Can McCain get Hillary's supporters?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
Due to the desertion of Hillary's superdelegates, it has been clear that Obama will be the dem nominee. Poor Hillary - if her opponent dem were a white male, there would have been at least a good chance that the SDs would have overruled the pledged delegates. But since she has a black opponent, there is no way that would have happened because at this juncture of history, as I have said, black privilege is the heart and soul of the democrat party.

Hillary has just won the kentucky primary, and MSNBC said that exit polls indicated that only one third of her supporters said they would vote for Obama in the general election. But kentucky has been a republican state. As I've also said before - all that matters in the general is the electoral college.

The brings up the question of whether McCain can peel off enough ex-Hillary supporters in places that it counts to beat Obama.

Clinton's demographics appear to have been the elderly, socially conservative ethnic voterers, Latinos, and unionists.

Obama's support has been black voters, affluent guilt-trip libs, ethanol country yokels, and of course the Children's Crusaders, plus the far leftwingers.

McCain's support for the illegal alien amnesty might get him some hispanics. McCain needs to develop strategies to go after the other Hillary groups. Pointing out the completely-ignored-by-the-lib-media leftwing extremism of Obama, plus offering jobs and retraining bills might work with the unionists. The other groups are, I believe, irrevocably (for this election anyway) lost to bot-land.
Well surely he will get some Hillary supporters. The question is, will it amount to enough to make a difference. I dont think it will. I would be curious as to how many of those Hillary supporters were GOPers making a vote against Obama.

The Dems have roughly a week to go. Once it is over, the democrats will unite. Mark my words on that. That process has already begun. Hillary and Bubba have said they will rally behind Obama and I take them at thier word on that(or at least I want to)

The debates between Obama and McCain will make a big difference I think. I have little question Obama will handle himself well in those opportunies and win over even more votes.

I like McCain, I prefer Obama, but these being the presumptious nominees means that America has taken a big step left. McCain would be better off not having anything to do with Bush. But he is cozying up to him and it will cost him.
Well surely he will get some Hillary supporters. The question is, will it amount to enough to make a difference. I dont think it will. I would be curious as to how many of those Hillary supporters were GOPers making a vote against Obama.

The Dems have roughly a week to go. Once it is over, the democrats will unite. Mark my words on that. That process has already begun. Hillary and Bubba have said they will rally behind Obama and I take them at thier word on that(or at least I want to)

The debates between Obama and McCain will make a big difference I think. I have little question Obama will handle himself well in those opportunies and win over even more votes.

I like McCain, I prefer Obama, but these being the presumptious nominees means that America has taken a big step left. McCain would be better off not having anything to do with Bush. But he is cozying up to him and it will cost him.

I think you're dreaming about the "unite" stuff. On other boards and other anecdotal evidence I've heard great bitterness from Hillary supporters, and an ability to see through the lib media narrative that they are both the same ideologically. I think McCain can get moderate democrats.
Yes, McCain will get more than enough Hillary supporters in swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida to easily give him a majority in the electoral college. They won't be supporting McCain because they like him, but because of the alternative that the democratic powers that be are shoving down their throats.

In a year that the democrats should win the presidency in a walk, I actually have serious doubts that Obama will carry even a single state. If democratic leaders like Edwards, Kennedy, and Gore have actually convinced themselves that Obama has a serious shot at the presidency, they've got to be smoking some primo chit.
Yes, McCain will get more than enough Hillary supporters in swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida to easily give him a majority in the electoral college. They won't be supporting McCain because they like him, but because of the alternative that the democratic powers that be are shoving down their throats.

In a year that the democrats should win the presidency in a walk, I actually have serious doubts that Obama will carry even a single state. If democratic leaders like Edwards, Kennedy, and Gore have actually convinced themselves that Obama has a serious shot at the presidency, they've got to be smoking some primo chit.

u scared?

this is laughable. not a single state? man, i have my worries about obama winning sometimes, but if you think he won't carry illinois, california, new york, new jersey, massachusetts, hawaii, washington, and vermont, AT LEAST, you're the one smoking some stuff. john mccain is NOT reagan circa '84, by any stretch of the imagination. (here is a sample electoral map from march, if anything i think obama's numbers have gone up since then)

hillary had this nomination wrapped up 6 months ago, and she managed to lose it to a relative newcomer. the party establishment has onlt fallen in behind obama because they know he's had it won for some time and will more than likely be the future of the party, just like bill clinton was in 1992.
u scared?

this is laughable. not a single state? man, i have my worries about obama winning sometimes, but if you think he won't carry illinois, california, new york, new jersey, massachusetts, hawaii, washington, and vermont, AT LEAST, you're the one smoking some stuff. john mccain is NOT reagan circa '84, by any stretch of the imagination. (here is a sample electoral map from march, if anything i think obama's numbers have gone up since then)

hillary had this nomination wrapped up 6 months ago, and she managed to lose it to a relative newcomer. the party establishment has onlt fallen in behind obama because they know he's had it won for some time and will more than likely be the future of the party, just like bill clinton was in 1992.

