Refreshing Thoughts on How the Government Should Be!

Ronaldus Magnus

Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2009
“Every dollar the Federal Government does not take from us, every decision it does not make for us will make our economy stronger, our lives more abundant, our future more free.” Ronald Reagan

"Are you willing to spend time studying the issues, making yourself aware, and then conveying that information to family and friends? Will you resist the temptation to get a government handout for your community? Realize that the doctor's fight against socialized medicine is your fight. We can't socialize the doctors without socializing the patients. Recognize that government invasion of public power is eventually an assault upon your own business. If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he'll eat you last." Ronald Reagan

"The fact that government has no resources of its very own forces one to recognize that in order for government to give one American citizen a dollar it must first, through intimidation threats and coercion, confiscate that dollar from some other American." Ronald Reagan
Ah, yes.....the ol' "conservative"-scam.....campaigning for a "smaller, leaner Federal Government".


You Reagan-fans really do need to come-up with a better hustle. That one's broken.


Thank You for sharing your proven expert Fred Gault...whoever the hell he forget that during the Reagan years.....the other party held the house and senate. For all that Reagan accomplished to be done while dealing with a Dem. controlled house and senate is pretty impressive. However, again I thank you for that pretty chart with the up and down arrows written by your buddy Fred.
In fairness though the country is giving socialism a chance now under Obama, and lets face it thats a tried and true economic method.