White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up

Trump was tied to the mob? That is bad publicity for President Trump. The Clintons are tied to dozens of inexplicable and unsolved murders of witnesses to their alleged corruption? That is bad publicity for the Clintons.


Joseph Padilla = 6 1/2 Years

Amid demonstrations, liberal elites praise violence as protest tool (bostonherald.com) 6-5-20
Amid demonstrations, liberal elites praise violence as protest tool


Leftists excuse violence they support, organize and commit. They condemn any protests against Democrat crimes and corruption.


Joseph Padilla = 6 1/2 Years


More than 60 Secret Service officers injured at White House: Hit with rocks, fireworks, bottles, fists, bodily fluids

Posted by: LET Staff|May 31, 2020 |

WASHINGTON, DC – They came under attack… and still managed to hold the line.

Saturday overnight into Sunday, United States Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers and Special Agents came under attack.


2,000+ cops injured in 2020 riots in NYC, LA, Houston and more, police group says | American Military News 12-2-20

Throughout the 10 weeks listed in the report, over 16,200 people were arrested for crimes related to the demonstrations, but more than half of the police agencies said local attorneys declined to prosecute the cases.


Joseph Padilla = 6 1/2 Years
Cops shot during 2020 Democrat violence:


Leftists were fired up about the officers they claimed were murdered by J-6 protesters, even though no officers were murdered by J-6 protesters. But they had a different approach to the officers who really did get assaulted and some killed by leftist protesters in the violent 2020 riots Democrats dishonestly said were "mostly peaceful."

That is hypocrisy due to bias and leftist delusion.

Liars will make just about any sort of wicked false accusations against innocent people for money. Thankfully, the Bible has a final word for these dishonest people:

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
scared-smiley-emoticon[1].gif Liars will make just about any sort of wicked false accusations against innocent people for money. Thankfully, the Bible has a final word for these dishonest people:

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
41-year-old mother of eight gets five years for doing minor damage during the mostly peaceful Jan 6 protest and 41-year-old Trump hater gets five years for murdering a teenager he thought might have been a non-homosexual conservative.

BREAKING: North Dakota man who ran over, killed conservative teen sentenced to 5 years in prison​

Brandt's prison term will be reduced by almost a year for time served under house arrest.
41-year-old mother of eight gets five years for doing minor damage during the mostly peaceful Jan 6 protest and 41-year-old Trump hater gets five years for murdering a teenager he thought might have been a non-homosexual conservative.

BREAKING: North Dakota man who ran over, killed conservative teen sentenced to 5 years in prison​

Brandt's prison term will be reduced by almost a year for time served under house arrest.

41-year-old mother of eight gets five years for doing minor damage during the mostly peaceful Jan 6 protest and 41-year-old Trump hater gets five years for murdering a teenager he thought might have been a non-homosexual conservative.

BREAKING: North Dakota man who ran over, killed conservative teen sentenced to 5 years in prison​

Brandt's prison term will be reduced by almost a year for time served under house arrest.
Mostly peaceful???
7 people died as a result of that but it's peaceful?
Where did you read it was peaceful?
You silly old fool.
Mostly peaceful???
7 people died as a result of that but it's peaceful?
Where did you read it was peaceful?
You silly old fool.
Seven people died? Who told you that? AOC claimed 10 police officers were killed and dozens of innocent citizens were hospitalized. I know that seems typical of radical leftist hair-on-fire Democrat exaggerations but what is the truth in real numbers?

Almost 10 Dead: AOC confronted after critical statement about January 6 (bizpacreview.com) 10-25-21

Almost 10 Dead: AOC confronted after critical statement about January 6
October 25, 2021
| Frank Bojazi | Print Article

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might wish there was an edit button on Twitter, as she was mocked hilariously after she posted a single message on the Rolling Stone hit piece about January 6.

In case you missed it, Rolling Stone published an article claiming that White House staffers and GOP members of Congress promised pardons to Jan. 6 organizers. AOC couldn’t wait to get her hands on Twitter to chirp about it, but it didn’t go all that well once people saw her message and noted one key detail.

The Democrat lawmaker quote-tweeted someone and added the following statement: “Any member of Congress who helped plot a terrorist attack on our nation’s capitol must be expelled. This was a terror attack. 138 injured, almost 10 dead. Those responsible remain a danger to our democracy, our country, and human life in the vicinity of our Capitol and beyond.”

For example, some Twitter users wanted to know how, statistically, there could be “almost 10 dead.” The internet didn’t hold back on AOC and quickly let her have it
Seven people died? Who told you that? AOC claimed 10 police officers were killed and dozens of innocent citizens were hospitalized. I know that seems typical of radical leftist hair-on-fire Democrat exaggerations but what is the truth in real numbers?

Almost 10 Dead: AOC confronted after critical statement about January 6 (bizpacreview.com) 10-25-21

"Bizpac Review!!!!!"
"Notable funder$ include Jim Jordan for Congress $1,293,441, Great American Patriot Project $1,102,481, Cawthorn for North Carolina $488,408, and Josh Hawley for Senate $244,084."

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