Can an INEPT President lead America to success?

Forget about the people who disagree with me , that is their right. But the America Haters that disagree with our CONSTITUTION must be baned from our society. These TERRORISTS will kill our citizens, murder fellow politicians , break all our crimminal laws , and destroy our cities to try and force their HATE AMERICA agenda on us . The World has changed, America can no longer be an OPEN SOCIETY, accepting even the lowest of mankind in her mist. Time has come to strictly obey our CONSTITUTION!! Insist our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT be contained as per the same document.
We have way too many Haters of America in the halls of our Federal Government. We need to expose these crimminal and remove from office and deport to the nation they admire.
This past election seriously questions our ability to govern ourselves. Look at the low quality of
people we voted in or voted to keep in power. America is in danger of losing its CONSTITUTIONAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT due to the fact those in power ,in many cases, do not support our beliefs or our laws.

While in theory I mostly agree with you, I see no way to do what you suggest. Without an open revolution and a vast slaughter I don't think the people in power will yield. Can we fight them and win, probably, but will we, I doubt it.

Calling people Haters of America is all well and good, but finding them and removing them from positions of power is well nigh impossible.

I think the last election was a good example of our ability to know what we want in government: People wanted to change things after 8 years of Bush, the vote for CHANGE was overwhelming. The fact that Obie was a turn-coat is not the fault of the people who voted for change. No one else was offering what the people wanted except Obie. Now we should impeach him for lying and throw him out of office, much of the Congress and Senate should go too, but how will this be accomplished? I will not take up arms and start shooting people, will any of us? What other choice do we have?
While in theory I mostly agree with you, I see no way to do what you suggest. Without an open revolution and a vast slaughter I don't think the people in power will yield. Can we fight them and win, probably, but will we, I doubt it.

Calling people Haters of America is all well and good, but finding them and removing them from positions of power is well nigh impossible.

I think the last election was a good example of our ability to know what we want in government: People wanted to change things after 8 years of Bush, the vote for CHANGE was overwhelming. The fact that Obie was a turn-coat is not the fault of the people who voted for change. No one else was offering what the people wanted except Obie. Now we should impeach him for lying and throw him out of office, much of the Congress and Senate should go too, but how will this be accomplished? I will not take up arms and start shooting people, will any of us? What other choice do we have?

Well, our first choice is to demand a FREE PRESS, not a LIBERAL GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED MEDIA. In 2008 Obama never spelled out what his "Changes " were , What his "Hope" Was. His LIBERAL MEDIA gave him cover and our lazy & ignorant voters never demanded to know what his true Agenda was. Now we see it and our Nation is SICK, Sick of him and his Czars , His Cars , his Policies that are FOREIGN to US but known in ALL DICTATORSHIPS. YOUR CHOICE is to HELP others who want to STOP HIS AGENDA , DELAY all of his CRAZINESS until we can VOTE out his agents in our Congress in 2010 and Throw out the rest in 2012 along with his RADICAL BUTT! THE BALLOT BOX IS OUR FRIEND!!! BUT UNTIL then we must PRESSURE congress to STOP ALL HIS BILLS, delay his agenda and SAVE OUR NATION. nO , wE NEED NOT RESORT TO VIOLENCE , JUST think AND TALK TO OTHERS ABOUT dumping him AND his agents , AND his marxist AGENDA!!
Agreed. McCain likely would be worse than Bush, but not as bad as BO. As long as the Rs forsake conservatives, they will lose. Liberal Rs like Bush, McCain, Snowe, Collins, Powell, etc make me sick.

Ok've pointed out your 'PRIME HIT LIST' for NOT TO ELECT according to you {and isn't it just soooo easy to KNOW the bad guys since they've been in office for soooo long} so here's the question: WHO DO YOU SEE LEADING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY AND STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE FOR A CURE/FIXALL TYPE OF PERSON TO HELP GET THIS COUNTRY BACK ON TRACK?

All I hear is the continual tripe about what our President is doing wrong {in your OPINION} and nothing about who you see as the 'SAVIOUR' for the turn around. Remember I'm an Independent and I was sorely disappointed in what the Republican Party ended up with, so who's the new MESHIAH for the GOP? Anyone that looks promising, somebody worth checking into?
Ok've pointed out your 'PRIME HIT LIST' for NOT TO ELECT according to you {and isn't it just soooo easy to KNOW the bad guys since they've been in office for soooo long} so here's the question: WHO DO YOU SEE LEADING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY AND STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE FOR A CURE/FIXALL TYPE OF PERSON TO HELP GET THIS COUNTRY BACK ON TRACK?

