My Prediction if Romney Loses

I don’t know for sure if it is true but today I heard a report that 2 million less republicans voted in this election than voted in the last one. I figure the evangelicals didn’t want to vote for the Mormon
Mormonism may be too simple.

less pubs voted perhaps becuase they felt too confident that others would vote out obama and were not really as enthusiastic about romney as we were lead to beleive
It beats the facade of a two party system where the difference between the parties is all about style and not substance.

The dems really do have a significant socialist leaning and the pubs really do have a significant free market faction. This is not just style.

But it does seem that in the end legislation could just as easily have been written by either.

p.s. lets expose the socialists within the dems and return socialism to its rightfully hated position in the american mind.
If you mean that he appeared to flip flop that has been a problem for him since before this election. In any case he did not lose because he was conservative.

No - I think that he had to contort himself through the long primary to the point it was easy to define him in such a negative way. Add that to the fact that Obama was basically able to define Romney all summer with no response - it was not a good combination.
Mormonism may be too simple.

less pubs voted perhaps becuase they felt too confident that others would vote out obama and were not really as enthusiastic about romney as we were lead to beleive

I had a hard time thinking it was all over Mormonism. Though I do think that was a factor with some evangelical voters.

Listening today to the various callers who called in the talk shows to talk about the election, the biggest thing I heard from republican nonvoters was they didn’t think Romney was conservative enough.

I heard that over and over but only heard the Mormon thing once. I also heard the update is 3 million republicans didn’t come out instead of 2 million.

If Romney was more conservative then the independence would have went with the d party or not came out so there seems to be no way to please them all. If the republicans start changing values to attract voters it will lose me.

I don’t think Michelle Bachman though I like her had a snow ball’s chance in hell to get elected had she won the primary. I think Romney by far had the best shot of all those who tried out this year.
I had a hard time thinking it was all over Mormonism. Though I do think that was a factor with some evangelical voters.

Listening today to the various callers who called in the talk shows to talk about the election, the biggest thing I heard from republican nonvoters was they didn’t think Romney was conservative enough.

I heard that over and over but only heard the Mormon thing once. I also heard the update is 3 million republicans didn’t come out instead of 2 million.

If Romney was more conservative then the independence would have went with the d party or not came out so there seems to be no way to please them all. If the republicans start changing values to attract voters it will lose me.

I don’t think Michelle Bachman though I like her had a snow ball’s chance in hell to get elected had she won the primary. I think Romney by far had the best shot of all those who tried out this year.

In the swing states, polls showed Romney winning big among independents, but turns out after the election the reality is large chunks of those people were former Republicans who no longer self ID'd as such -- we should be asking ourselves why that is.

It also threw off their internal polling according to the campaign.
You didn't hear the news, did you?

Most of the seats lost in both the Senate and the house were those of tea party plants!
And if Boehner and o'Connel let the extremist tea party wag the dog again, the republicans will lose the house majority in 2014,
In the swing states, polls showed Romney winning big among independents, but turns out after the election the reality is large chunks of those people were former Republicans who no longer self ID'd as such -- we should be asking ourselves why that is.

It also threw off their internal polling according to the campaign.

Not to compare the tea party to the Republican Party but one of the things I think that made the tea party attractive to so many is they didn’t bring up all the usual issues of the right. They picked a few main issues that everyone could agree on and built a coalition around it. Abortion and the death penalty was not one of those topics, it would have isolated a portion of the group. Couldn’t the republicans pick 5 or so major issues and concentrate on those. I personally am a believer in a God but I don’t need my party to make it a huge part of what they stand for because my relationship with my Creator is personal anyway. On the other hand I was really bothered when the dems booed God being on their platform. Just to not talk about it one way or the other seems better.
Not to compare the tea party to the Republican Party but one of the things I think that made the tea party attractive to so many is they didn’t bring up all the usual issues of the right. They picked a few main issues that everyone could agree on and built a coalition around it. Abortion and the death penalty was not one of those topics, it would have isolated a portion of the group. Couldn’t the republicans pick 5 or so major issues and concentrate on those. I personally am a believer in a God but I don’t need my party to make it a huge part of what they stand for because my relationship with my Creator is personal anyway. On the other hand I was really bothered when the dems booed God being on their platform. Just to not talk about it one way or the other seems better.

to quote Bubba its the economy, stupid". people all over the spectrum get this.

but if one is unmotivated, and lets face it with tens of millions feeling defeated and discouraged in the Obama StagFlated economic quagmire, demotivation is easy to succumb to.

and to quote Don Henley "the lure of easy money has a very strong appeal.

lets face it, most of these people know it won't last but it is easy pickin's while it lasts. MANY black folks have understood this since the Great Society but figured out to keep taking while they're still giving.
. Both "Conservatives" and "Liberals" agree that the welfare state is necessary and they both agree in having a foreign policy based on military interventionism. This agreement comes from both having their philosophical foundations based on collectivism..

