A question for those that defend criminality.

Jenifer Johnson

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
The basic principal of Democracy is mob rule for the benefit of the collective. To put Democracy into the simplest terms so that even a criminal simpleton can understand, it is three wolves and sheep voting on who is for breakfast. Or three men and one woman voting on who gets bloody thirds. As you can see, Democracy is just another form of Collectivism (Judaism), promoting an illegitimate form of governance, perpetrating crimes against humanity.

The only legitimate form of governance is based on the principles of Sovereignty. Under the principles of Sovereignty, one is in total control of one's actions because they are totally responsible for their actions, which establishes the basis for moral authority. Under the true legitimate authority, the only way I can get you to do something I want, is to provide positive benefit for your actions, by agreement. All human interaction is between individuals by agreement. Without agreement, the action becomes a crime against humanity. The only difference between making love and rape is consent.

No matter what religion one professes to believe in, or what code of law is considered just, the most basic criteria for what can be considered right or wrong is, no one has the right or authority to violate another's individual rights and individual sovereignty. No one on earth is god, so no one has authority or right to control another. A violation of one's individual rights and individual sovereignty, is a crime against humanity.

There is no moral justification for Democracy. Voting is another collectivist mechanism (fraud) to con the sovereign out of their individual rights and sovereignty. I can not vote your individual rights and sovereignty away from you, because it violates sovereignty law (NO one has the right to violate another's individual rights and sovereignty).

For those that are dedicated to "Democracy", how do defend your criminal mentality?
You can preach this idealistic philosophy all day long but it still doesn't make it practical. You are advocating anarchy, which would only work if every human being on earth was good. But many people aren't good, and they would use force to take advantage of others in an anarchistic society. Democracy is the closest we can get to the people ruling themselves without returning to the state of nature. Sure, it's corrupt, but it's better than anything else we've come up with so far. I would be a full supporter of anarchy, or "individualism", if it worked, but it doesn't. In the words of Winston Churchill, "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."

Also, I'm not clear on why Judaism was in there, can you explain that?
cannabis : "You are advocating anarchy,"

Actually, I am advocating Individual freedom with individual responsibility which is individualism - means peace and tranquility to all.

Anarchy is Individual freedom with OUT individual responsibility which is survival of the fittest, which translates into the left side of the collectivist paradigm of "Might makes right", in the pyramid of control.

cannabis : But many people aren't good,

That is because the system of control (the idea of right from wrong) is corrupt to start with and it was design for the criminals without a conscience to succeed.

cannabis : Democracy is the closest we can get to the people ruling themselves without returning to the state of nature.

That is because that is what you have been told. Parroting that which is not truth is how propaganda works. If you tell a lie long enough people will believe it as truth. Actually a better form of government is based on "The Articles of Confederation". Coming from Winston Churchill, a collectivist, the statement doesn't surprise me.

cannabis : Also, I'm not clear on why Judaism was in there, can you explain that?

Because Judaism created the collectivist paradigm using a monotheistic God of collective control (encompassing you) of subjective rules of "God said" which translates into "Government said", or soon to be "One World Government said".
cannabis : Also, I'm not clear on why Judaism was in there, can you explain that?

The biggest hoax foisted on humanity was the Ten Commandments.

Starting with "You shall have no other gods but me." was the creation of the collectivist paradigm of thought control. The easiest way to stunt one's thinking is by telling them you have all the answers and not to challenge your thinking. That is the objective of collective control, where you are to serve me (through the sock puppet) not your own objectives, creating a parasitic relationship. If one does not have control of one's actions, they can not be responsible for those actions. If one does not have responsibility for one's actions, one can not have control of their actions. The most important rule according to Moses was a direct violation of one's individual rights, the basic tenet of right from wrong.

"You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain" is nothing but censorship. When one goes against the state religion "Kill the messenger, when you can't refuse the message!"

In order of importance, it takes the Ten Commandments of six subjective rules to finally came to an objective rule not to violate another's individual rights. "You shall not murder."

The bible is nothing more than a operations manual for criminality. Moses was nothing more than a sociopathic tyrant criminal creating the Jewish Mentality of sociopathic tyrant criminals, that uses this manual to devise the same corrupt system of control we see today as "Government said"!
Isn't the Texecutioner and Afgani+Iraqi mass murderer claiming to be a Christian......if he's a representative of the moral teachings of Christianity, then God help us.
Jenifer Johnson, you have said that your theory requires individual responsibility for it not to be anarchy, but it is highly likely many individuals are not going to take on this responsibility in the face of a leaderless and free for all government.

Get real.

You already rely on people taking responsibility for their actions (self governance). The police don't protect you from anyone. If someone really wants to end your life the only one that can stop them is you by taking on the responsibility for your own safety. The government is a fraud, because they aren't responsible for your safety, as they make the claim. Try taking them to court if you get violated, then you will find that they will laugh at you. Government is only there to enslave you.
Little bushy is criminally insane using the logic, if your neighbor kills my son, I have the right to come kill you.

You already rely on people taking responsibility for their actions (self governance). The police don't protect you from anyone. If someone really wants to end your life the only one that can stop them is you by taking on the responsibility for your own safety.

This is not strictly true. If the police believe you to be in danger, they can protect you. And anyway, the justice system is designed as a deterrent and to bring people to justice who have already commited crimes to punish them and keep them from doing the same again, so the government does protect you.

The government is a fraud, because they aren't responsible for your safety, as they make the claim. Try taking them to court if you get violated, then you will find that they will laugh at you. Government is only there to enslave you.

People sue the government all the time. And I can guarantee you the government does more than enslave us. Whilst I agree we need a less intrusive and smaller government and some of our personal freedoms back, I don't believe you hate the government as much as you think you do.

You drive on the roads, you use the water that comes out of your taps, you've probably taken some benefits off the government in one form or another in your life, you've probably rang the police, the fire, or the ambulance a few times. You might have been employed by the government, or your friends or family may have. The government does a lot of good you know, and some bad too.
You drive on the roads, you use the water that comes out of your taps, you've probably taken some benefits off the government in one form or another in your life, you've probably rang the police, the fire, or the ambulance a few times. You might have been employed by the government, or your friends or family may have. The government does a lot of good you know, and some bad too.

You also use the internet. Sure, some of it is private servers and such, but the military is the one who built it originally.
Moses was nothing more than a sociopathic tyrant criminal creating the Jewish Mentality of sociopathic tyrant criminals, that uses this manual to devise the same corrupt system of control we see today as "Government said"!

Did you "roll the bones" or "consult the spirits" when you diagnosed the neurological state of a person that's been dead for a couple millennium?

In reality sociopaths only constitute approximately 2% of the population there's a 98% chance that you're wrong.

All the real evidence points to the fact that Moses was simply a missionary for Amehhotep IV (Akhenaten) during his crusade to limit the worship to primarily one god - the Aten.

From this evolved Judaism.

In addition, the word "tyrant" means someone who holds absolute power and since Moses was nothing more than a servant of Akhenaten, he held no tangible power over anyone.

In closing I would like to remind you that you can't teach someone to be a sociopath because it's a neurological disorder that you are born with.

I would also like to advise you that I think you suffer from antisocial personality disorder and possibly narcissistic personality disorder so you should seek immediate psychiatric treatment.