Another Democrat Congressman in trouble with the law with assault!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Rep. Bob Filner Charged With Assault on Virginia Airport Worker

WASHINGTON — California Rep. Bob Filner was facing charges Monday for allegedly assaulting an airline worker at Dulles International Airport after becoming upset that his luggage had not arrived at a baggage carousel.

Filner, 64, is slated to appear in Loudoun County, Va., General District Court on Oct. 2. Court officials could not say whether the San Diego Democrat had been served the summons yet to show up on that date.

According to law enforcement officials, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority police were called to the United Airlines baggage claim office at about 6 p.m. Sunday evening for a report of an incident with a passenger regarding his baggage.

"The individual allegedly attempted to enter an area authorized for airline employees only, pushed aside the employees outstretched arm and refused to leave the area when asked by an airline employee," according to airport police.

"When MWAA officers arrived a few minutes later, the man had left the office and was waiting in the area of a bag carousel. Officers interviewed him and witnesses and released him. Before the individual left the airport, officers advised him that the airline employee would be pursuing charges," the police statement reads

The statement says the airport worker filed assault and battery charges, a class 1 misdemeanor.,2933,293834,00.html

Now ill bet Republicans wont force him to resign or call for his resignation. But when A republican breaks the law they force him or her to step down like Trent Lott and Tom Delay. Remember Gary Condict murder Chanda Leavy? They didnt force him to resign. Remember Cindy McKinnley assault a police officer and didnt get arrested ? And They didnt force her to resign. Remember Patrick Kennedy who commited a DWI and police didnt give him a sobriety test? and They didnt force him to resign. It seems everytime a democrat gets caught in a scandal or break the laws no penalty given to them.But when a Republican does this sort of act he or she gets the ax!
He pushed someones arm for crying out loud! People need to lighten the hell up. That is NOT assualt, and its an insult to people who have truely been assualted.

I don't know this person, I've never heard of him before, but its of little interest which party he belongs to, this is pathetic.

What can you possibly sue for when someone pushes your arm? How is it assault? A dislocated collar bone? A snapped elbow? A shattered wrist? Come on.

Then again this is being posted by someone who believes that its McDonalds fault hes overweight and that hes entitled to compensation for it. This is the sort of thing that gives America a bad legal reputation.
Besides, Steve, have you ever been to Dulles? The place is so drop dead boring that it brings out the worst in everyone.
Legally it is assault to shove someone in the shoulder. Yes, it's stupid -- it's also stupid that it's sometimes considered sexual assault to spontaneously hug a female co-worker (and yeah, that's also an insult to people who actually have been sexually assaulted). But stupid laws ought to be repealed, not selectively ignored when an ideologically favorable Congressman breaks them.
Obviously it wasn't much of an assault. If it was the police would have arrested him on the spot. When they don't and leave it up to an individual to file charges themselves it's because it's such a shaky case that they don't want to chance getting caught up in false arrest charges.

You don't even have to touch someone for there to be "assault". But there has to be the a certain threatening intent... saying something someone doesn't like or mere none threating contact does not constitute assault or assault & battery.

Nothing at all comes of this. It's an uninjured guy looking for a little settlement cash.

I do think it's worth noting that neo-cons put this up with the REPUBLICAN CULTURE OF CORRUPTION. Comparing touching someones arm in an airport with the Lotts the Delays the Abranoffs the Libbys etc. etc. etc. is like comparing Dennis the Menace with John Gotti and "the family". :D

Silly rabbit... tricks are for kids!

I do think it's worth noting that neo-cons put this up with the REPUBLICAN CULTURE OF CORRUPTION. Comparing touching someones arm in an airport with the Lotts the Delays the Abranoffs the Libbys etc. etc. etc. is like comparing Dennis the Menace with John Gotti and "the family". :D

You can't be much more of a partisan hack than this. Corruption isn't confined to the Republicans and you know it.
He pushed someones arm for crying out loud! People need to lighten the hell up. That is NOT assualt, and its an insult to people who have truely been assualted.

