
Horrible. He's a socialist, at least in words. I note that he gave no indication of how to accomplish the things he says. This indicates to me that he knows the things he stands for would be rejected by the national population.

This is supported by what he claims we have a 'right' to. Such as food, housing and health care. None of those are rights. You have the right to *PURSUE* happiness. Not a right to happiness.

How is everyone going to have a right to a home? Not everyone has money for a home. This means that you must either force people to work to build the house for free and give the free home to the people without money... or you must steal money from the public to pay for the home. In either case, it's socialism, and if you've seen Russian Gulags, you know socialism doesn't work. He intends to take away the right to liberty, to provide the right to these things.
what are we sacrificing now?.... and what are we "getting"?.... things wouldn't be all that different except we would actually be making progress instead of treading water and waiting for the next disaster
Sacrificing liberty, and everything that made America great, for the sake of having crummy section 8 housing, or some lame food stamps, and a health care system that will kill people.

We are not treading water. Our economy is growing, we have some of the highest standards of living in the world, and we have freedom to advance, open our own businesses and to get the just rewards for our labor. All of which will be eliminated if socialism is adopted nationally.