How is the State Of The Union?

Stock market is coming back up. Crime is down. Wars getting wrapped up.
Need more jobs and education, affordable healthcare.
Been better, seen worse, one year in lots more work to do.
Cant fix 8 years in 1. Thank you, have a good night.


a- Stock market HIT THE SKIDS AGAIN last week due to obamas goofs!

b-Crime is down-lol CRIME within our FEDERAL GOVERNMEMT has EXPLODED!

c-Affordable Health Care- lol,lol , Even using corrupt figures our President and Congress cannot HONESTLY claim this!

d-First year of a NEW president HAS NEVER BEEN WORSE for THIS NATION, even during a WORLD WAR!! INEPT President and Leadership in Congress!
e - cannot fix eights years in one ---- We need to just COPY SIX of the FIRST eight years. BUSH had a GREAT ECONOMY GOING, low UNEMPLOYMENT, below 4%, GREAT GDP, then in 2006- THE fascist loving democrat paty took control of our Congress and SUCCESS turned into MISERY!! Leading to a birth of our current INEPT , BUNGLING, KNOW NOTHING president. Backed UP by an EQUALLY DEFECTIVE VICE - PRESIDENT!!

f- SORRY, there are NO GOOD NIGHTS LEFT until Obama and CRONNIES are expelled! THANK YOU! "ALWAYS"
Bunz is an alaskan conservative as far as I know. He presides as a moderator over a site that totally seems to favor conservative talk and stays out of it for the most part allowing it to flow.. Hardly far left.

Yes, the spindoctors have done well Mr. Clone in lulling both the left and right into diverting Obama into focusing on the intellectual angles of the hailstorm he inherited instead of doing the one thing that will save him and the dems: attacking the GOP. We elected them to do that you know.. we moderate/independants and the left. Too bad about those pesky middle folks just don't get mired in the quicksand of intellectual diversions and dilutions of too many causes.
Bunz is an alaskan conservative as far as I know. He presides as a moderator over a site that totally seems to favor conservative talk and stays out of it for the most part allowing it to flow.. Hardly far left.

Yes, the spindoctors have done well Mr. Clone in lulling both the left and right into diverting Obama into focusing on the intellectual angles of the hailstorm he inherited instead of doing the one thing that will save him and the dems: attacking the GOP. We elected them to do that you know.. we moderate/independants and the left. Too bad about those pesky middle folks just don't get mired in the quicksand of intellectual diversions and dilutions of too many causes.

all Obama has done is attack the GOP only to continue most of Dubya's policies and peddle socialist/fascist clap-trap policies that have been a disaster.

say, you're not suggesting you are a moderate are you ?

I'd think Bunz is more a sort of libertarian progressive if there is such a thing.
I see your delusions continue.
This should be fun.
a- Stock market HIT THE SKIDS AGAIN last week due to obamas goofs!
The Dow Jones has been steadily climbing since March.^DJ
b-Crime is down-lol CRIME within our FEDERAL GOVERNMEMT has EXPLODED!
Apparently you missed the purpose of the thread about gun laws in DC and how crime has gone down. In fact crime is down nation wide in 2009.
c-Affordable Health Care- lol,lol , Even using corrupt figures our President and Congress cannot HONESTLY claim this!
Could you share with us what health care you currently utilize?

The current system is going to continue to bankrupt American citizens, and ultimately the government. Why do you hate Americans?
d-First year of a NEW president HAS NEVER BEEN WORSE for THIS NATION, even during a WORLD WAR!!
You do realize that 2001 found us with an overall loss in the stockmarket. Not to mention the worst terrorist attack on America, and starting a war that is still being waged today, that was poorly handled by the GOP from its inception.
INEPT President and Leadership in Congress!
e - cannot fix eights years in one ---- We need to just COPY SIX of the FIRST eight years. BUSH had a GREAT ECONOMY GOING, low UNEMPLOYMENT, below 4%, GREAT GDP, then in 2006- THE fascist loving democrat paty took control of our Congress and SUCCESS turned into MISERY!! Leading to a birth of our current INEPT , BUNGLING, KNOW NOTHING president. Backed UP by an EQUALLY DEFECTIVE VICE - PRESIDENT!!

