Will the big guy pardon him

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
What do you think ?
Will Big daddy Pardon his crack head con man son if he goes to jail.

Or will Hunter testify against big daddy to keep from having to wear makeup in the big house.

Just joking about that second part.
Seriously would he or would he not party junior.
Big daddy no to far from kicking the bucket . His political career is close to ending so a major scandal like giving his con man crack head a pardon and saving the little bastards ass again is not going to hurt him much .More be a embarrassment to him.
So I think he would if it was any serious time . Got make sure daddy's little boy isn't beat silly or has his blow hole stretched .
I'm think of getting a pool together and betting on if he dies before or after he goes to jail.
Hunter is such a slime ball and Joe has saved his ass a couple times for his crimes.
It's nothing new for Congress members to do this.