An Obama/Clinton metric ..........


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
......... that is being ignored?

Obama's camp, and Obama, is fond of saying he won more delegates and more states. But it is not delegates or states (in the Obamanites' sense) that wins elections, it is electoral college votes.

That's why the republican winner-take-all method is more rational than the democrats proportional system.

Here's the "electoral map" so far in the dem contest:


Clinton is clobbering Obama relative to what would be electoral votes - indeed, as Clinton has pointed out, if the dems chose delegates like the republicans do, Clinton would have effectively already won the nomination.

Another thing about this map - it's interesting to see large regional areas for one candidate or another. Obama get's the old south, where the democrat party is mostly black, a couple well-known leftwing redoubts like Washington and Vermont, and the plains states. That has me puzzled - why are a lot of farming white folks in places like kansas, nebraska, and iowa voting for a total leftwinger? Usually leftwingism is associated with urban areas. What's going on? (Uh, obamabots - puh-leeeeeeese don't pop in with your cliches here, OK OK?? :rolleyes:)

Clinton,on the other hand, gets mostly two areas: the midwest rustbelt, an area of dying once great cities and unemployed workers, and the most dynamic section of the country, the southwest.
She can complain all she wants. She knew the rules going in, is a long time party hack, and has lost the election fair and square. But in the meantime, McCain has skated through his primary by winning the solidly Democratic states. California, NY, NJ, WA, WI, IL, will all go Obama in November.
McCain has a lot of catching up to do to win in November.
She can complain all she wants. She knew the rules going in, is a long time party hack, and has lost the election fair and square. But in the meantime, McCain has skated through his primary by winning the solidly Democratic states. California, NY, NJ, WA, WI, IL, will all go Obama in November.
McCain has a lot of catching up to do to win in November.

It was no skate...and this still plagues him and will continue to, just out yesterday.
She can complain all she wants. She knew the rules going in, is a long time party hack, and has lost the election fair and square. But in the meantime, McCain has skated through his primary by winning the solidly Democratic states. California, NY, NJ, WA, WI, IL, will all go Obama in November.
McCain has a lot of catching up to do to win in November.

Very true.

And the fact that one person wins or loses a state over another in a "primary" in no way means that in the head to head against the other party there would be a similar outcome.

Much more importantly is the Independent & cross over vote. Remember 22% on either side are hard Left & Right leaving 56% in the middle to swing. Obama doesn't have the strong negatives Clinton has and is more appealing to Independents.

McCain polls bad in head to head match ups to either... but Obama will be the nominee and next President of The United States of America much because he IS the unity guy.
She can complain all she wants.

Whether Clinton doesn't like this has nothing at all to do with the OP.

She knew the rules going in, is a long time party hack, and has lost the election fair and square.


But in the meantime, McCain has skated through his primary by winning the solidly Democratic states. California, NY, NJ, WA, WI, IL, will all go Obama in November.

Not if the 45% of Clinton supporters who say they would never vote for Obama make good on their promise, or even a small part of them.
]Very true.

And the fact that one person wins or loses a state over another in a "primary" in no way means that in the head to head against the other party there would be a similar outcome.

Good point - since republicans are not panting for a leftwing extremist, Obama will surely do worse than hillary would do in many of those contests.

Much more importantly is the Independent & cross over vote. Remember 22% on either side are hard Left & Right leaving 56% in the middle to swing. Obama doesn't have the strong negatives Clinton has and is more appealing to Independents.


McCain polls bad in head to head match ups to either... .

The democrat candidates have been the nearly sole focus of the media for months with billions of dollars of free publicity - we'll see how that changes when the coverage changes to Obama- McCain.

but Obama will be the nominee and next President of The United States of America much because he IS the unity guy

Whether Clinton doesn't like this has nothing at all to do with the OP.
Well it was you who through this in the OP that I was responding to.
Clinton is clobbering Obama relative to what would be electoral votes - indeed, as Clinton has pointed out, if the dems chose delegates like the republicans do, Clinton would have effectively already won the nomination.
Not if the 45% of Clinton supporters who say they would never vote for Obama make good on their promise, or even a small part of them.
I think the %45 figure is blown way out of proportion. I have said the same thing about Clinton, that I wouldnt support her, but in fact once it comes to November, the far majority will remain blue. McCain has been out of the limelight, just wait until that nasty liberal media shows the American people how much McCain has aged since 2000. How much he has moved right, and what his true intentions are which is more of the status quo.
Libsmasher;37278]Good point - since republicans are not panting for a leftwing extremist, Obama will surely do worse than hillary would do in many of those contests.

