You Grocery Bill is getting expensive


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Look at those food prices! They have skyrocket though the roof AND WASHINGTON ISNT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!! Why cant they pass laws that delivery truck guys cannot raise their delvery rates. The Foods arent expensive though the food companies its delivery guys who are making expensive because the price of gasolene. If those delivery guys want to raise their rates.They should go though a commisson hearing and request it like the utility companies have to go though. You cant raise the price of a telephone call or raise the price of a unit of electricy or even raise the price of a postage stamp until they go though a commisson hearing..And Cab Drivers cant raise their meter rate until they go though a commisson hearing.So i want more tougher and stricter gouching laws passed!!
Free market enterprise. Start your own chain and create some competition. The government is not the answer to just about any problem.
Spare us this one please...well what the hell Ill bite. First off, most of your posts are so full of spelling errors that I really wonder how old you are, do you need Mommy to disable NetNanny before you can post here? Also I have noticed you want to make yourself out to be a conservative. But everything you have just suggested is far left of even most democrats in DC. The price of groceries and just about any commercial good for that matter have much more involved in the cost than the cost of gasoline(not gasolene). It has to do with increased costs of insurance, health, liability etc on all parties from the grower to the retailer. Also the cost of utilities have gone up, because when the electric company pays more for whatever thier fuel soruce is, they pass it onto the customer. This isnt about taxes, it is about inflation and a failed energy policy that hinged on a successful conflict in Iraq. To say or even suggest that congress can fix this through committee meetings is a joke worthy of (insert your favorite comedian here)
See thats why I WAS SUGGESTING WE USE THOSE NUCLEAR BOMBS ON THE MIDDLE EAST!!! So what is russia gonna do about when we nuke IRAN? NOTHING!!! What is China gonna do about it when we nuke pakistan? NOTHING!!! And USA isnt gonna nuke IRAN if they Nuke Israel. The only way Russia or China will strike us if we strike them. The NUCLEAR BOMB is the only thing these arabs will understand. 1 NUKE kills 1,000,000 arabs within the hour after it ignites and will kill 5 million more arabs in a month. The Atomic Bomb gave the Japs a message didnt it? The Japs are scared of us ever since we dropped it on hiroshima on august 6th 1945.And if you ask any jap if they wanna attack the united states they will tell you """NO!!! I dont want my brothers and sisters dead too you know""" George Bush is a Pussy assed president he wont even consider launching nukes over to the middle east after 9-11. Let me tell you this..If Reagan was president or JFK was president during 9-11 i gurantee you Pakistan,Afgainstan,IRAN and IRAQ would been wiped off from the face of the globe. Cause JFK and Reagan were nobody to fool around with.Krushev learned just how dangerous JFK was.And The Soviets knew just how dangerous Reagan was too.I compared JFK & Reagan like Tony Soprano you just dont mess with those guys!
SteveOx, Are you taking your medicine? Your suggestion of nuclear holocaust is idiotic and has absolutely nothing to do with groceries. Remember, you are supposed to swallow the pills the nurses give you and then allow yourself to be strapped into the bed for a good night, and yes you can stare at your spinning mobile before you go to sleep.
I know it has nothing to do with the topic.But George Bush rathers uses our soldiers to get killed and allow NBC,CBS,ABC and CNN to make a big deal over it.Thats how the Media is about war.The Media doesnt understand people die in war. And Arabs are maniplulating Oil Prices because america is on arabic land.They use this against our sissy assed president to make the world angry at us.Thats why NUKES will scare the hell outta the arabs cause it scared the hell outta the japs when harry truman used it.

Specify a target. Basically, who deserves to get blown up over this?

So what is russia gonna do about when we nuke IRAN? NOTHING!!! What is China gonna do about it when we nuke pakistan? NOTHING!!!

The rest of the world started making lots of noise when we invaded Iraq using conventional forces. We might start to see them do a little more than make noise if we started throwing nuclear weapons around.

And USA isnt gonna nuke IRAN if they Nuke Israel.

