The Pope Resigns

Dawinrocks, It is apity you do not apply your brain you use in the Political sites to religion. Label people as fascist or morons does not answer any questions. Prove your points. In the meantime I have posted a video of Cardinal Luia Tagle,my favouite for next Pope,e on you tube under my name Laurie Augustine.I do not know who to post a video here but anyone who can is welcome to do this.

I was going to put it up for you but couldn't find it.
Try this... start playing your youtube, copy the URL while it's playing then paste it right into a post as is and that should do it.
Dawinrocks, It is apity you do not apply your brain you use in the Political sites to religion. Label people as fascist or morons does not answer any questions. Prove your points.

Trolls do not attempt to prove their points, only bloviate over whatever silliness they have a bee in their bonnet about. Do you have an example of D applying his brain ? I'd be curious to see that.

The pope does wear a dress

He is ex hitler youth

The roman catholic church supported the nazis

Catholics believe bread and wine can magically turn into the flesh and blood of a long dead man and that it is appropriate to eat it

The catholic church preaches poverty but is super wealthy

The catholic church is a haven for paedofiles

The catholic church has killed and tortured hundreds of thousands of people

The catholic church causes misery on an industrial scale in Africa by preaching that condoms are evil

So my post above stands

It is a fascist organisation worshipped by morons

You would have to be a moron to overlook the mass of evidence which proves the vileness of the RC church

But like all good gangsters it does some good works in the community

Well that does not overturn the misery and hypocrisy it is steeped in

The pope does wear a dress

He is ex hitler youth

The roman catholic church supported the nazis

Catholics believe bread and wine can magically turn into the flesh and blood of a long dead man and that it is appropriate to eat it

The catholic church preaches poverty but is super wealthy

The catholic church is a haven for paedofiles

The catholic church has killed and tortured hundreds of thousands of people

The catholic church causes misery on an industrial scale in Africa by preaching that condoms are evil

So my post above stands

It is a fascist organisation worshipped by morons

You would have to be a moron to overlook the mass of evidence which proves the vileness of the RC church

But like all good gangsters it does some good works in the community

Well that does not overturn the misery and hypocrisy it is steeped in
DawkinsRocks, You make many unsupported points. The Pope on formal ocasions where a gown which you could describe as adress, The historical reasons for this are well known. Most of the time he does not.
The Pope Benedict XVI like all German youth was forced to be a member of Hitler Youth. There is no evidence he wa supported Hitler in adult life.
The Catholic Church has a whole had no record of supporting the Nazies. Many leaders condemned the Nazies a few might have given diplomatic recognition but this was because he Vatican is a state that was netual during he war.

The wealth of the Catholic Church is in buildings, paintings, suptures etc it has little real wealth
The Catholic Church is no more a haven for padefiles than other organizations dealing with children. It is still wrong and condemned by leaders.

The Catholic church like all historical bodied has been responsible for some killing but it is rather small and in the past.policy .

The Catholic Church policy on condoms is changing . Sometimes they can be used as the lesser evil to prevent aids.
You can call it what you want but he wears a dress.

I suppose you can't blame him when there are no women allowed.

It's probably like how it goes in jail for some guys

To be fair though cross dressing is the least of his indiscretions

Providing a haven for paedophiles, promoting vicious mythology over science and impoverishing the already poor are his real crimes
Do you think this is a dress?
I Still dont think its a good reason to resign. Hes not involved in a major sex scandal like Bill Clinton was. The pope should stay until hes very sick or when he dies. Just like pope John Paul II did