White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up

Denying, destroying, and dismissing the massive evidence of widespread 2020 election fraud does not prove the evidence is wrong.
It wouldn't if you had it but we know what you have is not worth a glass of warm phlegm. You still barking at the moon. Rave on silly man.
It wouldn't if you had it but we know what you have is not worth a glass of warm phlegm. You still barking at the moon. Rave on silly man.
The evidence of massive voter fraud is very difficult for Democrats to try to make disappear, but they do give it their best in failed efforts.
The evidence of massive voter fraud is very difficult for Democrats to try to make disappear, but they do give it their best in failed efforts.
Nothing to make disappear since courts have laughed at it
No one cares what you morons believe because you are hateful pathetic morons having a tantrum

The only failed efforts are... yours lol


Enrique Tarrio = 22 Years


"On deck.....Donald Trump!!!!"
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Democrats are hateful, vile, corrupt, and wicked. Having stolen the power to do so they are now trashing the Constitution and unjustly persecuting their enemies for political reasons like a mob of tribal barbarian savages.
You mean Republicans
You morons are disgusting
You mean Republicans
You morons are disgusting
Soros-backed Marxist DAs are not arresting leftist crooks for crimes the leftist DOJ continues to overlook and cover up, but they are inventing reasons to arrest and jail non-Democrats for political reasons.
Soros-backed Marxist DAs are not arresting leftist crooks for crimes the leftist DOJ continues to overlook and cover up, but they are inventing reasons to arrest and jail non-Democrats for political reasons.
Video proof isn't invented ***** duh


Joseph Padilla = 6 1/2 Years
Trump supporter gets more than 6 years for minor offenses on Jan 6, 2020.


No violent leftist Democrat rioter went to prison for the violence in front of the White House in May-June 2020, because leftists do not prosecute leftists like they do Trump supporters.

More than 60 officers were injured during the Democrat riots in front of the White House in may and June of 2020, and 11 officers were hospitalized. Nobody was charged and convicted for those seditious crimes.


Protests Near White House Spiral Out of Control Again - The New York Times (nytimes.com) 5-31-20

Protests Near White House Spiral Out of Control Again (edited for space)

Washington’s mayor imposed a curfew and activated the National Guard, but the demonstrations over the killing of George Floyd turned into a repeat of the previous night.

Hundreds of people surged in front of the White House for a third straight night on Sunday. Credit...Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

By Shawn McCreesh

Published May 31, 2020Updated Sept. 17, 2020

WASHINGTON — Despite an 11 p.m. curfew imposed by Mayor Muriel E. Bowser and the activation of the National Guard, protests near the White House fueled by anger over the police killing of George Floyd spiraled out of control again on Sunday night.

... Some protesters broke into offices. Others started fires, one of which may have spread to the basement of St. John’s, the Episcopal church that has been attended at least once by every chief executive going back to James Madison. Firefighters soon put out the flames.


Hundreds of people surged in front of the White House for a third straight night. At 8 p.m., troops could be seen marching across the South Lawn as President Trump sat inside, tweeting about law and order.

The protesters reclaimed a slice of Lafayette Square that had been the dividing line with the police on Saturday night. As they got closer to the White House, teenagers covered a park bathroom structure in graffiti like “AMERIKKKA” and climbed atop for a better view. The police periodically lobbed tear gas into the crowd and announced over a megaphone their intent to push the protesters back. But as night fell, they had yet to succeed.

But as the evening continued, the demonstrations turned into a repeat of the previous night. The police reclaimed ground in the park, and the crowds retreated to H Street. There, they started a giant bonfire in front of St. John’s Church. The bathroom structure in the park was also set ablaze. On I Street, a car burned.



A fire in a maintenance building in Lafayette Square was one of several set on Sunday.Credit...Samuel Corum/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Mr. Trump, who returned to the White House on Saturday evening after a day at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, had suggested in a tweet that Saturday would be “MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE” and that his supporters might turn out in their red “Make America Great Again” caps. But there were no red caps to be seen among a sea of hundreds flooding H Street.

By 9 p.m., tensions between the police and a growing crowd of protesters broke out, with demonstrators wresting the barricades from the police, who in turn volleyed canisters of tear gas into the crowd.

A flaming dumpster illuminated the police as some demonstrators hurled bricks and other projectiles their way.

By 11 p.m., a Chevy Suburban on I Street was in flames and the crowds fanned out, smashing windows and trying to wreck as much as they could.

