Zeitgeist in Full Screen and in its Entirety:
Zeitgeist the movie
Zeit·geist /ˈtsaɪtˌgaɪst/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[tsahyt-gahyst] –noun German. the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time.
The entire movie is predicated on the theory that Terrorists, Terrorism, Radical Islam and Jesus do not exist and have never existed. They were all manufactured in order to control population.
Part I , [no subtitle, just the name of the movie] Zeitgeist , 00:01- 36:55
[my subtitle]--Christians are stewpid and think the end of the world is near
5 min intro showing scenes of 9/11 and war footage set to music. The clips are not set particular chronological order and are nicely overlaid with the bible and the flag to suggest Christianity's link to 9/11. Pretty much a summary of the film without all the talking. Things out of context, incorrect and so forth.
At 32:26 - 32:30 ---- there is a list of names...Mine is sixth from the bottom in the right hand column. [
36:20 - 36:56 ---- Wow...They tied in a totally unrelated clip, classic move. It was prefaced to set the tone and context for the appropriate effect, and blamed Christians for 9/11...or at least helping to cover it up.
Part II , All The Worlds a Stage, 36:58 - 1:08
[my subtitle] 9/11 was an inside job!
39:56 -
"The 9/11Myth:
19 hijackers, directed by Osama B. Laden, took over 4 commercial jets with boxcutters and, while evading the Air Defense System (NORAD), hit 75% of their targets. In turn, World Trade Centers 1, 2, and 7 collapsed due to a structural failure through fire in a "pancake" fashion, while the plane that hit the Pentagon vaporized upon impact, as did the plane that crashed in Shanksville. The 911 commision found that there were no warnings for this act of Terrorism, while multiple government failures prevented adequate defense."
First off, NORAD is designed for foreign threats, not domestic ones.
Secondly, the "pancake" explanation on the film (49:10 - 49:20), uses a fraudulent diagram to represent the skeleton of the WTC towers. The support columns were around the outside of the building, hundreds of them, but the narrator only mentions the 47 in each tower, at the core of the buildings. Pay close attention to the picture of the fallen trade center (49:21) immediately following the diagram, you can see the outlines of the WTC building...thats whats left of the actual support columns and they stretch hundreds of feet into the air, as the narrator suggests the 47 center ones would be if they were the main support columns.
50:19 - 50:20 Freefall speed is mentioned...Mwahahahaha! [rofl]
51:40 - "For well over 6 weeks after the collapse, Hot spots of over 2000°F were documented in the debris....That is 500°F hotter than jet fuel even burns."
Fact-Coupling, you take two facts and string them together as though they are related. The jet fuel was done burning in the first 30 mins... long enough to set fire to the entire contents of the building, which is what "burned hotter than jet fuel" and for weeks longer. Where is the mystery or proof of conspiracy in that?
54:15 - William Rodriguez, 9/11 survivor, makes an appearance... I spoke about him a 9/11 thread on another forum.
Somewhere they mention the "vaporized" planes and lament the lack of debris recovered. The debris was recovered, well documented and studied, and there are pictures of it available as well as testimony from hundreds of eyewitnesses but none of that appears in the film.
Part III , Dont mind the men behind the Curtain, 1:11 - 1:56
[my subtitle] The End Is Near!!!!
Best part of the film! Evil international bankers control everything! Oh Nose! Those crafty bastards use the simple minded Christians as gullible sheep for the slaughter as they manipulate world events... all with the goal of a one world government.
I see now why the RFID tag seems like a big deal to some people.
1:30:56 - Bush is a Nazl.... Heres a picture of Bush with a Swastika, superimposed over his face, to prove it. [
1:34:51 - Comparing Hitler's "Enabling Act" to the PATRIOT ACT claiming they both strip the civil liberties from the citizenry. This is just a flat out lie. The "enabling act" stated: "the government was authorized to legislate without the consent of the Reichstag" and has nothing to do with civil liberties. The PATRIOT ACT did not, and does not, restrict Congress (Reichstag equivalent) in any way and Bush is certainly not authorized to govern without them. I wont bother going into details about PA's effects on civil liberties here, I have done that in the PA thread and concerns are overblown. Sunset clauses in the legislation are the only similarities I can find, which would be the same conclusion drawn by anyone who actually read the documents. The people who made this movie are betting you haven't and won't.
The United States has enacted 5 "enabling acts", each one dealt with bringing a new state into the union and did so without abolishing Congress or stripping civil liberties.
It was actually the Reichstag Fire Decree that stripped the German people of their civil rights and not the "Enabling Act". The Fire decree had no sunset clause.
1:38:57 - Dept. of Education. There really is a great deal of proof Americans are becoming dumber ,However, the causality is reversed... as done in other sections and too deep to get into. Suffice to say I do agree that gov needs to get out of education but some of the claims made in this section are obvious frauds.
The final section deals with the "North American Union" becoming one of 4 unions that will become merged into a one world government.
Overview of the Movie:
Emotionally, its very stirring, especially the footage of 9/11. Graphically its very well done. Chronologically, it had to be messed with in a few areas to really sell the theory as plausible reality. Factually, the 30% of lies needed to support the theory are saturated in 70% truth (Being generous in truth) but its hard to distinguish if your not well versed on the particular subject matter, or too lazy to look stuff up for yourself.
The filmmakers are betting most viewers don't have backgrounds that would include knowing: The legislation discussed, Banking practices, The Gold standard, Architecture of the WTC, US and World History etc. Furthermore, they are betting you won't look any of it up for yourself!
There are some things I found rather ironic about the film... stay with me....
At the beginning of the film there is a mention that "100 million [Americans] that believe the end of the world is coming" and they elude to this group as being the Christians. 100 million is one third of the population but Christians make up closer to 50% of the population....is it a coincidence that 33% of the population believe 9/11 was an inside job and the government is conspiring against us?[
During the film, your told the government is using fear against you, so that you believe whatever they tell you and accept it without question. Yet the scenario that is laid out, is your own government conspiring against you... What could be scarier!? And, If you take the time to question this theory, you will end up a puppet and eventually a slave.
By the end of the film, the tone is almost sheer panic. Everyone is now out to get you, you are now enlightened and they want to kill you to keep the secret. The Christians are being led by the nose, to do the bidding of international bankers through the powers of our fascist government, so you can't trust them. All elected officials and government employees are in on the conspiracy. The end of the wold is coming, you will all be slaves to the one world government.
So, the film starts by explaining how dangerous people that believe "the end of the world is near" really are... only to conclude the movie by telling you the end of the world is near... and you should now go out and proselytize that message to the masses.
Honorable Mention: There is a reference to an obscure quote, and attributed to Thomas Paine, denouncing Christianity. This quote is from an unpublished work, which was edited (erased or drawn over) then "restored". The Authenticity is questionable, its just not questioned in this film.
While this post has become extensive, I was forced to omit many items of contention for the purpose brevity. Just because I did not mention it here, doesn't mean its part of the 70% thats truthful.
I would like to end by pointing out the very apt use of footage from the movie Network and the following excerpt used in the film:
"Your beginning to believe the illusions we are spinning here... This is mass madness! You maniacs!... You people are the real thing, WE are the illusion!"
Its poignant because Zeitgeist is the one that has spun the illusion here, and people seem to believe it.