Why do Democrats politizing Memorial Services?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Like first they did it to Paul Wellstones memorial service and they did it to Rosa Parks memorial service. And now the 6 people died in Arizona. Theyre supposed to be talking about the dead not blaming Bush and Tea Parties.
They're trying to wring every last political drop out of this they can - it's their desperate response to their defeat in the midterm elections.
To the leftwing, political power is literally EVERYTHING. Look at the sort of people who represent them: obozo, hillary, john edwards - people with no real accomplishment in their lives, or contribution to society. So they try to run the lives of people who ARE productive, creative, create wealth etc. For them, every single event that they are involved with, everything that makes the news, must be exploited for political advantage.
watches as you guys do exacly what your talking about....making the memorial as a cheap excuse to attack liberals

worthless drivil

Not really. Obama jets in and delays this "memoial service" until the t-shiirts withtehe catch phrase and logo are delivered and placed on the seats. There was no intent of this being anything more than a lovely photo-op for the prez. I don't begrudge him his photo-ops, heavenknows he could use some relief from the seemingly endless bad news regarding his policies, but todo it at teh expense of dead people is kinda crass. Contrast that to whatr the Congress did and note the difference.

What is really sad is that there are senseless murders every single day in America but when it happens to one rich white woman, the nation seems to stop (as shown in the media). I can see Congress doing the memorial as she is a congresscritter but Lord, the overblow over one more attempted murder is just sick.