All I hear is the continual tripe about what our President is doing wrong {in your OPINION} and nothing about who you see as the 'SAVIOUR' for the turn around. Remember I'm an Independent and I was sorely disappointed in what the Republican Party ended up with, so who's the new MESHIAH for the GOP? Anyone that looks promising, somebody worth checking into?

I don't see anyone as a good leader in the R party right now, but its early.

And yeah BO is the president so we criticism him for his failures. That is how our system works. I am sure you did not complain about the criticism of Bush.
I don't see anyone as a good leader in the R party right now, but its early.
Oh, come on...isn't there someone/anyone with who you would like to see step up...someone I should be reading about, catching up on their voting record, something/anything...JEEZ LOUISE, I know how early it is but don't you have a 'WISH LIST' of possibles to look at?
And yeah BO is the president so we criticism him for his failures. That is how our system works. I am sure you did not complain about the criticism of Bush.
"THERE YOU GO AGAIN"...doesn't that sound familiar {echos of the past} this isn't about BUSH #41 or G.W.B. this is about NOW:rolleyes:

And as a matter of FACT, I don't recall the amount of vitriolic spewing that we've been subjected to during G.W.B.'s first term; granted we were still reeling from 9/11 and the invasion into Afghanistan and then IRAQ but we were just buried under the confusion/fear/hype of WMD'S to be focused on the COST FOR ALL OF THAT WAR MONGERING/AXIS OF EVIL FEAR PROMOTING that the WHITE HOUSE was busy applying to our SENSORY FACTORS so that the behind the scenes financial debt load was going to be IGNORED...BUT THAT'S JUST IMO ;)
Oh, come on...isn't there someone/anyone with who you would like to see step up...someone I should be reading about, catching up on their voting record, something/anything...JEEZ LOUISE, I know how early it is but don't you have a 'WISH LIST' of possibles to look at?

"THERE YOU GO AGAIN"...doesn't that sound familiar {echos of the past} this isn't about BUSH #41 or G.W.B. this is about NOW:rolleyes:

And as a matter of FACT, I don't recall the amount of vitriolic spewing that we've been subjected to during G.W.B.'s first term; granted we were still reeling from 9/11 and the invasion into Afghanistan and then IRAQ but we were just buried under the confusion/fear/hype of WMD'S to be focused on the COST FOR ALL OF THAT WAR MONGERING/AXIS OF EVIL FEAR PROMOTING that the WHITE HOUSE was busy applying to our SENSORY FACTORS so that the behind the scenes financial debt load was going to be IGNORED...BUT THAT'S JUST IMO ;)

Okay if you must fav is Dick Cheney!!! How does that sound?

Seriously there is no real leader and the contenders are all left leaning Rs. Palin is too green like BO. Romney, Crist, and Pawlenty are liberals. If I had to pick now, it would be Rick Perry of Texas. But he has some issues too.

And as I have stated, I have no problem criticizing W lords knows he desires it. After all, he did govern mostly like a liberal.
What is smart about Conservativism? Conservativism is nothing more than repeating the mistakes of the past. At the very least, we might as well make new mistakes. Even if liberalism has failed, so has conservativism, so we need some new solutions. If Conservatives want our support, then let's hear them propose some new solutions, for a change, instead of merely saying NO.
What is smart about Conservativism? Conservativism is nothing more than repeating the mistakes of the past. At the very least, we might as well make new mistakes. Even if liberalism has failed, so has conservativism, so we need some new solutions. If Conservatives want our support, then let's hear them propose some new solutions, for a change, instead of merely saying NO.

Saying "NO" to EVIL IS NOT A VICE!!! "Always", Dec.18th,2009!
What is smart about Conservativism? Conservativism is nothing more than repeating the mistakes of the past. At the very least, we might as well make new mistakes. Even if liberalism has failed, so has conservativism, so we need some new solutions. If Conservatives want our support, then let's hear them propose some new solutions, for a change, instead of merely saying NO.

Well said, Sam...but then again that would mean that this CONSERVATIVE GROUP would be able to PLAN/THINK and come up with some solutions...but there's little chance that that will happen in my lifetime or yours. It's just the same basic human feeding frenzy of stirring up the angst/vitriolic lessor thinking humans without a clear, precise thought process that would allow them an opportunity to THINK Sarah Palin/Rush Limbaugh/Glenn Becks of this world :)
What is smart about Conservativism? Conservativism is nothing more than repeating the mistakes of the past. At the very least, we might as well make new mistakes. Even if liberalism has failed, so has conservativism, so we need some new solutions. If Conservatives want our support, then let's hear them propose some new solutions, for a change, instead of merely saying NO.

