Well-Known Member
Let me begin by defining the terms:
Selfishness denotes the precedence given in thought or deed to the self, i.e., self interest or self concern. It is the act of placing one's own needs or desires above the needs or desires of others.
Altruism is unselfish concern for the welfare of others. Altruism is the polar opposite of selfishness.
I am selfish. Note the definition, being selfish does not mean that I lie, cheat and steal as is popularly believed to be atributes of those who are selfish. Quite the contrary, such actions would not be in my self interest, they would be self destructive. Being selfish does not mean that I sacrifice others for my benefit, or that I never share, or that I'm never charitable, or that I do not act in ways that benefit others... it simply means that I place a priority on that which I value and I do not sacrifice what I value for something I do not.
That is the meaning of a sacrifice, giving up something of value for something of little to no value in return.
I am a trader. My associations are acts of volitional consent that are based on mutual benefit. I have no interest in being a master of, or a slave to, any other individual or group. I expect only one thing from my fellow man, respect for my individual rights. Any society that does not respect individual rights is a society of cannibals that will only last until they have consumed their last victim.
The Altruist code of morality is not a morality of life, it is the morality of death. If that sounds like an absurd statement, note the definitions, specifically the fact that Altruism is the polar opposite of Selfishness.
The degree by which an Altruist can remain alive is based on the degree by which he violates his own Altruist morality. To live by the Altruist code of morality without breaking it will result in death because an unselfish concern for the welfare of others is a rejection of your own selfish welfare.
Altruism is not a moral code that can be practiced in a system of mutually beneficial exchange, such an exchange would be a violation of the Altruist morality.
Altruism is not a moral code compatible with a civilized society. It's code states that individuals are expected to sacrifice their own welfare for the welfare of others. Such a moral code cannot eliminate need, it will only generate greater needs and do so exponentially.
Altruism is not compatible with respect for individual rights. Rights are freedoms of action required by a human being in order to perpetuate their life by their own efforts, without imposing obligations on others. Societies that operate on the Altruist morality declare it is immoral to perpetuate your own life, by your own efforts, because it would be selfish for you to do so. Your efforts, your labor, your life, belong to everyone but yourself. It is your duty, your obligation, your moral purpose for existence to deny your own personal welfare in order to provide for the welfare of others.
The Collectivist morality is Altruism and Collectivist governments operate based on the morality of Altruism. Such governments do not protect individual rights, they violate them and do so in the name of the greater good, the common good, or the good of society. Morality ends where a gun begins and violating the rights of those who have violated no ones rights is not an act of morality, it is an act of tyranny.
Whether it is a group, a nation, or a society, all are comprised of individuals and when a government uses its monopoly on the use of force to impose upon every individual the Collectivist morality of Altruism, the society will cannibalize itself in a downward spiral toward despotism until it achieves the ultimate goal of the Altruist morality, death.
Morality is a code of values that must be earned, you cannot lie, cheat, or steal your way to achieving my morality. My morality is the morality of life and it can only be earned by way of virtues, values and a selfish pursuit of personal achievement.
Achievement is mans highest virtue and selfishness is the only means by which man can achieve, not by taking advantage of others but by engaging in mutually beneficial exchanges with those whom he associates. It is only by his own achievement that man can gain his own values, by his own effort, not by force or fraud, and upon achieving his own values, man has a right to keep, or dispose, of his values as he sees fit.
Death is the reward, and the purpose, for following the morality of Altruism.
Life is the reward, and the purpose, for my morality, the virtue of selfishness.
Selfishness denotes the precedence given in thought or deed to the self, i.e., self interest or self concern. It is the act of placing one's own needs or desires above the needs or desires of others.
Altruism is unselfish concern for the welfare of others. Altruism is the polar opposite of selfishness.
I am selfish. Note the definition, being selfish does not mean that I lie, cheat and steal as is popularly believed to be atributes of those who are selfish. Quite the contrary, such actions would not be in my self interest, they would be self destructive. Being selfish does not mean that I sacrifice others for my benefit, or that I never share, or that I'm never charitable, or that I do not act in ways that benefit others... it simply means that I place a priority on that which I value and I do not sacrifice what I value for something I do not.
