Are both Parties scared of Sarah Palin?

You must be kidding, right?

I never was afraid of her, and I never will be. I think she is a pretty, middle age woman, who has found a way to make a lot of money selling a lot of "pie in the sky" to very silly, well intentionned, but not too bright people.

She is not interested in Politics! She is only interested in making money hovering AROUND politics!

She is not interested in being President, she would then have to actually demonstrate to EVERYONE, what most of us know. . .she doesn't have a clue, and she knows it, and she doesn't care. . .as long as her bank account swells, and as long as her children can also benefit from her popularity with those "well intentionned, but not too bright" people!

She may play a role in the primary election: King maker! She may continue to "pretend" she might be interested in the Presidency, so that she can get a few millions people all excited, then she can "sell" those votes to the biggest bidder!

Afraid of her! Get a life!
I am still predicting she is positioning herself to be the only reasonable choice as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate for 2012. Its an excellent route to the White House, and keeps her from doing damage while still being a national figure. Its the perfect strategic spot for her.

I am curious: Is there an Air Force 2? If there isn't, there would be, and you can bet that the paint job would include the Declaration of Independence! :)
Palin, Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh will only appeal to a minority of the population. However, I am disappointed in those people that idolize them. Shock jocks are only good for entertainment value, and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Now how did Bill Clinton became president? Hes Sexy looks got the Womens vote. If women can be that damn stupid,So can guys.
Palin, Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh will only appeal to a minority of the population. However, I am disappointed in those people that idolize them. Shock jocks are only good for entertainment value, and shouldn't be taken seriously.

A minority, yes, but a sizable minority, and they are vocal. They will shut down any discussion and derail any threads with the most inane chatter, lies, and disinformation.
A minority, yes, but a sizable minority, and they are vocal. They will shut down any discussion and derail any threads with the most inane chatter, lies, and disinformation.

thats what they are good for, yelling and doing nothing positive...and making sure to stand in the way of anything..even if they where for it before...if the other side tries to do it.
thats what they are good for, yelling and doing nothing positive...and making sure to stand in the way of anything..even if they where for it before...if the other side tries to do it.

Thats the amazing part to me. You are absolutely right. Republicans just want to obstruct. They can't take yes for an answer, and they are determined to stop everything.

Its like they are the sphincter and are under orders to constipate the process.

If you dont vote for her and if she loses i have no choice but to vote to re-elect Barrack Obama for four more years.Cause i cant stand another Bush in the White House.
Not a prob.

It (typically) takes a good 8 YEARS, to clean-UP after a Bush.

August 29, 1993

"Wall Street may not have played an active part in this irresponsible deception, but its complicity in voodoo economics is unquestionable. The famous Laffer Curve - which pretended to show that the new investment created by a tax cut would alone generate enough revenues to balance the federal budget - was the object of jokes among economists who were themselves beneficiaries. Talented financiers like Michael Milken, Charles Keating and Lewis Ranieri almost instantly saw opportunity in this new moral climate, putting taxpayer-backed deposits and tax-free pension money to work as junk bonds, savings-bank loans and mortgage-backed securities.

Taxpayers should 'understand how money was really made in this country in the last dozen years, and their interesting, indirect but lucre- bestowing role in that process,' says Michael Thomas, the Wall Street veteran who writes a weekly column for the New York Observer. 'The people who brought us the 80s tended to make out best in the 80s and they ought to pay for the 80s.'

He proposes an additional 10 per cent 'deficit-reduction' surcharge on the wealthy, and the partial 'publicisation' of the profits of ventures that have benefited from implicit taxpayer guarantees, such as federally guaranteed mortgage bonds.

If Mr Clinton is unpopular now on Wall Street, one can only imagine the reactions to such measures. But doing the right thing is proving as thankless a job on Wall Street as doing the opposite was wildly popular.

Most investment strategists believe that the economic stagnation that has accompanied austerity will soon force him away from deficit reduction. If he defies their expectations and maintains his fiscally responsible policies through to 1996, says David Shulman, chief equity strategist with Salomon Brothers in New York, 'Wall Street would build a statue in honour of Bill Clinton. But he still would not get its vote, nor Main Street's for that matter.'"

I just feel shes not one of those salesman politicans Obama,Bush jr and sr and Clinton speak just to get ur vote. Shes another Reagan waiting in the wings.
You have no idea how Right you are!!!


"Ronald Reagan was not born a cowboy; he decided to assume the role. Reagan grew up in a non-cowboy, manufacturing town, Dixon Illinois. During his Hollywood years, he learned to ride horses and even played a cowboy in the western films "The Bad Man," 1941 and "Law and Order," 1953.

When Reagan turned to politics, in the early 1960's, he seemed to sense that a cowboy persona would benefit him politically. To cultivate this image in the mind of the public, he often donned cowboy boots and jeans."

Palin, Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh will only appeal to a minority of the population. However, I am disappointed in those people that idolize them. Shock jocks are only good for entertainment value, and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Every time I think o' their fans...I think of Idiocracy.....

Now how did Bill Clinton became president?
Uh.....he COMPLETED all the colleges he attended??!!!!




Georgetown University (B.S.)
University College, Oxford
Yale Law School (J.D.)


(...And, then.....everybody knows there were those Magic Powers JFK transferred-to-him.)
