Faux News refused to report the Ensign story

Just because one group claims family values and the other does not does not mean the group which does not claim family values lacks them. It simply means one group trumpets them and the other does not, which may mean that the group which trumpets them has no more of them than the group which does not, so it is pure hyprocrisy in two parts from the group which trumpets them:

1) claiming a monopoly, where they have no monopoly
2) being hypocrites

John Edwards Presidential campaigns stood on a platform of "family values." Attempting to state he never "claimed family values" is laughable.
if they where checking to make sure it was legit then I agree no need to report it yet , and maybe thats what they where doing...but if I had to make a bet, had it been a Dem they would have aired it regardless.

Pure opinion, I would disagree.

in the end the guys a hypocrite and should step down or else he will just be one more dead weight on teh sinking republican ship.

I also do not think the Republican ship is "sinking" exactly, but he should (and will be) subject to the voters, ultimately they have the final say in regards to his career.
Pure opinion, I would disagree.

I also do not think the Republican ship is "sinking" exactly, but he should (and will be) subject to the voters, ultimately they have the final say in regards to his career.

I stated it as Opinon...

and as for the Fox being a tool of the republican party, Ann Coulter has basicly said it was even If I recall correct.
I don't recall saying otherwise...

Ann Coulter's opinions do not carry much weight in my book.

thats one reason I actuly respect you...vs some on here ....But as a right wing pundit ( I have other words I use for her) when she states that Fox Basicly works for the republicans...it does lend credit to the liberal view of Fox.
If the holier than thou fundie Republicans are not going to live up to the morals, ethics and standards they espouse...they ought to keep their big mouths shut.

The only problem with that, from a GOP point of view, is that none of them would be doing any talking.....hypocrites, every single one of them, some just haven't been caught yet.

So basically you make the exact point GenSeneca said, which is that by having no standard, you claim to be better than those that support a standard.

Because think about what you are saying. You are saying that if someone does not say "cheating on your wife is wrong", then if they do, that's ok. Because somehow not saying it's wrong, means it's ok if you do it.

But in reality, you don't mean that. Many of the people you support, have on many occasions supported things, they didn't practice. Like Bill Clinton and John Edwards.

Both supported family values, yet obviously didn't practice them. Yet here some republican supported what he didn't practice, and that's awful.

Al Gore preached the reduction of electricity usage, yet uses more power than 10 homes, for example. Or says we should clean the environment, yet has a Zinc Mine on his property that has violated environmental laws more than a dozen times according to the EPA. Yet in all those cases you don't have a problem with being a hypocrite provided it's your hypocrites.

Which basically when you boil it down, means you are as I have said you were before... a bigot and a hypocrite yourself. You expect all of us to be against hypocritical republicans, and we are, yet it's ok for you to be for hypocritical democrats. "Do as I say, and not as I do", is not just for the democrat elite, but for their supporters too.
Conservatives in general say here is the line and we should not cross it, here is a lay out of good family values that we should not stray from. They openly judged various behaviors to say if they are good or bad. Its one of the things liberals hate so badly about conservatives.
Gee.....ya' figured-that-out, all on your own, huh?



Sarah Palin's daughter's ex boyfriend's mother had drug problems and that is all we heard about, and it was connected directly to Sarah Palin herself even though she had nothing to do with it.
.....And, because she's such a great Patriot, she was too-busy campaigning....to take the time to find-out what kind o' family she was forcing her daughter to marry-into, right?

Yeah....sounds like she'd been much-too-busy to deal with much of anything...