I don't know this person, I've never heard of him before, but its of little interest which party he belongs to, this is pathetic.

What can you possibly sue for when someone pushes your arm? How is it assault? A dislocated collar bone? A snapped elbow? A shattered wrist? Come on.

Then again this is being posted by someone who believes that its McDonalds fault hes overweight and that hes entitled to compensation for it. This is the sort of thing that gives America a bad legal reputation.

Suppose a police officer puts his hands on me and then i shoved his arm? Then i get arrested right on the spot. So it sounds like a double standard to me!
Suppose a police officer puts his hands on me and then i shoved his arm? Then i get arrested right on the spot. So it sounds like a double standard to me!

Well give me an example and I'll tell you wether its a double standard or not. A police officer should only put his hands on you for a reason, and if he does, hes probably doing his job.
You can't be much more of a partisan hack than this. Corruption isn't confined to the Republicans and you know it.

You're right.

When I said the Republican Culture of Corruption I was referring to the latest time of total Republican control... the presidency and both houses of congress. During this period I think it's indisputable that the Republicans have faired much worse in both types of crimes and numbers.

I only bring this up because it's the conservatives that rode that high horse into power about honesty, values, the family and heterosexuality. It's not been a good time for them in the spotlight. Polls clearly showed that corruption was the dueling main reason along with Iraq as to why the Dems made such great gains in the last election... so it's really not just me trying to act "hackish". :)

For the record to clear things up... Democrats are certainly not immuned to corruption.
Suppose a police officer puts his hands on me and then i shoved his arm? Then i get arrested right on the spot. So it sounds like a double standard to me!

First of all, Mr. Filner "assaulted" an airline employee. Not a cop.

Second of all, if a cop lays hands on you and you shove him off, that's not assault, that's likely to be resisting arrest or hindering an investigation (yeah, that last one's a bit of a stretch). And depending on how well-trained the cop is, shoving him like that could be a very, very bad idea on your part.

Third of all (and I really think this is the most important part), WHY THE HELL DOES THIS MATTER?
Well give me an example and I'll tell you wether its a double standard or not. A police officer should only put his hands on you for a reason, and if he does, hes probably doing his job.

Like the Black guy was stopped to get a ticket by the Florida Highway Patrol near Tampa. He swatted the pen from the officer and walked away arguring over that ticket grabbed his arm and then cop grabbed him and then black guy shoved him and cop said, And now youre going to jail. Looks like a double standard. But the Judge dismissed the case. Cause of Racism ever since the rodney king thing ,Every time a white officer does this sort of things to blacks judges probley throw out the the case just to keep the black community from getting out of line.
I think he deserved to be arrested, but not for assault. The policeman was trying to do his job, and the man stopped him using physical actions. He was not obeying the law in the first place, and then refused to accept the consequences, AND THEN SHOVES AN OFFICER OF THE LAW.

Its not double standards, and what happened in the trial is irrelevant to your original point.
But the topic is When Republicans commit a scandal or get in trouble with law Congress or Senate liberals demand his or resignation. But when Democrats are involved in a scandal like Bill Clinton was nothing would get done to him. Bill Clinton was Protected by the democrats in senate from a full impeachment removed from office. But Trent Lott didnt stay in Majority power did he? Tom Delay didnt stay in power did he? So why should Bill Clinton served out his presidental term?
But the topic is When Republicans commit a scandal or get in trouble with law Congress or Senate liberals demand his or resignation.

So you've understood there are no double standards involved on the police officer scenario?

So why should Bill Clinton served out his presidental term?

Why do you believe Clinton should have been impeached?
Why do you believe Clinton should have been impeached?

I'm not speaking for steveox, but I believe Clinton was rightfully impeached for lying under oath. I do not, however, believe that the charges should have been brought up in the first place. I think it was a very dangerous precedent to set.