Why do Democrat presidents refuse to acknowledge their bastard descendants?

The FBI failed to failed to interview the person who planted the bombs in DC on Jan 5 even though they know who did it. The FBI claimed it did not have Hunter's laptop before it later admitted it had. The FBI claimed they had no idea who shot Seth Rich in the street and had no idea who ransacked his apartment afterward but years later admitted it had Rich's laptop.

The FBI never questioned Hillary under oath yet declared her innocent of all charges, and the FBI accused Trump with collusion in spite of the fact that they knew the accusations were false. So it is no wonder the FBI did not interview any ofn the SCOTUS justices and dropped the investigation before something 'inconvenient' turned up.

The report acknowledges in passing that, unsurprisingly, the justices also had access to the draft. However, the report is silent on whether the nine justices on the court last term were interviewed as part of the investigation, which the court called “diligent” and Chertoff described as “thorough.” It’s unclear whether the court or the chief justice would have the authority to force such interviews.
So that doesn't prove
It was an easy task duh
God you are stupid lol
The leak was not a conspiracy theory but a fact. The failure of the FBI to uncover the leaker is also not a conspiracy theory but a fact. Is the FBI incompetent, shorthanded, biased or bound to secrecy? Who knows? I'm sure many theories abound since the issue seems destined to remain unresolved, just like the murder of Seth Rich or the inexcusable death of Jeff Epstein while in the custody of apparently incompetent or corrupt jailers.
Your dumb conspiracy theories are about the black riots and leaks ***** lol
Unless u can prove them lol