Democrats In Full Propaganda Mode Now

I have already made this very point in the "Why are Republicans so silent about gas prices" thread. Liberals have to deliberately choose to remain ignorant and uninformed. They have to intentionally ignore facts to continue to believe their delusions. I call this "deliberate ignorance".

This is propagated by an array of lies and spin put out by the MSM which is simply a mouth piece for the White House. Any news organization that doesn't play along is brutally attacked and there are also attempts to completely silence them, hence the "Fairness Doctrine".

Are liberals truly just that stupid? Well, YES ...... they are. But, not without a concerted effort to remain that way. They would have to try hard to intentionally ignore the facts and the collective political opinions of most Americans. This "deliberate ignorace" is a defining factor in most liberals today and the very reason I have little interest in debating with them on this site.

You simply cannot fix stupid or moreover in this case ...."deliberate ignorance"!

I agree fully.

They are like the little Mädchen throwing rose petals along the Wilhelmstrasse when the Fuhrer's Mercedes drove by, and they wept wildly at the very sight of their messiah.
You guys can keep your heads in the sand. You must be right cause God is on your side.
Quoting the book of myths.
Romney is a wind sock. He is in a pile of shit now. there's no way out, he has to admit he lied to the SEC, and that is a felony. There is more to come.
Is not someone who hides money offshore a tax evader. He is cooked.

WRONG once again, lefty! Please keep these kind of DUMB stories going. When you give us Conservatives fodder like this, it's much easier for uncommitted voters to see how ignorant lefties are! FACT: The executive leadership of Bain Capital consists of members who've donated to Obama. Even those Democrat supporters at Bain swear that Romney had ZERO involvement in Bain decision-making from the day he left them until now!! Obama and his cohorts are LIARS! It's a joy watching a GOP candidate for once who doesn't shy away from the truth in order to appear politically correct. You can bet your last dollar that EVERY one of Romney's financial investments, bank accounts, and tax returns are 100% accurate and legal. Romney isn't a tax cheat like Charlie Rangel and Nancy Pelosi. Perjury, especially lying to Congress, is a felony.... Example, the despicable AG Eric Holder who hides behind his boss's skirts claiming "Executive Privledge"..... just months after the same lying Dem' told Congress that "Executive Privledge" did NOT apply in the F&F investigation. The right no longer tolerates lies and misrepresentations from lefties like you. Get used to it!
WRONG once again, lefty! Please keep these kind of DUMB stories going. When you give us Conservatives fodder like this, it's much easier for uncommitted voters to see how ignorant lefties are! FACT: The executive leadership of Bain Capital consists of members who've donated to Obama. Even those Democrat supporters at Bain swear that Romney had ZERO involvement in Bain decision-making from the day he left them until now!! Obama and his cohorts are LIARS! It's a joy watching a GOP candidate for once who doesn't shy away from the truth in order to appear politically correct. You can bet your last dollar that EVERY one of Romney's financial investments, bank accounts, and tax returns are 100% accurate and legal. Romney isn't a tax cheat like Charlie Rangel and Nancy Pelosi. Perjury, especially lying to Congress, is a felony.... Example, the despicable AG Eric Holder who hides behind his boss's skirts claiming "Executive Privledge"..... just months after the same lying Dem' told Congress that "Executive Privledge" did NOT apply in the F&F investigation. The right no longer tolerates lies and misrepresentations from lefties like you. Get used to it!

I cannot wait for the coming months after Obama is thrown out and we have people in Washington looking into the MASSIVE CRIME WAVE known as "the democrats" from 2006-2012.

It will rock the nation and fill the prisons.
Miss Pelosi should go for financial crimes.
Eric Holder, too, is going to The Joint!
I have already made this very point in the "Why are Republicans so silent about gas prices" thread. Liberals have to deliberately choose to remain ignorant and uninformed. They have to intentionally ignore facts to continue to believe their delusions. I call this "deliberate ignorance".

This is propagated by an array of lies and spin put out by the MSM which is simply a mouth piece for the White House. Any news organization that doesn't play along is brutally attacked and there are also attempts to completely silence them, hence the "Fairness Doctrine".

Are liberals truly just that stupid? Well, YES ...... they are. But, not without a concerted effort to remain that way. They would have to try hard to intentionally ignore the facts and the collective political opinions of most Americans. This "deliberate ignorace" is a defining factor in most liberals today and the very reason I have little interest in debating with them on this site.

You simply cannot fix stupid or moreover in this case ...."deliberate ignorance"!
"Collective opinion of most Americans" is the most ignorant and stupid statement made by those living in denial.
Question for you guys. Why has'nt Rove/Romney ever mentioned Bush/Cheney in their diatribes? Could it be the Bush depression?
"Collective opinion of most Americans" is the most ignorant and stupid statement made by those living in denial.
Really??? that's what the landslide victories in the the 2010 mid-term elections were about ....hmm

Sure are a lot of folks collectively "living in denial" or maybe in reality there are very few who subscribe to the antiquated ignorance known as liberalism!

Liberals ......go figure!
When the democrat party studied the Nazis as their model after their love affair with Saul Alinksy--they just somehow thought things--if they followed all the same mechanisms--would end up the same.

They--will not.

That is why they chose Obama. And why HE studied Hitler's speech techniques.
Don't think so--just you watch.
See? This is the perfect example of our lousy educational system. Nothing but propagand brainwashing mills.
All these people can do is "parrot" lefty talking points and they REFUSE to do any independent research as someone else has always told them what to think. Trolls.
See? This is the perfect example of our lousy educational system. Nothing but propagand brainwashing mills.
All these people can do is "parrot" lefty talking points and they REFUSE to do any independent research as someone else has always told them what to think. Trolls.

That is why you always see the simpletons scream--"LINKS!!" --every time someone says something they are unaware of.
I say to them--"do your own goddamn research".
See? This is the perfect example of our lousy educational system. Nothing but propagand brainwashing mills.
All these people can do is "parrot" lefty talking points and they REFUSE to do any independent research as someone else has always told them what to think. Trolls.
Exactly .....
Keyword being REFUSE!
aka .... "Deliberate Ignorance"!