forbidden for a woman to have a sexual encounter with another woman. A machismo culture of bisexual males who pee sitting down, like a woman, that doesn't allow any girl-on-girl? I still can't wrap my ****ing head around that. Which brings me to the issue of personal hygiene. The Proud Beggar man-****ers pride themselves on being clean. Cleanliness is next to Godliness and all that. These are people who bath about once or twice a month, who wipe their ****ty assholes with their bare hands and smear the fecal manner on a nearby wall, and pack their open wounds with chewing tobacco. Personal hygiene is a real work in progress at this point.
Different societies have different customs and not all of them adhere to your own societally-programed sense of right and wrong. We monitor human rights violations and the things about women are violations; however, how Muslims choose to wipe their asses, piss, or spend their Thursday nights, absent violations of human rights, is entirely up to them.
Here's your scenario. We go in, we destroy the enemy's ability to make war...and then ten, twenty years down the line they've rebuilt and developed an even stronger grudge against us than they had before. Personally I'd rather make them an ally. Keep going with your strategy and eventually the whole world would hate us. And contrary to what you may believe we can't fight the whole world.

I tell you what, if you care about the Afghans so much get your butt on over there and save em. You may have a different outlook though once you've been burned, swindled or even robbed a few times. Our military's job is to defend America, not turn ungrateful Afghan Muslims into the next Pepsi Generation.

They want help from someone who can help them. Is that so hard to understand? Whether or not we give it to them is still up to us. If we give it to them we are benevolent; if we do not we are selfish. Self-image there.

The subdued work ethic of the modern day Afghan is like that of an communist-era Russian on steroids.

Different societies have different customs and not all of them adhere to your own societally-programed sense of right and wrong. We monitor human rights violations and the things about women are violations; however, how Muslims choose to wipe their asses, piss, or spend their Thursday nights, absent violations of human rights, is entirely up to them.

My cynicism of all things Afghan did not arrive spontaneously. It takes a few months for the intolerance to seep in, but sure as a morning wood, it does.
I tell you what, if you care about the Afghans so much get your butt on over there and save em. You may have a different outlook though once you've been burned, swindled or even robbed a few times. Our military's job is to defend America, not turn ungrateful Afghan Muslims into the next Pepsi Generation.
Are you, sir, a member of the armed forces? Despite the screenname I have some sneaking suspicion that you are. Otherwise I can't imagine that you would have formed such personal views of Afghans.
And by encouraging democracy in a former terrorist stronghold, our troops are defending America. Pro actively. They're keeping the enemy from moving in and setting up bases by taking away venues for them to do so.

The subdued work ethic of the modern day Afghan is like that of an communist-era Russian on steroids.
This too is partially our fault. All assistance should necessarily come with assurances of work on the other side. In other words unilateral assistance is wrong, whereas bilateral agreements are the good stuff.

My cynicism of all things Afghan did not arrive spontaneously. It takes a few months for the intolerance to seep in, but sure as a morning wood, it does.
Once again, I would ask if you are or have been a member of the armed forces. If not I don't see how you would have formulated such strong views on Afghani citizens. If so than that would explain your close contact with them, which is, in my opinion, the only way such incredibly strong opinions about a people may be formed.
One last (and completely unrelated) thing. "Sure as a morning wood"? What does that mean?
And by encouraging democracy in a former terrorist stronghold, our troops are defending America. Pro actively. They're keeping the enemy from moving in and setting up bases by taking away venues for them to do so.

I get tired of having to say it, but: not everybody thinks like we think. Not everybody wants what we want. The Pushtun (who are the biggest tribe in the country, if you can call it that, by far) want (a) somebody to kill; (b) women kept in their place, somewhere between the clay oven and the livestock; (c) nobody reminding them that there are other ways to live.

Pushtuns are, now how can I say this nicely(so the democrats dont start whining), ****ing batshiat insane. The craziest Taliban rules, like demanding every man have a beard thats at least ZZ Top length, aren't Mohammed's rules; they're just Pushtun tribal ways. It's like if the Baptists took over in your town, they'd make it God's rule that every guy had to have an extended cab on his pickup, and if you asked where in Scripture it says that, they'd shoot you. That's the Pushtun way: total tribal insanity, all the time. They're so "sexist" that feminists might like them, because they don't even think of women as "sex objects." To a Pushtun guy, nine-year-old boys are the sexiest thing on earth.

This too is partially our fault. All assistance should necessarily come with assurances of work on the other side. In other words unilateral assistance is wrong, whereas bilateral agreements are the good stuff.

give this man a job at the UN.
I've just read all of your posts Armchair general, and they are all either ignorant, arrogant, rude, stupid, ridiculous, racist, or inflamitory. You are obviously very angry at Afgans, are you sure you didn't get overpowered and raped by a Muslim stereotype once?

I don't know what this thursday gay sex orgy is about but I'm sure its about as common in Muslim nations as people being stoned for wearing clothes of two different fibres in the United States. As for them wiping their arses with their hands etc. they probably do this because they are poor (and they still probably use grass) and while you laze around being an total cuñt in your rich nation watching them get bombed the **** out of by your forces. You are a total and utter penis and you are not debating you are just someone who deserves to be tortured by some American soldiers in an Afghan prison so you shut your ****ing mouth. You probably sit round with some other far right nazi cunts fantasising about Muslim sam sex orgies and dirty Afghans. I hope one of the moderators knows something about computers and fills your hard drive up with porn so you go to jail and get men ****ing your precious hatred filled arsehole.

IM being completely truthful here.

The Afghans are not interested in becoming entrepreneurs or learning self-esteem or personal hygiene or compassion or any of that crap. And let's be honest, the joy they felt running around Central Asia blowing up Buddhas and blasting infidels is the same joy a frat boy feels running around a 10-kegger party with a bra on his head. It's pure fun 'n joy, Pushtun-style.

So once we'd taken Afghanistan we had this leftover problem, which was that nearly half the population consisted of these lunatics who had no stake in "peace," didn't want "peace," and thought "peace" was a lot of newfangled nonsense only fit for heterosexuals, foreigners, and assorted sissies. Especially because "peace" came to their town on tanks and APCs driven by their old enemies the Tajiks and Uzbeks.
Afghanistan is no longer important. We shot our wad there, and now we've moved on to bigger and more important things - like building an 110 acre embassy in Iraq.

The Marshal Plan this ain't.