Bill Clinton: "Torture Like on 24 Is OK"


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Bill Clinton: "Torture Like on 24 Is OK"
America needs more Jack Bauer like agents says former President

Steve Watson
Monday, Oct 1, 2007

Former president Bill Clinton has told NBC's Meet The Press that America needs more intelligence agents who make their own rules and engage in whatever actions are necessary like Jack Bauer from the fictional TV show 24.

"I think what our policy ought to be is to be uncompromisingly opposed to terror--I mean to torture, and that if you're the Jack Bauer person, you'll do whatever you do and you should be prepared to take the consequences... And I think the consequences will be imposed based on what turns out to be the truth." Clinton said.

"If you have any kind of a formal exception, people just drive a truck through it, and they'll say, 'Well, I thought it was covered by the exception,'" Clinton added.

The question was again raised by host Tim Russert after Clinton told him last year that he would authorize torture in a "ticking bomb 24"-style situation.

Clinton went on to state “If you look at the show, every time they get the president to approve something, the president gets in trouble, the country gets in trouble. And when Bauer goes out there on his own and is prepared to live with the consequences, it always seems to work better.".

Clinton's comments represent another case of an influential political figure discussing the benefits of torture in the context of a fictional TV show character.

Earlier this year Supreme Court judge Antonin Scalia also used the analogy at a panel discussion on torture, stating "Jack Bauer saved Los Angeles. ... He saved hundreds of thousands of lives... Are you going to convict Jack Bauer? Say that criminal law is against him? ‘You have the right to a jury trial?’ Is any jury going to convict Jack Bauer? I don’t think so.”

We are more used to this kind of dross from Fox News. For example, Laura Ingraham has previously stated that the average American's love of the show is a referendum for the use of torture against anyone considered to be with "Al Qaeda" whether they be American citizens or not. Watch it:

24 has routinely depicted scenes of detainee torture, as well as plot-lines broaching the issue of the detention of American citizens in a time of crisis.

At a time when legislation such as The Patriot Act and The Military Commissions Act are setting the precedent for the detention of American citizens, and in the absence of any real terror 24 serves as the perfect dose of fear-mongering propaganda to encourage acceptance of such attacks upon the fabric of freedom.

24, Threat Matrix, Spooks, and other such shows are contributions to a conditioning mechanism that present torture as a reasonable and ethical method. However, in every case of torture that has come to light in the real world there isn't even a basis of "situational ethics" to justify this with.

Click here to watch a video clip in which Alex Jones explains the hypocrisy of torture and why the doublethink of the "it's bad when the enemy does it but good when we do it" mentality is so dangerous.

Finally, should we really have to endure BIll Clinton, an impeached former president who has been accused of rape and molestation, speaking on "facing consequences" for one's actions based on "what turns out to be the truth"?
Finally, should we really have to endure BIll Clinton, an impeached former president who has been accused of rape and molestation, speaking on "facing consequences" for one's actions based on "what turns out to be the truth"?
I am far from a Clinton apologist this statement is nothing but A cheap shot at someone who has served thier country honorably, that has nothing to do with torture. But I will say this. America needs to take the high moral road when it comes to torture whoever the President is. Just because they do it, it doesnt mean it is alright for us to. I dont watch 24, but in times of absolute need, one must do the work that needs to be done.
Does America need to base anymore of its politics on action television.

I think Arnold Schwartznegger and that two bob presidential candidate is enough.
Actually President Clinton has since been on Meet the Press (last Sunday) and said that he actually believes that Hillary is right as far as POLICY goes. He said he sees why there should be no policy of torture. He gave koodos to his wife.

What he went on to say was that one never knows what exact senario a President may encounter espesially in this age of terrorism. President Clinton said that the odds of a Jack Bower senario are astronomical but if that exact, positive intel, situation should occur it shouldn't be that torture is allowed by POLICY. It should be a matter of a President so sure that this was the only possible way to save innocent lives from sure doom that the President BREAK POLICY and accept the consequenses.