f- SORRY, there are NO GOOD NIGHTS LEFT until Obama and CRONNIES are expelled! THANK YOU! "ALWAYS"
Yeah, all of those great years led to the crisis you whine about daily here. I hope you are happy with the consequences. :D
Bunz is an alaskan conservative as far as I know. He presides as a moderator over a site that totally seems to favor conservative talk and stays out of it for the most part allowing it to flow.. Hardly far left.
There are a number of issues I would be considered right wing, I am a fiscal conservative and social liberal with the major exceptions of 2nd amendment issues and some environmental issues such as ANWR. There was a time I leaned more right, but it has been the shift of the right to the fear mongering, and screaming ideology driven hatred that drove me away from valuing my fiscal conservative side behind my socially liberally side. I dont want to associate myself such antics.
The state of Obama's administration is not good. Here even the liberal Financial Times points out his mistakes...1 in 10 mentioning healthcare, yet BO pursued the holy grail of Marxist politics...and lost. Based on his attack on the banks, it does not appear he is going moderate. The media calls it populist, I call it Marxist.

Finally, there is increasingly open Democratic disaffection about the way Mr Obama is managing relations with Capitol Hill. Many believe that Rahm Emanuel, Mr Obama’s aggressive chief of staff, served Mr Obama badly by persuading the president that his election was a transformational moment in US politics that gave him the opportunity to push through long-cherished Democratic goals, such as healthcare reform.

In fact, exit polls from Mr Obama’s election showed that almost two-thirds of the voters cited the economy as their chief concern, with fewer than one in 10 mentioning healthcare. Mr Emanuel is also perceived to have mishandled the day-to-day logistics of getting healthcare through Congress.

By leaving the scripting of the details of the healthcare bill to Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill, the White House openly courted the risk of chaos. Tellingly, in his victory speech in Boston on Tuesday, Scott Brown, the new Republican senator, cited voter disdain for the sight of lots of “old men” on Capitol Hill bickering over healthcare reform at a time when their priority was jobs.
I see your delusions continue.
This should be fun.

The Dow Jones has been steadily climbing since March.^DJ

Apparently you missed the purpose of the thread about gun laws in DC and how crime has gone down. In fact crime is down nation wide in 2009.

Could you share with us what health care you currently utilize?

The current system is going to continue to bankrupt American citizens, and ultimately the government. Why do you hate Americans?

You do realize that 2001 found us with an overall loss in the stockmarket. Not to mention the worst terrorist attack on America, and starting a war that is still being waged today, that was poorly handled by the GOP from its inception.

Yeah, all of those great years led to the crisis you whine about daily here. I hope you are happy with the consequences. :D

Hmmm , You never answered truthfully any of my claims:
You only stated the Market has increased since last March, lol, March was a OBAMA disaster created mostly because he scares America!!

Crime stats come from Federal Government reports which are easily tainted to say whatever Obama says!! A GUN LAW in D.C. has little to do with our NATIONAL CRIME STATS!!
personally , I think the Obama administration fixes the unemployment numbers and the Job numbers to make him look better- His numbers and our Economy do not make sense!! HE LIES!!

Only Obama and Libs Parrot the line "It is George Bushs' Fault", I am NOT a GEORGE BUSH FAN , he caved into to liberalism and sold out America! BUT Obama is doing WORSE and ON PURPOSE!!
No , I'm not happy with Bush results , his poor thinking gave us more dangers from radicals than we should have expected from a normal "Compassionate Conservative", Bush was neither conservative or compassionate , he became politically stupid in his second term!! Resulting in America electing an inept , unkown, unprepared, disorganized "radical progressive"
Radical Progressive defines a person or group who hides their true agenda behind the term "progressive". Such a person or body can be marxist , socialist , communist , statist , liberal, or any of the other "isms" that have as their agenda to destroy America and her CONSTITUTION as we know it!!

Yes, America , due to the eight years of lies and torment from the radical "progressive" national news media , learned to hate G.W,Bush and were ripe to put into our White House a man-child , totally inept to govern a gym class ,let alone the Greatest Nation on our planet!!

p.s.--- THANK YOU!!! MASSACHUSETTS , you became so much smarter after Teddy finally went to meet Justice!
Delusional thinking of the highest order.


JUST CHECK THE FACTS!! Obama would kill for HONEST numbers on an ECONOMY we had in America from 2000- 2006--
Yes, 9-11 KILLED us for a while !1 But 9-11 was a result of the Clinton years when our FOREIGN ENEMIES were allowed to DO anything they wanted to Harm America. They did, and CLINTON did NOTHING , Well one time he bombed an ASPRIN factory!! Clinton was always a moral coward!- still is today!
The state of Obama's administration is not good. Here even the liberal Financial Times points out his mistakes...1 in 10 mentioning healthcare, yet BO pursued the holy grail of Marxist politics...and lost. Based on his attack on the banks, it does not appear he is going moderate. The media calls it populist, I call it Marxist.

