A good book you've read recently?
I read Sextus - Outlines of Pyrrhonism recently. It was pretty good.
I read Sextus - Outlines of Pyrrhonism recently. It was pretty good.
Rule By Secrecy - Jim Marrs
I want to understand the position of people who disagree with protective tariffs.
Thing is, that so-called free trade seems like a loser deal for weaker parts of the world, and in very fact it seems like a crummy deal for us right now.
The way I see it, a nation's function is an extension of the function of a family ...and like a family it should look after its own interests first.
Free trade benefits "persons" (in the modern sense) whose first loyalties are not to their nations.
Maybe this Mises book will alter my thinking and cause me to agree with you though.