Battle Hymn of the Republicans
(to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic)

Mine Eyes have seen the bungling of that stumbling moron Bush;
He has blathered all the drivel that the neo-cons can push;
He has lost sight of all reason 'cause his head is up his tush;
The Doofus marches on.

I have heard him butcher syntax like a kindergarten fool;
There is warranted suspicion that he never went to school;
Should we fault him for the policies -- or is he just their tool?
The lies keep piling on.

Glory! Glory! How he'll Screw Ya'!
Glory! Glory! How he'll Screw Ya'!
Glory! Glory! How he'll Screw Ya'!
His wreckage will live on.

I have seen him cut the taxes of the billionaires' lone heir;
As he spends another zillion on an aircraft carrier;
Let the smokestacks keep polluting -- do we really need clean air?
The surplus is now gone.

Glory! Glory! How he'll Screw Ya'!
Glory! Glory! How he'll Screw Ya'!
Glory! Glory! How he'll Screw Ya'!
Your safety net is gone!

Now he's got a mighty hankerin' to bomb a prostrate state;
Though the whole world knows its crazy -- and the U.N. says to wait;
When he doesn't have the evidence, "We must prevaricate."
Diplomacy is done!

Oh, a trumped-up war is excellent; we have no moral bounds;
Should the reasons be disputed, we'll just make up other grounds;
Enraging several billions -- to his brainlessness redounds;
The Doofus marches on!

Glory! Glory! How he'll Screw Ya'!
Glory! Glory! How he'll Screw Ya'!
Glory! Glory! How he'll Screw Ya'!
SCARY AS don't believe that Herr Cheney was quite the voice behind our elected President G.W.B. while he was in office.:eek:

But you would not consider Romney because? You think he's too liberal across the board or just on some specific issues?

I just ran across that old RNC Convention Schedule.:D

Republican Convention Schedule

Minneapolis, MN

4:00 PM - Opening Prayers and Massages Administered by Rev. Ted Haggard
4:05 PM - Presentation of Confederate Colors
4:10 PM - Pledge of Allegiance to 9/11
4:15 PM - Invocation of John McCain's POW Experience
4:30 PM - George W. Bush Speech on Legacy of Peace and Prosperity, Canceled
4:45 PM - Dick Cheney Instructional Seminar on Waterboarding, Canceled
5:00 PM - Karl Rove Speech on Government Accountability, Canceled
5:15 PM - Tribute to the U.S. Constitution, Canceled

5:30 PM - VP Beauty Contest and Swimsuit Competition, featuring Sarah Palin, Condoleezza Rice, and Rudy Giuliani
5:45 PM - Tribute Film to John McCain's Houses
6:00 PM - Free Jack Abramoff Pep Rally
6:15 PM - Free Tom DeLay Pep Rally
6:30 PM - Free Ted Stevens Pep Rally
6:45 PM - Invocation of John McCain's POW Experience
7:00 PM - VP Briefing Session: The Busy Mom's Guide to Battling Islamic Terrorism
7:15 PM - Larry Craig "Family Values" Lecture and Toe-Tapping Exhibition
7:30 PM - Restroom Break

7:45 PM - Invitation to "Strip Down and Get Relaxed," delivered by Mark Foley via Instant Message
8:00 PM - Lecture on the Effectiveness of Abstinence-Only Education – Sarah Palin
8:15 PM - Accidental Reference to "Obama bin Laden"
8:30 PM - Tribute to a "Nation of Whiners" – McCain Economic Adviser Phil Gramm
8:45 PM - Invocation of John McCain's POW Experience
9:00 PM - Group Sing–Along: "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran"
9:15 PM - Mitt Romney Endorsement of Jockey Underwear
9:30 PM - Joke Interlude: McCain Tells the One About the Lawyer and the Catfish
9:45 PM - Rallying Call to "Drill Here, Drill Now," Followed by Unveiling of an Oil Rig on Speaker's Platform
10:00 PM - Halliburton Seminar: Profiting from the Next 100 Years of War in Iraq
10:15 PM - Parade of Alaskan Delegates Across Glitter-Encrusted Bridge to Nowhere, led by Sarah Palin
10:30 PM - Ceremonial Shattering of Glass Ceiling with Shotgun Blast Fired by Palin
11:00 PM - John McCain Acceptance Speech and Plea to Delegates to "Get Off My Lawns"
11:30 PM - Closing Invocation of John McCain's POW Experience
12:00 AM - Rapture and Farewell to Bush and Cheney
I just ran across that old RNC Convention Schedule.:D

