Bush Has the Last Laugh

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Jun 2, 2008
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — President Bush failed to win the help he sought from Saudi Arabia to relieve skyrocketing American gas prices Friday, a setback for the former Texas oilman who took office predicting he would jawbone oil-producing nations to help the U.S.

Bush got a red-carpet welcome to this desert kingdom, home to the world's largest oil reserves, and promised to ask King Abdullah to increase production to reduce pressure on prices, which soared past $127 for the first time Friday. But Saudi officials said they already were meeting the needs of their customers worldwide and there was no need to pump more. (while Bush said the rising prices was because of rising demand, which caused shortages in supply)

So Bush said that’s ok and laughed it up and bragged about how him and his buddies robbed the American public and swore it would continue until his last day in office. As you can see in this pic, they where having quite the laugh.

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — President Bush failed to win the help he sought from Saudi Arabia to relieve skyrocketing American gas prices Friday, a setback for the former Texas oilman who took office predicting he would jawbone oil-producing nations to help the U.S.

Bush got a red-carpet welcome to this desert kingdom, home to the world's largest oil reserves, and promised to ask King Abdullah to increase production to reduce pressure on prices, which soared past $127 for the first time Friday. But Saudi officials said they already were meeting the needs of their customers worldwide and there was no need to pump more. (while Bush said the rising prices was because of rising demand, which caused shortages in supply)

So Bush said that’s ok and laughed it up and bragged about how him and his buddies robbed the American public and swore it would continue until his last day in office. As you can see in this pic, they where having quite the laugh.


Very sad isn't it? The only good thing about the Bush administration is that the American people... the whole world for that matter has watched as all their political fraud and trickery has piled up.

Now the insiders like Scott Mcclelland are even coming forward... and I don't think he'll be the last.

Good post my friend.
The Saudis have our President so hoodwinked its becoming slightly entertaining.
Time and time again, the House of Saud shows itself to be the worst "friend" America could imagine.
With allies like them, who needs enemies?
Lame empty post.

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — President Bush failed to win the help he sought from Saudi Arabia to relieve skyrocketing American gas prices Friday, a setback for the former Texas oilman who took office predicting he would jawbone oil-producing nations to help the U.S.

So Bush went to ask the Saudi's to increase production... and you are crying about it? See... with these baby libs, no matter what he does, they cry. If he didn't go, you'd cry. He went, you cry. Take your pacifier and shut up.

Bush got a red-carpet welcome to this desert kingdom, home to the world's largest oil reserves, and promised to ask King Abdullah to increase production to reduce pressure on prices, which soared past $127 for the first time Friday. But Saudi officials said they already were meeting the needs of their customers worldwide and there was no need to pump more. (while Bush said the rising prices was because of rising demand, which caused shortages in supply)

There is no shortages, and he never said that. Higher demand with stable supply equals higher price. That does not automatically mean shortages. Further, what did you expect the Saudi's to do? Make him stay at Motel 6?

Lastly, Saudi's are not puppets of the U.S. Asking is all Bush can do. What exactly would you suggest? Full of criticism, but no real suggestions or answer. Just a lame 'bush sucks' whine fest.

So Bush said that’s ok and laughed it up and bragged about how him and his buddies robbed the American public and swore it would continue until his last day in office. As you can see in this pic, they where having quite the laugh.

We get very little of our Oil from Saudi Arabia. We use roughly 20,730-Thousand barrels per day of oil as of the latest numbers from 2007. Meanwhile we have imported from Saudi Arabia only 1,325 thousand barrels per day.

In other words, less than 16% of our oil comes from there.

So instead of making really lame unfounded sarcastic remarks... how about some answers? Here try this. Let fix this whole issue easy by just getting the oil in OUR OWN LAND! Unshackle the oil companies. Open up more land for drilling. Stop forcing ourselves into buy expensive over seas oil, and get our own oil! It's just that simple.
The Saudis have our President so hoodwinked its becoming slightly entertaining.
Time and time again, the House of Saud shows itself to be the worst "friend" America could imagine.
With allies like them, who needs enemies?