By 5 p.m. Sunday, there were already hundreds of people protesting outside the White House.
gS9i5[1].webp Trump supporter gets more than 6 years for minor offenses on Jan 6, 2020.
"Padilla, an Iraq War veteran from Cleveland, Tennessee, is accused of assaulting D.C. Metropolitan Police officers trying to hold back the crowd forcing their way into the U.S. Capitol on January 6, including hurling a pole into a crowd of officers, while threatening them and encouraging the crowd to shove them back."

Which big words were giving you the most trouble?
"Padilla, an Iraq War veteran from Cleveland, Tennessee, is accused of assaulting D.C. Metropolitan Police officers trying to hold back the crowd forcing their way into the U.S. Capitol on January 6, including hurling a pole into a crowd of officers, while threatening them and encouraging the crowd to shove them back."
View attachment 7586

Which big words were giving you the most trouble?
Hundreds of cops were injured in leftist "peaceful protest riots" with few arrests and convictions while hundreds of protesters of leftist voter fraud were arrested and convicted by leftists of crimes against the Democrat party.

Go figger.
View attachment 7592

Too-much talk + no details / facts = View attachment 7593
View attachment 7594
Don't believe the leftist lies about the protests sponsored by the Democrats in 2020 to try to make President Trump look bad. Democrats were lying when they claimed the protests were mostly peaceful, did minimal damage, and very few cops were injured. The fact is there were hundreds of protests spanning just a few months resulting in the injuries of thousands of cops with more than a billion dollars damage to property, with few arrests and convictions by left-leaning and woke-influenced law enforcement and justice officials.

2,000+ cops injured in 2020 riots in NYC, LA, Houston and more, police group says | American Military News 12-2-20

2,000+ cops injured in 2020 riots in NYC, LA, Houston and more, police group says

Police in Portland, Oregon respond to protests. (Dave Killen/The Oregonian/TNS)

Over 2,000 police officers sustained injuries in the line of duty during the first weeks of demonstrations that began May 26 over the death of George Floyd while in custody of the Minneapolis Police Department one day prior.

The Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), a professional organization of police leaders in the largest cities throughout the United States and Canada, released a report in October detailing the civil unrest that spread through MCCA members cities from May 25 to July 31, leading to 2,037 injured officers.

During that roughly two-month period, the report showed there were
8,700 demonstrations that occurred in 68 major cities and counties in the United States and Canada. In a single jurisdiction, the largest number of protests were in Los Angeles County and New York City, with each reporting over 1,000 events.

Of the 8,700 demonstrations, 574 were declared riots that included violence and other criminal activity.
Ninety-four percent of major city police agencies dealt with a least one protest that included unlawful but non-violent acts, like disrupting a public roadway. For 79 percent of agencies, at least one demonstration involved violence, and about 72 percent reported officers harmed during protests.

While the report concludes that just 7 percent of demonstrations were violent and that most of the violent acts were committed by individuals or small groups, the staggering number of demonstrations were a challenge for law enforcement.

“Nonetheless, the sheer volume of protests, combined with the level of civil disobedience and existence of some ultra-violent events, created an extraordinarily challenging environment for law enforcement agencies,” the report stated.

The MCCA based their findings on law enforcement accounts of the protests from each jurisdiction, with the scope being limited to the experience of police in MCCA affiliated cities.

The organization represents 78 of the largest law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Canada. The MCCA serves 79.9 million people and includes a workforce of 251,082 officers and non-commissioned personnel.

The majority of cities that experienced civil unrest this year are members of MCCA. Of those cities, Houston had the largest number of people in a single event with 60,000 demonstrators. More than 62 percent of Portland, Oregon, demonstrations included violence, with more than 100 consecutive nights of riots.

The demonstrations also included 2,385 looting incidents, 624 arson incidents, and 97 police cars burned. The most common types of weapons used by demonstrators during violent attacks were rocks, bricks, frozen water bottles, fireworks, and wooden, metal, or plastic bats.

“One agency reported dumpsters, trash cans, trees, furniture and vehicles being set on fire,” the report stated. “In many cities, city hall, as well as other iconic public buildings and federal courthouses were targets of arson.”

Throughout the 10 weeks listed in the report, over 16,200 people were arrested for crimes related to the demonstrations, but more than half of the police agencies said local attorneys declined to prosecute the cases.

The report stated that, “In some instances, prosecutors refused to charge those arrested for felony crimes committed during the protests despite the availability of video evidence and suspect confessions.”