Republican Convention Schedule

Minneapolis, MN

4:00 PM - Opening Prayers and Massages Administered by Rev. Ted Haggard
4:05 PM - Presentation of Confederate Colors
4:10 PM - Pledge of Allegiance to 9/11
4:15 PM - Invocation of John McCain's POW Experience
4:30 PM - George W. Bush Speech on Legacy of Peace and Prosperity, Canceled
4:45 PM - Dick Cheney Instructional Seminar on Waterboarding, Canceled
5:00 PM - Karl Rove Speech on Government Accountability, Canceled
5:15 PM - Tribute to the U.S. Constitution, Canceled

5:30 PM - VP Beauty Contest and Swimsuit Competition, featuring Sarah Palin, Condoleezza Rice, and Rudy Giuliani
5:45 PM - Tribute Film to John McCain's Houses
6:00 PM - Free Jack Abramoff Pep Rally
6:15 PM - Free Tom DeLay Pep Rally
6:30 PM - Free Ted Stevens Pep Rally
6:45 PM - Invocation of John McCain's POW Experience
7:00 PM - VP Briefing Session: The Busy Mom's Guide to Battling Islamic Terrorism
7:15 PM - Larry Craig "Family Values" Lecture and Toe-Tapping Exhibition
7:30 PM - Restroom Break

7:45 PM - Invitation to "Strip Down and Get Relaxed," delivered by Mark Foley via Instant Message
8:00 PM - Lecture on the Effectiveness of Abstinence-Only Education – Sarah Palin
8:15 PM - Accidental Reference to "Obama bin Laden"
8:30 PM - Tribute to a "Nation of Whiners" – McCain Economic Adviser Phil Gramm
8:45 PM - Invocation of John McCain's POW Experience
9:00 PM - Group Sing–Along: "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran"
9:15 PM - Mitt Romney Endorsement of Jockey Underwear
9:30 PM - Joke Interlude: McCain Tells the One About the Lawyer and the Catfish
9:45 PM - Rallying Call to "Drill Here, Drill Now," Followed by Unveiling of an Oil Rig on Speaker's Platform
10:00 PM - Halliburton Seminar: Profiting from the Next 100 Years of War in Iraq
10:15 PM - Parade of Alaskan Delegates Across Glitter-Encrusted Bridge to Nowhere, led by Sarah Palin
10:30 PM - Ceremonial Shattering of Glass Ceiling with Shotgun Blast Fired by Palin
11:00 PM - John McCain Acceptance Speech and Plea to Delegates to "Get Off My Lawns"
11:30 PM - Closing Invocation of John McCain's POW Experience
12:00 AM - Rapture and Farewell to Bush and Cheney

Democrat Convention Schedule

4:00 PM - Opening Prayers to the messiah obama
1. 4:05 PM - apologies for Americas short comings
4:10 PM - Pledge of allegiance to the UN
4:15 PM - worship obama
4:30 PM - Michelle Obama tells you that she is finally proud of America
4:45 PM - Acorn teaches how to intimidate voters on election day
5:00 PM - Acorn teaches how to vote proxy for the dead on election day
5:15 PM - Tribute to the U.S. Constitution, Canceled
5:30 PM - more worshiping of obama
5:45 PM - quickies at Barney Franks prostitution house
6:00 PM - Sandy Berger teaches how you can shove classified documents down your underpants
6:15 PM - Toast to abortions all over the United States
6:30 PM - Plan how you can force more tax payers to pay for more abortions
6:45 PM - worship messiah obama
7:00 PM - gathering to pull foot out of Bidens mouth
7:15 PM - Client #9 teaches how to get the best call girls
7:30 PM - Dan Rather (not tell the truth) teaches how to fake documents
7:45 PM - Michelle Obama teaches how to take other peoples pie
8:00 PM - more worship of obama
8:15 PM - Lessons on true terrorists (Ron Paul voters and pro lifers)
8:30 PM - More apologies for Americas short comings
8:45 PM - More worship to obama
9:00 PM - Flag burning party
9:15 PM - Spitting on flag party to put out the fire
9:30 PM - obama makes fun of the Special Olympics
9:45 PM - obama explains the difference between memorial and veterans day NOT!
10:00 PM - obama explains cut and run
10:15 PM - Joe Biden makes fun of 7-11 owners
10:30 PM - Joe Biden explains why obama is bright articulate and clean
11:00 PM - obama worships self and invites you to join in
11:30 PM - the whole room chants if you don’t vote obama you are a racist
12:00 AM - obama apologies for America again...