I think it’s hard to say how many Hillary supporters will go with McCain. I live in an extremely liberal state, Obama-bots all the way. But I can think of at least 2 dozen people off hand who will not vote for him in a general election, but would have voted for Hillary. The people I am speaking of have never voted for any one other than a democrat in their lives. There are so many more of them out there. It really will be hard to know until November.

There is also the race factor. If a person says I do not like Obama, I can not vote for a man who I disagree with so much, the reply often is, you’re a racist. People are sensitive and do not want to be thought of as racist, so allot more than you might realize say ok I'll vote Obama, without ever intending to. Thankfully our Votes are private, so the harassment can only go as far as closing the curtain.
I think it’s hard to say how many Hillary supporters will go with McCain. I live in an extremely liberal state, Obama-bots all the way. But I can think of at least 2 dozen people off hand who will not vote for him in a general election, but would have voted for Hillary. The people I am speaking of have never voted for any one other than a democrat in their lives. There are so many more of them out there. It really will be hard to know until November.

There is also the race factor. If a person says I do not like Obama, I can not vote for a man who I disagree with so much, the reply often is, you’re a racist. People are sensitive and do not want to be thought of as racist, so allot more than you might realize say ok I'll vote Obama, without ever intending to. Thankfully our Votes are private, so the harassment can only go as far as closing the curtain.

i know at least two dozen people who wouldn't have bothered to vote if obama weren't running, so i guess it evens out? people underestimate obama's youth support, because young people never vote-- the 18-24 participation rate in '04 was 40%, overwhelmingly supporting a candidate who was about as charming as a log. expect 60%+ participation this year. i agree that the number of democratic defectors might be a problem, but remember that in june of 2000 50% of mccain voters said they would never vote for bush...

as far as racism, it has played a major role in the campaign so far. hillary would have been gone in february without racism. the reason that so many people are so quick to call racism is that there's been no shortage of it, not because of any unreasonable sensitivity from obama or his supporters.
i know at least two dozen people who wouldn't have bothered to vote if obama weren't running, so i guess it evens out? people underestimate obama's youth support, because young people never vote-- the 18-24 participation rate in '04 was 40%, overwhelmingly supporting a candidate who was about as charming as a log. expect 60%+ participation this year. i agree that the number of democratic defectors might be a problem, but remember that in june of 2000 50% of mccain voters said they would never vote for bush...

as far as racism, it has played a major role in the campaign so far. hillary would have been gone in february without racism. the reason that so many people are so quick to call racism is that there's been no shortage of it, not because of any unreasonable sensitivity from obama or his supporters.

I would agree it is possible new voters will be a wash for voters who Can not support him, only time will tell.

And I could agree with you that it is not Obama personally who is flashing the race card. But I totally disagree that his supporters are not flashing the race card. I am flabbergasted by how often and how fast an Obama supporter will yell racism, before they even have a chance to ask you what color you are, or why you hold the Positions you do.
i don't know, maybe i don't know enough conservatives to have observed it on a personal level, but the vast majority of racism claims i see in the media are based on actual racism.
i don't know, maybe i don't know enough conservatives to have observed it on a personal level, but the vast majority of racism claims i see in the media are based on actual racism.

I am curious to see some examples? The last claim I heard was that the Justice Department and FBI are racist because they arrested some black males for taking bribes.

I am sure there is plenty of real racism out there, I would be interested to read the stories.
i don't know, maybe i don't know enough conservatives to have observed it on a personal level, but the vast majority of racism claims i see in the media are based on actual racism.

I am just talking about my self here. I have never been called a racist in my life. I come from a family with many racists. Every holiday there were fights about civil rights. My sister and I on one end, and the rest of my family on the other. Once my mother told me she would stop loving me if I ever became a lesbian or married a black man. My whole life I have fought to end racism, I have even fought against my own family in this cause.