That is the meaning of a sacrifice, giving up something of value for something of little to no value in return.
There is no conflict of interests among men who do not desire the unearned, who do not make sacrifices nor accept them, who deal with one another as traders, giving value for value.
The principle of trade is the only rational ethical principle for all human relationships, personal and social, private and public, spiritual and material. It is the principle of justice.
A trader is a man who earns what he gets and does not give or take the undeserved. He does not treat men as masters or slaves, but as independent equals. He deals with men by means of a free, voluntary, unforced, uncoerced exchange—an exchange which benefits both parties by their own independent judgment. - The Virtue of Selfishness
I am a trader. My associations are acts of volitional consent that are based on mutual benefit. I have no interest in being a master of, or a slave to, any other individual or group. I expect only one thing from my fellow man, respect for my individual rights. Any society that does not respect individual rights is a society of cannibals that will only last until they have consumed their last victim.
The only proper purpose of a government is to protect man’s rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence. A proper government is only a policeman, acting as an agent of man’s self-defense, and, as such, may resort to force only against those who start the use of force.
The only proper functions of a government are: the police, to protect you from criminals; the army, to protect you from foreign invaders; and the courts, to protect your property and contracts from breach or fraud by others, to settle disputes by rational rules, according to objective law.
But a government that initiates the employment of force against men who had forced no one, the employment of armed compulsion against disarmed victims, is a nightmare infernal machine designed to annihilate morality: such a government reverses its only moral purpose and switches from the role of protector to the role of man’s deadliest enemy, from the role of policeman to the role of a criminal vested with the right to the wielding of violence against victims deprived of the right of self-defense.
Such a government substitutes for morality the following rule of social conduct: you may do whatever you please to your neighbor, provided your gang is bigger than his. - John Galt, Atlas Shrugged
The Altruist code of morality is not a morality of life, it is the morality of death. If that sounds like an absurd statement, note the definitions, specifically the fact that Altruism is the polar opposite of Selfishness.
The degree by which an Altruist can remain alive is based on the degree by which he violates his own Altruist morality. To live by the Altruist code of morality without breaking it will result in death because an unselfish concern for the welfare of others is a rejection of your own selfish welfare.
Altruism is not a moral code that can be practiced in a system of mutually beneficial exchange, such an exchange would be a violation of the Altruist morality.
Altruism is not a moral code compatible with a civilized society. It's code states that individuals are expected to sacrifice their own welfare for the welfare of others. Such a moral code cannot eliminate need, it will only generate greater needs and do so exponentially.
Altruism is not compatible with respect for individual rights. Rights are freedoms of action required by a human being in order to perpetuate their life by their own efforts, without imposing obligations on others. Societies that operate on the Altruist morality declare it is immoral to perpetuate your own life, by your own efforts, because it would be selfish for you to do so. Your efforts, your labor, your life, belong to everyone but yourself. It is your duty, your obligation, your moral purpose for existence to deny your own personal welfare in order to provide for the welfare of others.
The Collectivist morality is Altruism and Collectivist governments operate based on the morality of Altruism. Such governments do not protect individual rights, they violate them and do so in the name of the greater good, the common good, or the good of society. Morality ends where a gun begins and violating the rights of those who have violated no ones rights is not an act of morality, it is an act of tyranny.
Whether it is a group, a nation, or a society, all are comprised of individuals and when a government uses its monopoly on the use of force to impose upon every individual the Collectivist morality of Altruism, the society will cannibalize itself in a downward spiral toward despotism until it achieves the ultimate goal of the Altruist morality, death.
Morality is a code of values that must be earned, you cannot lie, cheat, or steal your way to achieving my morality. My morality is the morality of life and it can only be earned by way of virtues, values and a selfish pursuit of personal achievement.
Achievement is mans highest virtue and selfishness is the only means by which man can achieve, not by taking advantage of others but by engaging in mutually beneficial exchanges with those whom he associates. It is only by his own achievement that man can gain his own values, by his own effort, not by force or fraud, and upon achieving his own values, man has a right to keep, or dispose, of his values as he sees fit.
Death is the reward, and the purpose, for following the morality of Altruism.
Life is the reward, and the purpose, for my morality, the virtue of selfishness.