No, because if the Iranians ever get far enough to actually be capable of nuking another country, you can bet we'll be invadin' in no time.

The only way Russia or China will strike us if we strike them.

That's one way. If they could ever figure out how to hit us without letting us hit them back, they might try that, too.

The NUCLEAR BOMB is the only thing these arabs will understand. 1 NUKE kills 1,000,000 arabs within the hour after it ignites and will kill 5 million more arabs in a month.

You'd have made a great Nazi. In fact I daresay you'd have been a better Nazi than most of the Nazis themselves.

The Atomic Bomb gave the Japs a message didnt it? The Japs are scared of us ever since we dropped it on hiroshima on august 6th 1945.

Different circumstances.

And if you ask any jap if they wanna attack the united states they will tell you """NO!!! I dont want my brothers and sisters dead too you know"""

They might also say "No," because we're allies now.

George Bush is a Pussy assed president he wont even consider launching nukes over to the middle east after 9-11.

Finally. Someone who is conclusively less intelligent than George Bush in every way.

Let me tell you this..If Reagan was president or JFK was president during 9-11 i gurantee you Pakistan,Afgainstan,IRAN and IRAQ would been wiped off from the face of the globe. Cause JFK and Reagan were nobody to fool around with.Krushev learned just how dangerous JFK was.And The Soviets knew just how dangerous Reagan was too.

And yet neither of them actually used their nuclear arsenals. You're setting a double-standard here. JFK and Reagan didn't use nukes. George Bush hasn't (and I venture to say won't) use nukes. JFK and Reagan were "tough" because their enemies respected them. George Bush isn't "tough" because he hasn't used nukes. See the problem?

I compared JFK & Reagan like Tony Soprano you just dont mess with those guys!

There just isn't enough sarcasm in the world (or the English language for that matter) to express how I felt after reading that line.
Well say what you want.But im telling you why we gotta pay $3 a gallon of gas and Prices of all kinds are getting higher because of them delivery boys pass it on the consumer.GOD i wish i was a Billionare cause i would nominate myself as candidate of the president of the united states as an independant.I would be in a presidental debate and let everyone know if elected i promise you ill make them arabs be very afraid of me. BE VERY AFRAID!!! Cause one more terrorist crap on american soil JUST ONE MORE!! Ill call for that military man with that football and ill begin to wipe out somebody.

Ring Ring!!!


Yes is this general mushharaf?



Yes our country was attacked with an dirty Bomb,, Now are you gonna turn over Osama to us?


I dont know wheres hes at!

Oh Bull**** ,,You know very well where he is ,,Now im giving you one more chance..Are you gonna turn over Bin Laden or not?


I told ya i dont know wheres hes at!!!

well,,, You better kiss your ass goodbye!!! Ill see ya in Hell
Steve, I wish you were a billionaire who ran for President as an independant as well, because I would laugh hysterically when Mickey Mouse got more write in votes that you would. But I digress, what happened to your brilliant ideas about getting congressional approval to raise the price of groceries? What I would recommend is that you lobby congress to make sure the price of your prozac doesnt go up anymore.
Very funny Smartass.Im seroius you know.We need to make those arabs scared of us.And theyre not a tad bit afraid of us.

You're in a thread on groceries that you started and you're talking about Arabs.

If you want to talk about your glorious plans to blow up the Middle East, go jump in on a thread about the Middle East. Otherwise, you should at least make a cursory effort to stick to the topic of this thread.
I was trying to,,But this stupid president had to INVADE IRAQ to piss off the arabic world instead of doing the right way by pressing that big red button and sending nuke flying missles to the middle east to make em pay a price for what they have done on 9-11
I was trying to,,But this stupid president had to INVADE IRAQ to piss off the arabic world instead of doing the right way by pressing that big red button and sending nuke flying missles to the middle east to make em pay a price for what they have done on 9-11

Okay Guys, he's definately one of your neo-con buddies. This is you on steroids. See anything wrong with the picture?