Why did Osama have to take out the WTC?


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
I'm wondering what you americans think. Did he have to take out the WTC and a few thousand americans or could he have negotiated a peace agreement? Would the US have negotiated an agreement with him if they knew how much $$money$$ it was going to cost them? There's little doubt that the US had it coming but would the warmongers have cleaned up their acts if they knew of the cost. And not only that cost but the ongoing costs over the last 7 years as the US economy begins to tank and the US standard of living is headed for 3rd. world status.

What do you americans think?
No Pocket, this is an attempt at a serious discussion. We know big money in the US doesn't care about dead people but they do care about big money losses. I'm just wondering if any Americans think this could have been negotiated with Osama. We know what his demands were and now in retrospect, could the US have acceded to his demands. For instance, could the US have left Saudi and stopped propping up the corrupt monarchy in order for the people there to finally strive to form a democracy?

And one of the other big issues, could the US have changed tactics with Israel and started to allow a policy of fairness in that country toward the Palestinian people?
Democracy? You're really slipping... Osama wants a militant theocracy based on Sharia law.

No, you forget what he was fighting for right from the beginning. Or perhaps it isn't a matter of forgetting as much as it is a fact that you never did know and you have accepted what is necessary to demonize him.

I realize that many Americans can't even come to the acceptance that the attacks were revenge attacks but you need to know that many truthful ones can do that now. That's fine and you patriotism will probably never allow you to face the truth squarely but you also need to know that the charade is over.

As is mentioned quite regularly now on the news, many Americans don't know why their country is in Iraq fighting a war, nor do they really know why they are in Afghanistan. Now the question has become one of deciding how far your country will go as it continues to lose military people for what?

For oil of course. Can the American people ever be brought along to reconcile that simple fact? Winning the Iraq war has become necessary for the US but it now appears that it is not winnable. As soon as the US leaves Iraq it loses everything it had gained.

Osama is going to win and it doesn't matter if he is alive or dead when the victory comes. For certain it won't be of much importance to even him. Now the issue is whether or not the US wants to accept a facesaver as it had imposed on it when it lost Vietnam. Or just leave it until later because the result is surely going to be the same.

The US is going to destroy itself but should I even care? I think the effect on Canada is worth it in order to ever make any strides toward world peace.
I know you feel bad about this general but that shouldn't prevent you from coming to your senses. The simple fact of the matter is that your country could have saved a lot of trouble and perhaps eventual economic destruction if it had of bargained in good faith with Osama. It didn't and Osama continued with his plan and offed about 4000 americans and took out the WTC.

The thing is general, everybody needs to learn to play fair in the 21st. century because people who are stomped on by strong military nations are unstoppable. It's just a matter of time before another one gets a nuke and turns one of your big cities into a glass parking lot.

We were all much better off during the cold war when the Soviets were a deterrant to US aggression. And hey, the Soviets may have done exactly the same thing and in fact may be beginning to do that now in Georgia. It's pretty clear to me now that Russia is taking this thing to an extreme and letting the world know that it's ready to start playing tough gys again.
Geez, you just keep dancing around your statement that OBL was fighting FOR democracy... with each of your unrelated posts, you slip farther away from reality.
You said a great number of things, none of which did anything to further your argument that OBL is fighting FOR democracy.

World peace is unobtainable... World Socialism is your goal.

GenSeneca, The last country I can remember we appeased was North Korea and that did not work. We paid them not to make dangerous things or use them, they took our money and did what ever the heck they wanted to do. That was under Clinton. Who I think appeased more than most.

Is it in any way American policy not to appease or be blackmailed by other nations? I know of no modern Republican president who thought we should, maybe it’s a party thing?
Geez, you just keep dancing around your statement that OBL was fighting FOR democracy... with each of your unrelated posts, you slip farther away from reality.

In your eyes and the eyes of americans only. The world knows now that the US had it coming and it makes it's sentiments clear with it's reception of Obama throughout Europe. There's really not much you can do about it now. Obama's world tour may not matter to your election that much but it should at least send you a message.

And don't forget the simple fact that in a popularity poll, Osama beats Bush2 hands down. I'm just trying to tell you that your country is toast unless it changes it's tune.
Alright, just so we're are clear:

You lied about OBL fighting FOR Democracy.

Saying we deserved it has nothing whatsoever to do with OBL fighting for Democracy so once again:
The world knows now that the US had it coming and it makes it's sentiments clear with it's reception of Obama throughout Europe.

Man, I wish we could get American liberals to be as honest about their beliefs as you. That said, this is an assertion, not an argument.

Re: bin Laden's designs for democracy, my understanding was that his goal was the establishment of an Islamic super-state. Insofar as that goal is undesirable, and bin Laden's demands were consistent with that goal, it makes perfect sense not to have agreed to them.

EDIT: I forgot to point out that it's generally never good policy to negotiate with terrorists, especially those with irredentist ambitions.

I'm just trying to tell you that your country is toast unless it changes it's tune.

Incidentally, I agree, but almost certainly for different reasons. So what are yours?