It is obvious it doesn't take much to hoodwink our President. :cool:
The Saudis have our President so hoodwinked its becoming slightly entertaining.
Time and time again, the House of Saud shows itself to be the worst "friend" America could imagine.
With allies like them, who needs enemies?

Oh come on, you I KNOW are smarter than this. How is he 'hoodwinked'? Bush asked them to increase production, and they refused. That's all there is to this.
The Saudis have our President so hoodwinked its becoming slightly entertaining.
Time and time again, the House of Saud shows itself to be the worst "friend" America could imagine.
With allies like them, who needs enemies?

No doubt. The thing is Bush really relates to the whole "King" thing. Defending Civil Liberties or the Constitution... respect for the other branches of government... not big on the Bush list of proper things to do.

It's exactly like McClelland has now said... Bush set up a continuing campaign mode. Or in layman's terms... ME ME ME.

And McCain would even be worse. Not just a King but more of an invader... the Gengis Kahn syndrome.

This really could not be any scarier... :eek:

So Bush went to ask the Saudi's to increase production... and you are crying about it?
No, I'm mocking it, it was a pathetic joke. (as you well know)

with these baby libs, no matter what he does, they cry.
Insulting me will get you no where, Ive been above such childish attacks long ago..what else ya got?
Bush is a liar and a war criminal and so is anyone who defends him (hint)

Take your pacifier and shut up.
Wow,that was an intelligent statement, typicial Bush supporter exhibiting his I.Q of five..way to go genious.

There is no shortages, and he never said that
Oh yeah genious..your own words "So Bush went to ask the Saudi's to increase production" are you a liar or just confused?

what did you expect the Saudi's to do? Make him stay at Motel 6?
Well I don't expect them to shower him with gold and silver.

What exactly would you suggest?
Jail Bush and his cronies (that would include the likes of you) and charge them with treason, genocide and multiple war crimes

The rest of your childish rant deseves no more of a response, you're obviously a pathetic ***** begging for attention....in short, people like you are a disgrace to this country and yourselves...by by
Andy No, I'm mocking it, it was a pathetic joke.

Insulting me will get you no where, Ive been above such childish attacks long ago..what else ya got?
Bush is a liar and a war criminal and so is anyone who defends him (hint)

Well you are wrong. Right to be wrong is granted here.

Wow,that was an intelligent statement, typicial Bush supporter exhibiting his I.Q of five..way to go genious.

Oh yeah genious..your own words "So Bush went to ask the Saudi's to increase production" are you a liar or just confused? (I say you're a liar.)

Well I don't expect them to shower him with gold and silver.

You made some empty accusation, some hearsay, and nothing of real depth. Make a point or shut up. Tired of such whiny empty people. Btw genious, the word is genius. :D

Jail Bush and his cronies (that would include the likes aof you) and charge them with treason and genocide.

The rest of your childish rant deseves no more of a response, you're obviously just a pathetic ***** begging for attention....in short, people like you are a disgrace to this country and yourselves...by by

Oh and your post is so much better. I'm already stunned by your lack of reason and logic. All of which is perfected with the statement "your childish rant deseves no more of a response" and then go on to respond. :p

So, Bush in an effort to reduce oil prices, goes and asks the Saudis to increase production... which they refuse. So you cry about it. Then I pose the question... what do you suggest? Your brilliant gem of a suggestion, to deal with oil prices and the Saudis, is... "Jail Bush and his cronies". :rolleyes:

Oh wow... boy you got me there! Oh how can anyone defeat the utter mastery of logic there! We should vote YOU in office! I'm sure your grasp of reality, which far surpasses your 'genious', is so great, I'm sure you'd fix everything with this plan! (hint: now I'm mocking you, idiot.) :D
Oh come on, you I KNOW are smarter than this. How is he 'hoodwinked'? Bush asked them to increase production, and they refused. That's all there is to this.

