Oh dear....you knew I would have to answer this ....
Despite my inability to refute the logic of our last conversation - I still believe in a seperation of "person" and "human being". I do not think abortion should ever be something undertaken lightly and I do not think most women do so. However until the fetus has brainwaves, the mother's rights overide any presumed rights it might have. It's her body and no other person has any right to force an unwanted choice on her - whether it's the government of China forcing abortions on mothers to be or a group of strangers preventing abortion in the US.
By "forcing" an unwanted choice on her, are you talking about rape? Because if you aren't, then you aren't talking about "forcing" anything but are instead, calling the natural consequeces of a consentual act force which is simply not a valid argument. We know that less than 1% of all abortions are due to rape.
the majority of rapes go unreported.
I tend to think that the idea of using abortion as a form of birth control is pretty disturbing. But there are cases where I can see reasons to abort:
1. rape
2. the child will be born with a terrible dysfunction that will kill it or keep it from living any kind of real life.
3. the woman's health is heavily and long-term endangered by the birth.
But even when abortions are illegal, infanticide and garage abortions are common.
I think it is more important to focus on the causes of abortion and what can be done to remove social causes than to criminalize abortion...
And at any rate, it should be up to the states.
After all not everyone seems to agree a fetus is a living human being. If we cannot agree on that point, no argument will work for either side.
How could you know that without statistics?
Rape, consentual sex where a condom failed or, yes - "inconvenience". It's her body, no one has the right to control decisions regarding it except for her. On the part of rape though - the majority of rapes go unreported.
The problem is -- it's not her body. It's the baby's body. That's like saying that if someone store's their things in your garage, then they by definition, are your things.
A person's body is not like a garage.
A woman should serve 10 years in prison if she aborts her baby. Her doctor should get 25 years in prison for performing an abortion.If Dr Kevorkian served time for assited suicides then abortion doctors should get the same sentence Dr Kevorkian got.
Okay, a dumpster.
What should the man get?