We have argued against the welfare state for years here and have failed to convince many that the very first princple - that it is not even needed - is true. It is time to make some fundamental arguments stick.

Meanwhile the left argued that a six year recession (which might just last another ten) when most recessions last less than two years was all Bushes fault - and that sticks.
Flip it into a positive, embrace the radical label. When Reagan was in a debate and his opponent tried to slam him for his age, Reagan said he wouldn't hold his opponents youth and inexperience against him - that's the approach Republicans need to take when faced with the memes of the Left. For example:

The Left has labeled us as "Radicals", well they're right, we are radicals. Our country was founded on some pretty radical ideas; individual rights, individual liberty, individual prosperity and those are the same radical ideas we carry today.​
Very well said. So why didnt romney say that?​

Republicans need to stop trying to pander to groups and focus on the individual, win the individuals and you win elections.

That is true too. Create a positive ecomony for jobs and woman will have jobs. Create an atmosphere of equality and blacks will have equality. Create a just rule of law and gays will not be discriminated against in legislation...
I believe Romney would have been a fine President. I believe he also had to contort himself in so many ways during the primary that it was almost impossible to recover from that. However, had he not done that, he would not have been the nominee.

Was he going to be the revival of Republican dominance -- odds are good he would not be -- but he was a winnable candidate if taken at face value in my opinion.

That is exactly how I felt. And a "fine" candidate just was not good enough.

I don't know. I think a major difference comes down to how the welfare state is administered and the size of it. I'd like to see it shrink substantially, but I also believe that there are people who legitimately cannot work for some reason (I don't believe those numbers are as big as people getting benefits), and I am happy to help them out. I believe that there are people who have paid into Medicare and Social Security their entire lives, and should get the benefit they were promised and they paid for. It is in dire need of reform, but I fully embrace a plan like Paul Ryan's to leave it alone for people 55 and older.

I don't like the idea of being forced to maintain a bloated welfare system that is being abused, but I am willing to accept a "safety net" as it were for those who legitmately cannot work etc. But there needs to be some serious firewalls in place to prevent abuse, and ensure that the dollars are being spent as wisely as possible.

Then you have lost. You have accepted collectivism on a small scale and have no grounds upon which to object to a full fledged socialist take over. A simple safety net with enough government to ensure that it is not abused is all the socialists want. But once you start down that road it is all down hill .

I believe that you are happy to help and so are the vast majory it americans. That is exactly why we do not need any sort of collectivists government safety net at all. we did and can have a perfectly good safety net that citizens run with no gov help at all.
I had a hard time thinking it was all over Mormonism. Though I do think that was a factor with some evangelical voters.

Listening today to the various callers who called in the talk shows to talk about the election, the biggest thing I heard from republican nonvoters was they didn’t think Romney was conservative enough.

I heard that over and over but only heard the Mormon thing once. I also heard the update is 3 million republicans didn’t come out instead of 2 million.

If Romney was more conservative then the independence would have went with the d party or not came out so there seems to be no way to please them all. If the republicans start changing values to attract voters it will lose me.

I don’t think Michelle Bachman though I like her had a snow ball’s chance in hell to get elected had she won the primary. I think Romney by far had the best shot of all those who tried out this year.

The way to win them all is to be right on principled and well thought out arguments stated winsomely with compassion. Romney could not be right without being a flip flopper, he did not state his big points enough and while he was winsome it was only at being nice not at having the best ideas.

One could win many more even with arguments that they don' t like if they are convinced that they are right and good. For example tell the hispanics that you will not support amnesty but tell them how you will support the best immigration policies that will be favorable to all.
One could win many more even with arguments that they don’t like if they are convinced that they are right and good. For example tell the Hispanics that you will not support amnesty but tell them how you will support the best immigration policies that will be favorable to all.
I like that way of thinking, very encouraging :) and I needed that, Thank you!
I also think there is a certain amount of warmth and personality needed too. Romeny is a nice enough person and his wife says he can be very funny, but it didn't quite shine through. Romeny should have also been all over the television. I don't think I saw him give one sit down interview. And I never saw him on FOX either. What was up with that? The ABC channels weren't going to cover him unless it was negative.