But this year has been very different. 8 out of 10 people who talk to me about politics, when they see I really do not like Obama either flat call me a racist or insinuate that I am racist.

It is a very odd feeling to be called or have it insinuated you are something you have fought your whole life to end. I even had an Obama supporter call on the phone asking for my support. When I firmly said NO! He said you must be a racist.

On these boards I have either been called a racist or it’s been alluded to. I ask other people and they have similar stories. It’s a weird place to be, and not everyone is as stubborn as I am, they would rather just lie and say yes I support Obama in public then click the other guys box in a private voting booth.

There is a principal behind this for me. I have the right to say who I like and support or who I do not like and will not support, and I have that right without being called horrible names. Now I can not stop people from doing it but I can sure point them out when they do.

None of these people who have flung the racist card in my face have asked me if I would support another black candidate. If they did they would know that I would be so happy to see Condoleezza Rice run, or Colin Powel, or Harold Ford Jr. or Allan Keys, heck if Bill Cosby ran for congress in my district I would so very proudly support him. Actually we do have a black candidate here running for county commissioner and I will vote for him as I have in the past. None of the people I named would I vote for because of their color, and I would never vote against them because of their color. It would be the different things they stand for that appealed to me.

But the Obama bots won’t even ask you why you don’t like Obama, they just fling the race card in your face hoping to guilt you into support. I don’t think it’s going to work.
i don't know, maybe i don't know enough conservatives to have observed it on a personal level, but the vast majority of racism claims i see in the media are based on actual racism.

Not counting personal stuff, what about the Republican Party? They have hired more African Americans to powerful positions than democrats.

First black secretary of state
First black female national security advisor
First black female secretary of state
First black Supreme Court justice
First black secretary of education
First Hispanic attorney general Alberto Gonzales
There are more but I am just typing them off quickly so you get an idea.

And with any luck first black female vise president :)

If McCain picks her I can make my bumper sticker

Condoleezza and the gezzah (08)
Not counting personal stuff, what about the Republican Party? They have hired more African Americans to powerful positions than democrats.

First black secretary of state
First black female national security advisor
First black female secretary of state
First black Supreme Court justice
First black secretary of education
First Hispanic attorney general Alberto Gonzales
There are more but I am just typing them off quickly so you get an idea.

And with any luck first black female vise president :)

If McCain picks her I can make my bumper sticker

Condoleezza and the gezzah (08)

I guess they've run out of tokens and Toms:


Just a few years after the Republican Party launched a highly publicized diversity effort, the GOP is heading into the 2008 election without a single minority candidate with a plausible chance of winning a campaign for the House, the Senate or governor.

At a time when Democrats are poised to knock down a historic racial barrier with their presidential nominee, the GOP is fielding only a handful of minority candidates for Congress or statehouses — none of whom seem to have a prayer of victory.

At the start of the Bush years, the Republican National Committee — in tandem with the White House — vowed to usher in a new era of GOP minority outreach. As George W. Bush winds down his presidency, Republicans are now on the verge of going six — and probably more — years without an African-American governor, senator or House member.

Gee, that's something to be proud of. The Republicans, the party of racists, crackers and rednecks.
I guess they've run out of tokens and Toms:


Gee, that's something to be proud of. The Republicans, the party of racists, crackers and rednecks.

To me, what you just said is so racist. If a black person succeeds in the Republican Party it can not be because they are a good person it’s because they are a token or a tom?

And the Republican Party is racist crackers and red necks?

If that was turned around and said that the only black democrats who succeeded were what you said, you would call me a racist so fast heads would spin and if I called the Democratic Party the things you said...

It’s funny that "some" types of racism will always be tolerated.
To bad non of them are any good :)

OK I liked Powell a lot, less after his Iraq WMD Speech...More again after he said he was sorry he ever made it, and how pissed he was that he was basically lied to.

I want to see Rice run as VP, I just want to see the Clip of
Rice" we did not know Bin Ladin was going to attack inside the US..."
Question...WOuld you please read the title of the memo?
Rice" I belive it was.Bin Ladin determined to attack inside the US"

A priceless moment that helped Define how truly bad at her job she is.
And how poorly prepared the Bush team as a whole was. .
one of the 3 moments I think say it all
the others, Mission Accomplished. and 3rd...the Yellow Cake From Niger/Outing of A CIA Agent as punishment for pointing out that lie.