Lets go back to just since the start of this Bush Administration. Less than a year into it, 15 Saudis were apart of the worst terrorist event in America.
The ring leaders of the organization are Saudis. Including OBL who comes from as you probably know, a very well heeled and politically powerful family in the KSA.
Bush says he is going to hunt down terrorists, thier networks, thier financiers, and the states who sponsor them. Remember the old mantra, your either with us, or against us, there is no middle ground?
Well when it came to supporting our efforts, they said, not no, but hell no!
Get your troops out of here!

Then there is the oil issue. The market it tight, with little or no surplus production. The Saudis are making trillions, Americans are suffering at the pump badly. We need more supply. We asked the Saudis, by sending the best friend America ever produced for them to help us out. They said no.

So Andy, tell me, where have the Saudis been our allies?
When the chips are down, each and every time, they have turned thier backs on us. When they needed thier backs covered, we were there.
Andy and Outspoken and anyone else who wants to post in this thread. I caution you on the personal comments that are being made. We are trying to minimize this and keep the discussion polite. Please keep discussions on topic.
So anyway..back to topic, It's not nice that Bush mocks our country and laughs it up with those Saudi buddies of his, he sure doesn't look very disapointed that his buddies refused to increase production, in fact he looks elated.

We get very little of our Oil from Saudi Arabia. We use roughly 20,730-Thousand barrels per day of oil as of the latest numbers from 2007. Meanwhile we have imported from Saudi Arabia only 1,325 thousand barrels per day.

In other words, less than 16% of our oil comes from there.
%15 isnt very little its quite a bit. Taking away that %15 would have huge ramifications on the American economy. Disaster would ensue, probably within 30 days.
%15 isnt very little its quite a bit. Taking away that %15 would have huge ramifications on the American economy. Disaster would ensue, probably within 30 days.

All oil is sold on a global oil commodities market. If we didn't buy from them, there are dozens, if not hundreds of others selling. Now, don't get me wrong. Since oil IS on a global market, then the loss of Saudi Oil will have a direct and instant impact. Supply and Demand: Supply down, price up.

And the reverse being what Bush asked the Saudis to do.

But we wouldn't run out of oil by any stretch, unless like Carter, someone put in price controls. Morons.

The bigger question is... why in the world are we importing all this oil? There is tons... trillions, and possibly more than trillions of oil here in the US... why are we not getting it? We have forced ourselves into the imported oil global market, and now we complain about it. (wah! bush! wah! oil! wah!) Stop shooting off our own feet, and let's get our own oil. That will eliminate the whole issue.
Well when it came to supporting our efforts, they said, not no, but hell no!
Get your troops out of here!

Not sure who are when that is in reference to. Can you be more specific? This is new information to me. Beyond that, it's widely known that OBL hated the good relationship between Saudi Arabia and the US. He considered the Saudis corrupted by the evil US, and wanted all US people barred from Saudi Arabia. It's not even remotely surprising he specifically recruited Saudis to do the 9/11 attack, and made it easy to track where they came from. It was a direct attempt to strain relations, which seems to have worked.

Then there is the oil issue. The market it tight, with little or no surplus production. The Saudis are making trillions, Americans are suffering at the pump badly. We need more supply. We asked the Saudis, by sending the best friend America ever produced for them to help us out. They said no.

So Andy, tell me, where have the Saudis been our allies?
When the chips are down, each and every time, they have turned thier backs on us. When they needed thier backs covered, we were there.

Honestly, I don't know. I'd be open to redefining our relationship with them. However what have we provided them? If we don't buy from them, everyone else will. And if they have the lowest price, then we're just shooting our own foot off again.

I do know they offered to locate OBL for us, and Clinton nixed the offer. I also know Clinton and the Saudis were close, they give Clinton $20 Million for his Presidential Underwear Library.

I also know that Saudis do tend to go against OPEC. Not always as much, or the way we want. Incase you missed it, the Saudis did recently increase production. Likely not enough to be a huge factor... certainly not as much as Bush wanted, but they did buck OPEC again.
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