Sex Offenders Have Rights?


Sep 1, 2006
Just wondering what you thought about this. I'm torn because I do believe that they have rights just like the rest of us to live where they want, but I certainly don't want them to live near my child.
I think the more apt question may be, do you believe in sex offender registries?
They have rights even though society is disgusted with them. They have the right to due process and equal treatment under the law.

My issue is about the sex offenders list and some states using ankle braclets.
I personally think that after you do your time you are a free man. That is the whole purpose of jail. Once you let out a criminal, they are free to do what they want (legally). If society is still afraid they will hurt other children, then we need to increase the jail sentence.

I think the list is only in place because it allows the state to "watch" them without having to pay for their cells, food and clothing. It's a cheap way for the state to still control them without paying for it.
But lists have only caused Sex offenders to become victims of violent crime and harassment. I think that electronic monitoring would be a less invasive way of watching past offenders. With ankle bracelets and such, other members of the community will not actively be aware of the person's status and they will not be victimized because of past crimes.
On the other hand, if I were a parent I believe I would want to know. But then again I would know where my children are, and thus would eliminate the risk.
They have rights under the constiution (ie lawyer, fair trial etc)

They don't have the right to molest children.

As for sex offender registries I am divided. i can see how if i was a parent i would want to know if someone like that was around but i am not sure if it is actually effective at preventing crimes and may even lead to unintened consequences as Sarah has said.

Personally i think repeat ones should be given very long jail sentances so they don't have the opportunity to offend again.

Also i am wondering is their any way we can prevent the root cause (ie what would cause someone to be a sex offender in the 1st place). I am not sure if i have an answer but it is certainly a relevent question.


There are methods like sterilization, however some offenders will continue to molest children even after they have been chemically sterilized. Because of this I am beginning to wonder if some sort of asylum system should be instituted rather than prison.
Maybe if we lock up sex offenders without chance of release, or with stringent restraints on release (like out patient programs) we would have better luck keeping repeat events from occurring.
i agree with you Sarah....

I think that would be a good idea (especially for the hardcore ones)....

Their would have of course to be some sort of cheaks and balences here too to proect innocent people.



There are methods like sterilization, however some offenders will continue to molest children even after they have been chemically sterilized. Because of this I am beginning to wonder if some sort of asylum system should be instituted rather than prison.
Maybe if we lock up sex offenders without chance of release, or with stringent restraints on release (like out patient programs) we would have better luck keeping repeat events from occurring.
Not only the innocent have to be protected though, the convicted and released sex offenders still have the right to not live in fear of retaliation.
As a parent, I too am torn by this issue. We hear time and time again that a convicted child mollester has done the unthinkable, though I know that many will never commit a crime again. I like the fact that my apartment complex bars mollesters from renting, and I like the fact I can get online and find out how close certain folks live. But the problem I have is discerning someone who may have made an error in dating a gal who said she was 18 when she was younger and an actual child predator. In my state, everyone is looped together on one site. You can't tell who is dangerous and who made a mistake. I dunno.
From what I read and here reported sex offienders have the highest rate of return offender status. The problem is hardwired and is more like a disease.
From what I read and here reported sex offienders have the highest rate of return offender status. The problem is hardwired and is more like a disease.
I think that is the base of the problem with them, because they will more likely will repeat the offense. That's why they have to register as sex offenders and carry the consequences of being a danger to society, even if they already paid for the crime they commited. I would allow non registry as sex offenders only under one condition: voluntary castration. If they assure society that there's no way they can have sex again, then they can join back without registering as sex offenders.
This will be the 3rd time I've pasted this information on this site. Its impressive to see how easily people believe disinformation when it fits in with their stereotypes.

Please note the source is the US Department of Justice.

Within 3 years of release from prison:
3.3% of child molesters were rearrested for molestation
2.2% of non-molester sex offenders were rearrested for molestation
0.4% of the entire set of released criminals were rearrested for molestation

43% of sex offenders were rearrested in total (any criminal charge)
68% of non-sex offenders were rearrested in total (any criminal charge)

In general you can fairly say offender type X is more likely than other criminals to recommit crime type X, but overall its a misconception to believe that sex offenders re-molest frequently or that they are rearrested more often than other criminals.

If you believe those facts not to be true, you really do need to provide some backup for your opinion better than "i heard it on some talk show"

If we don't register murderers, drunk drivers, violent criminals, or thieves (all of whom are more dangerous to your kids than child molesters) why do we register sex offenders?