It is basic boilerplate lib to attack the fat cats and based on the assumption that "regular people" hate fat cats.

Luckily, the people have learned since the 60's or 70's that jobs come from the achievers of this country and only the fringe are going to join in the wealth envy "populist" nonsense.

Just keep handing him rope if he insists on hanging himself.
JUST CHECK THE FACTS!! Obama would kill for HONEST numbers on an ECONOMY we had in America from 2000- 2006--
Yes, 9-11 KILLED us for a while !1 But 9-11 was a result of the Clinton years when our FOREIGN ENEMIES were allowed to DO anything they wanted to Harm America. They did, and CLINTON did NOTHING , Well one time he bombed an ASPRIN factory!! Clinton was always a moral coward!- still is today!

they do, on Daily Kos and and PuffHo !
There are a number of issues I would be considered right wing, I am a fiscal conservative and social liberal with the major exceptions of 2nd amendment issues and some environmental issues such as ANWR. There was a time I leaned more right, but it has been the shift of the right to the fear mongering, and screaming ideology driven hatred that drove me away from valuing my fiscal conservative side behind my socially liberally side. I dont want to associate myself such antics.

And the Majority of Americans DO NOT agree with your undecided political stance. You appear to lean both ways at the same time. Very difficult to maintain your own balance let alone be in a position of judging the political beliefs of others. Yes, in GERMANY in the 1930's the BROWNSHIRTS accused those screaming for help as just "fear mongers", NOW we know they had very good reason to be FEARFUL!! I wish YOUR kind had associated themselves with those "fear mongers" in 1930 Germany, MILLIONS of LIVES would have been saved! DID WE LEARN A MESSAGE IN AMERICA?, Time will soon tell!
"ALWAYS" Todays America is also in SERIOUS DANGER! THINK!
Instead of fighting there is the SCOTUS ruling that has united us. Just yesterday a friend I hadn't spoken to in some time called me out of the blue on the pretense of talking about the weather [true]. We had had a falling out because of our differing political views. He had a rabid right-wing stance and was intolerant even of my middle stance. In fact the only other thing we ever agreed on politically was the gay marriage issue. It was a bitter standoff last time we spoke.


Yesterday he talked to me for a full hour in an apologetic stance, which is something quite rare for him. Then coyly, almost shyly he brought up how angry he was about the SCOTUS decision. For even he could see his beloved democracy crumbling out from under his feet. When I say he was angry, he was ANGRY! about it.

So one good thing about the SCOTUS ruling is it renewed my friendship with this man who I thought I'd never have a civil conversation with again. They really screwed up on that one. The thing is with the audacity of unchecked evil and malignant treason is that it loses its ability to gauge its reception amongst even those it thought were its stalwart supporters. In other words, people are not all good or all bad in general, only those with unlimited power may sink to the "all bad" status. So when evil sinks to its lowest form, it agitates those few remaining fibers of good still left within even its most ardent supporters and causes them to have a visceral rejection of the evil itself.

It causes them to wake up and think. Which as every evil promoter knows is like cryptonite to superman within its followers. In this way unlimited evil always defeats itself.
Instead of fighting there is the SCOTUS ruling that has united us. Just yesterday a friend I hadn't spoken to in some time called me out of the blue on the pretense of talking about the weather [true]. We had had a falling out because of our differing political views. He had a rabid right-wing stance and was intolerant even of my middle stance. In fact the only other thing we ever agreed on politically was the gay marriage issue. It was a bitter standoff last time we spoke.


Yesterday he talked to me for a full hour in an apologetic stance, which is something quite rare for him. Then coyly, almost shyly he brought up how angry he was about the SCOTUS decision. For even he could see his beloved democracy crumbling out from under his feet. When I say he was angry, he was ANGRY! about it.

So one good thing about the SCOTUS ruling is it renewed my friendship with this man who I thought I'd never have a civil conversation with again. They really screwed up on that one. The thing is with the audacity of unchecked evil and malignant treason is that it loses its ability to gauge its reception amongst even those it thought were its stalwart supporters. In other words, people are not all good or all bad in general, only those with unlimited power may sink to the "all bad" status. So when evil sinks to its lowest form, it agitates those few remaining fibers of good still left within even its most ardent supporters and causes them to have a visceral rejection of the evil itself.

It causes them to wake up and think. Which as every evil promoter knows is like cryptonite to superman within its followers. In this way unlimited evil always defeats itself.
