Why did the democrat party KILL Liberalism?

So, liberalism is dead now? Conservatism has been dead for some time now. How many other isms do we need to kill off before we get our country back on track and going the right direction?

Maybe it's time to try a little libertarianism, and perhaps some pragmatism.
So, liberalism is dead now? Conservatism has been dead for some time now. How many other isms do we need to kill off before we get our country back on track and going the right direction?

Maybe it's time to try a little libertarianism, and perhaps some pragmatism.

Maybe John Lennon was right and we need ism-ism.
The term Liberal is being quietly dropped and replaced by Progressive.

The progressive label is a scam and an effort to fool people.

American people are starting to
dislike liberals and their policies,
so the liberals have decided to change their name.

Whenever you hear someone call themselves progressive, just assume
they are really liberal.
Well said, but unlike Gip I don't think that any American should be completely ignored. We need the two sides of the political spectrum to keep us in balance, it is the freedom to disagree that makes us what we are.

I beg to differ Cupcake. I think all truthers and hard core kooky anti-American leftists and anarchists such as those who post here, need to be completely ignored and if they commit traitorous actions, executed.

I do ignore them on a regular basis, but I would never ignore you Sweetie Pie.:D

I beg to differ Cupcake. I think all truthers and hard core kooky anti-American leftists and anarchists such as those who post here, need to be completely ignored and if they commit traitorous actions, executed.

I do ignore them on a regular basis, but I would never ignore you Sweetie Pie.:D


Pssst....you sexism is showing. Yes, Gip, I understand, you are a firm believer that all the people who oppose free-speech should be silenced. You seem like one of those people who loves America but hates Americans--or at least the ones who disagree with you.

Am I the only one who thinks that advocating the killing of Americans who disagree with your politics is a distinctly un-American activity? So now, under the Patriot Act the infallible Gip is going to execute American citizens if HE thinks they have commited treason? That sounds like Gip carrying on the long tradition of the Hitlers, Saddam Husseins, Lenins, and Maos.
Most of my friends and family were once proud to be knowns as "liberals" and members of the democrat party!
Over the years the majority are no longer liberals , not because their values have changed but because the democrat party has become the party of "anti- American".Todays democrat party dislikes Jews, treats Blacks like inferiors, really avoids Asians,dislikes whites from the South and from the hills and farms in the North.
The Liberal democrat party supports Class Warfare, pits race against race , and Religion against religion. Still today the democrat party has as one of its Senators a KKK member !
The democrat party is home to Anti America protesters who defame our Military Personel and supports our foreign enemies.
Of course it was the democrat party that delivered Barack Hussien Obama into our White House , bringing us Nothing but disaster after disaster.
Not only has his misguided policies taken America to its knees, his Tax and Spend programs will make life miserable for our children and their children .America is in a sorry mess, the worst is yet to come, Inflation,and run away taxes will continue to cripple America. Many say Obama is doing his damage on purpose, his intent is to destroy America. Whether that is true or not does not really matter, the effect is the same. our Nation will suffer greatly for years to come due to a Obama Presidency.
What hurts me most personally , I was born and reared in a very strong democrat party home. I have seen , over the years, the radical transfer from a sane political party to an insane party. Today , the democrat party now has a president and vice - president and a Congress that matches their extreme radical and anti-American agenda.We all Suffer due to democrats!
When America falls , we will all know the guilty party!
You know, The "Tea Party", makes a lot of sense. The democrat party and the republican party w/John McCain will get us nowhere! so what do we do?
What say YOU??

We are all now just a little stupider for having even read this fearmongering manifesto.

Instead of trying to fix anything some find their comfort in just making stuff up and trying to project their own weaknesses and evil intentions and alliances onto other Americans.

The hope is that the American people will just simply forget how bad things got under the previous Republican adminsitration... the TORTURE of bound defenseless detainees... the worst economic downturn since The Great Depression (The Bush Recession)... the Abramoff and Libby criminal activities inside the Congress & White House... and the list from here just goes on & on.

I truly believe that the Far Right has read one particular Peanuts Comic way to many times & simply spends all its time trying to act it out. It goes... If you can't be right... be wrong very very loud!

Here's the difference in people. Those on the Far Right often go the lie, smear and character assassinate route attacking Democratic Americans. I on the other hand don't think that mainstream Republicans are un-American at all.

I simply don't see... Republican policies best protecting regular working families nor the poor nor the sick nor the elderly.

I see... Republicans often lead with war to appear boisterous & dominant without much consideration to less deadly & much less costly measures that could achieve us an even better and more long term advantage.

I see... Republican environmental & energy policies as in the the story The grasshopper and the ant. The "grasshopper Republican approach" fiddles away valuable time and doesn't plan nor prepare for winter (or an environmental/energy catastrophe). The "ant Democratic approach" knows winter is coming and works to prepare BEFORE there is winter (or an environmental/energy catastrophe).

All this said Republicans are certainly very American and their moderates have ideas that could be part of some solutions to problems we all face. Calling them childish names or just making stuff up about them does nothing to help anything.

When one plays the game to turn one American against another through made up fear it is clear they would not be one to follow but one to avoid.

Well said always.

There is a silver lining to all this I hope.

As liberalism dies a painful agonizing death,
conservatism will raise again to return us to a nation that abides by the Constitution as it was intended.

Let's try it....one more time!!

: believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society
: not liking or accepting changes or new ideas

: believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change
not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted

: moving forward: happening or developing gradually over a period of time
: using or interested in new or modern ideas especially in politics and education


Why did the democrat party KILL Liberalism?​

Let's try it....one more time!!


: believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society
: not liking or accepting changes or new ideas


: believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change
not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or
widely accepted


: moving forward
happening or developing gradually over a period of time
: using or interested in new or modern ideas especially in politics and
