Biden's Foot In Mouth

I guess you proved a slightly different point from that which you may wished to have make, Andy!

The expectations plus the term choice implies racially based condescension, not much way around that, I'm afraid.
I think any time we exhibit surprise that someone emboides traits we do not normally associate with that gender/race/culture, we are in effect demonstrating our bias. Using an example above, if I have a friend who lives in a trailer and I make the comment "She keeps a clean house, even if it is a trailer" I am complimenting my friend, but I am also exhibiting my own bias about mobile homes being somehow lesser when it comes to housing and therefore not worthy of the same care and attention that a house would merit.
Thank you, that is exactly what I was getting at when I made this statement. I guess it would in the end just depend on how the person took the comment and the context it was said in.
And we all know that everything related to white-supremacy is a reeeeeal touchy subject! Racial bias, in fact. The fact remains: bias exists everywhere and this is no exception. This leads to another question- how much stock can we place in racial profiles? I may make a brief editorial article on this in the near future.