Democrat on Democrat is not the same thing as a general. Plus the Rush Limbag Operation Chaos BS exploits the numbers. We'll be fine. The national polls are not a friend of Grampy and I think you know it. :)

The democrat candidates have been the nearly sole focus of the media for months with billions of dollars of free publicity - we'll see how that changes when the coverage changes to Obama- McCain.

I can't freekin' wait!!! :)
[COLOR=]Democrat on Democrat is not the same thing as a general. Plus the Rush Limbag Operation Chaos BS exploits the numbers. We'll be fine. The national polls are not a friend of Grampy and I think you know it.[/COLOR]

Well, let's check that out - from a current Rasmussen poll, McCain and Obama are in a dead heat:

And this after almost a year of Obama media worhip and free publicity.

Looks like you don't know what you're talking about. :D
Looks like you don't know what you're talking about. :D
Yeah....did you read the whole story?

Did you miss this little gem?
Rasmussen Markets data gives Democrats a 61.8% chance of winning in November (results are updated on a 24/7 basis by market participants).

Or how about this part?
Underlying this dismal outlook for the GOP is the fact that more and more people are considering themselves to be Democrats. In fact, the Democrats now have the largest partisan advantage over the Republicans since Rasmussen Reports began tracking this data on a monthly basis nearly six years ago.

Might want to check your sources carefully, they can sometimes backfire.
Yeah....did you read the whole story?

Did you miss this little gem?

Or how about this part?

Might want to check your sources carefully, they can sometimes backfire.

Hardly. I'm interested in their FACTS, not their crystal ball gazing. :D The FACTS are that Obama and McCain are in a dead heat, and this with almost no McCain publicity yet.
Hardly. I'm interested in their FACTS, not their crystal ball gazing. :D The FACTS are that Obama and McCain are in a dead heat, and this with almost no McCain publicity yet.

The FACT is that the numbers you are looking at are are nationwide polls. Which as you hopefully know, and the basis of this thread is that the election is decided by the electoral college and right now it doesnt look good for the GOP.
But no worries, you still have more than enough time to show just how much McCain has aged, and how much he has moved himself to the right, when in fact, most of the country has taken a step left.
The FACT is that the numbers you are looking at are are nationwide polls. Which as you hopefully know, and the basis of this thread is that the election is decided by the electoral college and right now it doesnt look good for the GOP.

Looks pretty good to me - dems have already pretty much written off their candidate who does best in electoral college terms. :D
Hardly. I'm interested in their FACTS, not their crystal ball gazing. :D The FACTS are that Obama and McCain are in a dead heat, and this with almost no McCain publicity yet.

That's great... he got close in a poll. I see polls all the time that he ain't close in.

The free press thing for Obama is you in silly season again though. All the "Obama press" had been the Reverend Wright BS and Clinton attacking him in her last ditch effort. Still won North Carolina by 14 points. Even with Rush fouling the system.

I cannot wait until all Obama's efforts are directed squarely at Grampy. Get out the pop corn because it's gonna be a blast watching McCain try and match wits in a head to head debate. Mumblin' bumblin' stumblin'...
[COL]That's great... he got close in a poll. I see polls all the time that he ain't close in.

You were the one that brought up polls - don't you remember? Are you coming down with Alzheimers? :) "All the time" doesn't matter - "NOW" is what matters.

The free press thing for Obama is you in silly season again though. All the "Obama press" had been the Reverend Wright BS and Clinton attacking him in her last ditch effort. Still won North Carolina by 14 points. Even with Rush fouling the system.

Total BS - the Wright thing was a tiny interruption in the year long lib media Obama love fest, and shortly after it broke, they went into full Obama defense mode, referring to Wright's racist rants as "sound bites", asking Saint Obama puff ball "questions" about the issue so he could give self-serving answers, etc etc etc. The lib media ALWAYS acts as the propaganda arm of the democrat party during an election year, but this year is by far the worst I've ever seen.

I cannot wait until all Obama's efforts are directed squarely at Grampy. Get out the pop corn because it's gonna be a blast watching McCain try and match wits in a head to head debate. Mumblin' bumblin' stumblin'... [/COLOR]

What are his "efforts" going to be? :)

"Are you too old?"

"Were you an 'affirmative action' Harvard baby like me?"

"What, you want to WIN in Iraq?"

"Don't you want to ration health care like me?"


Obama has never had to face a REAL debate, or a REAL opponent. Now it's high noon at the OK coral, and he's in BIG trouble. :)