Now I don't care who you are that's a damn good unserstanding of both what's best... and what's the reality... looking out for innocent lives even if it means having to accept the consequenses... while not making it the slippery slope of a policy.

It requires the President to be so sure what he/or she has to do is so right and so necrssary they'd be willing to break policy for it... and hope that being right and saving those lives would be something the American people would forgive.

The guy's great and he's right on the money going with Hillary on this one!
I am far from a Clinton apologist this statement is nothing but A cheap shot at someone who has served thier country honorably, that has nothing to do with torture. But I will say this. America needs to take the high moral road when it comes to torture whoever the President is. Just because they do it, it doesnt mean it is alright for us to. I dont watch 24, but in times of absolute need, one must do the work that needs to be done.

Clinton has no honor.

How did he serve the country?
Actually President Clinton has since been on Meet the Press (last Sunday) and said that he actually believes that Hillary is right as far as POLICY goes. He said he sees why there should be no policy of torture. He gave koodos to his wife.

What he went on to say was that one never knows what exact senario a President may encounter espesially in this age of terrorism. President Clinton said that the odds of a Jack Bower senario are astronomical but if that exact, positive intel, situation should occur it shouldn't be that torture is allowed by POLICY. It should be a matter of a President so sure that this was the only possible way to save innocent lives from sure doom that the President BREAK POLICY and accept the consequenses.

Now I don't care who you are that's a damn good unserstanding of both what's best... and what's the reality... looking out for innocent lives even if it means having to accept the consequenses... while not making it the slippery slope of a policy.

It requires the President to be so sure what he/or she has to do is so right and so necrssary they'd be willing to break policy for it... and hope that being right and saving those lives would be something the American people would forgive.

The guy's great and he's right on the money going with Hillary on this one!

He will say anything to get Hillary into the he can tag along.
When will you realize that Clinton sold us out? And that there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats?

Look, what a guy like Alex Jones says is very thought provoking, Unfortunately saying, a pox on both their houses, just isn't the way to go. You have to think realistically, we're either going to have a Republican or a Democrat as our next president. There are differences, just as an example, who would you rather have selecting the next couple Supreme Court Justices? The answer for me is obvious.
Look, what a guy like Alex Jones says is very thought provoking, Unfortunately saying, a pox on both their houses, just isn't the way to go. You have to think realistically, we're either going to have a Republican or a Democrat as our next president. There are differences, just as an example, who would you rather have selecting the next couple Supreme Court Justices? The answer for me is obvious.

What does Alex Jones have to do with the fact that there are no real differences between Republicans and Democrats?

I bet you can find much more if you really want to know your little buddies The Clintons.
You have to think realistically, we're either going to have a Republican or a Democrat as our next president.

That's not thinking realisitically. That's thinking like they want you to think. As long as you keep circling around in the same self-fulfilling prophecy, you'll keep getting the same results.

You're worried about who selects the Supreme Court Justices? Tell me how the Supreme Court will matter when the interest payments on the national debt exceed tax revenue? And yes, that day is coming. We're still 30 or 40 years away, but no Democrat or Republican has ever reduced this national debt. They've all left office with a larger national debt than when they entered. And it's totally immoral - and downright evil to future generations.
That's not thinking realisitically. That's thinking like they want you to think. As long as you keep circling around in the same self-fulfilling prophecy, you'll keep getting the same results.

You're worried about who selects the Supreme Court Justices? Tell me how the Supreme Court will matter when the interest payments on the national debt exceed tax revenue? And yes, that day is coming. We're still 30 or 40 years away, but no Democrat or Republican has ever reduced this national debt. They've all left office with a larger national debt than when they entered. And it's totally immoral - and downright evil to future generations.

And your solution? Staying away from the polls, while promoting conspiracy theories? How does that help anyone?