"Babysitting Spanky"


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2022
"Behind closed doors in 2017, Spanky Trump discussed the idea of using a nuclear weapon against North Korea and suggested he could blame a U.S. strike against the communist regime on another country, according to a new section of a book that details key events of his administration.
Trump's alleged comments, reported for the first time in a new afterword to a book by New York Times Washington correspondent Michael Schmidt, came as tensions between the U.S. and North Korea’s Kim Jong-un escalated, alarming then-White House chief of staff John Kelly."
Trump is a nut case. His whole presidency was based on achieving complete control over everything and everybody.
Like leading America itself, he would have gloated about nuking anyone. It was his MO.
Voting fraud legalized by leftist judge, who issued an edict allowing illegal immigrants the freedom to vote without being blocked by American seeking to prevent them from voting.


Federal Court Blocks “Proof of Citizenship” Voting Requirement

“With National Voter Registration Day fast approaching on September 28, hundreds of Leagues around the country are preparing to host events to get Americans registered to vote. Today’s decision validates our most vital work of empowering voters through registration assistance,” said Dr. Deborah Ann Turner, board president of the League of Women Voters of the United States. “This ruling is a major victory that guarantees the right to a simple, accessible means of registering to vote. As we continue to push Congress to enact voting protections and national voting standards, we applaud the court’s decision today that protects the rights of all voters and reinforces the fact that voting is the backbone of our democracy.”
Voting fraud legalized by leftist judge, who issued an edict allowing illegal immigrants the freedom to vote without being blocked by American seeking to prevent them from voting.


Federal Court Blocks “Proof of Citizenship” Voting Requirement

“With National Voter Registration Day fast approaching on September 28, hundreds of Leagues around the country are preparing to host events to get Americans registered to vote. Today’s decision validates our most vital work of empowering voters through registration assistance,” said Dr. Deborah Ann Turner, board president of the League of Women Voters of the United States. “This ruling is a major victory that guarantees the right to a simple, accessible means of registering to vote. As we continue to push Congress to enact voting protections and national voting standards, we applaud the court’s decision today that protects the rights of all voters and reinforces the fact that voting is the backbone of our democracy.”
"In 2010, the League opposed the Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which removed limits on corporate contributions to candidates. It filed an amicus brief in support of the FEC.

The League supports the DISCLOSE Act, which would provide for greater and faster public disclosure of campaign spending and combat the use of "dark money" in U.S. elections.

The League currently opposes restrictive photo ID laws and supports campaign finance reform in the United States, including public financing of elections, restrictions on spending by candidates, and abolishing super-PACs."
