Bush pastor starts pro Obama website


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, leader of the largest Methodist congregation in the country, launched a website yesterday titled "James Dobson Doesn't Speak For Me" Caldwell decided to do this after Dobson called Obama's interpretation of the Bible distorted.

Rev. Caldwell introduced Bush at the 2000 Republican National Convention and last month officiated at Jenna Bush's wedding ceremony. This election Caldwell is firmly in the Obama camp and trying to help the campaign to bring other pastors and parishioners along.

Check out the site: James Dobson Doesn't Speak For Me
The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, leader of the largest Methodist congregation in the country, launched a website yesterday titled "James Dobson Doesn't Speak For Me" Caldwell decided to do this after Dobson called Obama's interpretation of the Bible distorted.

Rev. Caldwell introduced Bush at the 2000 Republican National Convention and last month officiated at Jenna Bush's wedding ceremony. This election Caldwell is firmly in the Obama camp and trying to help the campaign to bring other pastors and parishioners along.

Check out the site: James Dobson Doesn't Speak For Me

Oh, a pastor for the booming evangelist movement doesn't speak for a fading mainline church like the methodists? Who'da thunk it. :D
Oh, a pastor for the booming evangelist movement doesn't speak for a fading mainline church like the methodists? Who'da thunk it. :D

Except there are signs that the religious right and it's leaders no longer carry the weight they once did. The nomination of John McCain, a man who despite all his butt kissing very few evangelical leaders supported, is a prime example.
Except there are signs that the religious right and it's leaders no longer carry the weight they once did. The nomination of John McCain, a man who despite all his butt kissing very few evangelical leaders supported, is a prime example.

All very good points Popeye.

I'd go on to say it's a much bigger story that many especially younger evangelists as well as many regular mainstream church groups are openly supporting Senator Obama than it is that the Fanatic fringe of the Religious Right doesn't really like old McSame all that much.

You can go down the list and whether it be Independents... or Republican contributors... or Republicans getting tossed out of long held seats in heavy Republican Districts... or Republicans that have this cycle chosen not to even run for re-election... or the church vote and you see MAJOR slippage of support for Republicans in general.

Their BRAND is severely damaged!

This says is all...

Except there are signs that the religious right and it's leaders no longer carry the weight they once did. The nomination of John McCain, a man who despite all his butt kissing very few evangelical leaders supported, is a prime example.

Churches are becoming watered down, hell it won’t be long before it is the pastor who gives you the abortion instead of just tells you its ok to do it. Bush, from what I understand is becoming Catholic. Perhaps Jeb converted him. I am sure he left his church due to disgusting liberalism in the pulpit.

Obama's did distort the bible. You would have to be a total ***** to think Jesus was ok'ing Homosexual marriage when he gave the sermon on the mount.
armstrong williams, colin powell, and now pastor whatzisname - it's pretty clear that for very many blacks, race trumps all.
armstrong williams, colin powell, and now pastor whatzisname - it's pretty clear that for very many blacks, race trumps all.

How about that Colin Powell was thrown under the Bush By Bush Co?
Or that maybe this Pasture just likes Obama more? But you just throw the race card with no proof at all. Basically what you are saying is that any Moderate or republican who is Black must for for McCain , or they are only voting because he is Black.. Does that mean the white Dem's who are voting for McCain are only doing it because he is white?
How about that Colin Powell was thrown under the Bush By Bush Co?
Or that maybe this Pasture just likes Obama more? But you just throw the race card with no proof at all.

YOU are the one claiming things with no proof at all - the "Bush lied" appeaser mantra remains completely unproven - Bush didn't throw Powell anywhere. Also (one continually has to remind Obamabots of this :D) Bush isn't running for president - McCain is. :rolleyes: Powell's problems are strictly his own - he should have gone to the CIA and demanded proof before he spoke at the UN. Basically what happened to Powell is that he managed to slide through a long government career greased by "affirmative action" - but at the end, his luck ran out and his incompetence finally caught up with him.