Obama the Black Hitler?

Federal Farmer

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
Barack the Black Hitler

Part 1

Barack the Black Hitler: How Obama’s stated goals may lead to the deaths of roughly six million people and the striking similarities between Obama’s personality and methods for acquiring power and Hitler’s.

For most people, Hitler embodies pure evil. Because of this, his name is often invoked in debates over character. These sorts of comparisons are almost always unwarranted and wildly exaggerated. But now America has a new star politician, Obama, and the parallels between he and the most loathed man in history are very real. In this article, we will examine the methods of assuming power employed by both men, and the role of their decisions in the lives (and deaths) of six millions jews.

The substance behind words:

We can tell a lot about what a politician thinks of his audience based on his approach to speaking to them. A politician that believes his audience is mature and intelligent will appeal to their logic rather than emotion. He will tell them the unpleasant truth because he believes his audience can handle it. A politician that does not think very highly of his audience will do the opposite. He will remain as vague as possible and appeal to their emotions above all else.

“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”
— Adolf Hitler

It is not hard to deduce Obama’s opinions of his audience. When he’s in public he uses vague terms such as “hope” and “change” rather than attempt to define exactly what it is he intends to do. He appeals to the authority of examples in history in order to imbue their qualities into his words rather than extoll the virtues of any specific policy he proposes. Let’s not forget his creative “borrowing” of other people’s words either. (see: Deval Patrick) In essence, he aims to inspire, not inform.

“I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.”
— Adolf Hitler

Behind closed doors, however, Obama shows another side to him as he attempts social psychoanalysis on the people whose votes he seeks:

“[People in small towns] get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy towards people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
— Obama, at a San Francisco fundraiser. (Behind closed doors)

Insults and condescension aside, what is wrong with this picture? Why doesn’t Obama share his amatuer psychoanalyst-side with the rest of the people? Surely a great orator as Obama can do it without insulting them, right? It would be impressive for Obama to tell the American people exactly what they’re thinking (as he seems to think himself capable of doing), but it appears he doesn’t seem to think highly enough of voters to tell them what he thinks, only what he wants them to feel.

Tactics for seizing control:

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
— Adolf Hitler

Its no big secret that Obama bases most of his appeal with youth voters. This is a common occurrence in the history of the rise of tyrants. Most are supported fervently by the young. Hitler famously used this technique to gain power. The tyrant-to-be must hide his true ambitions behind a mask of emotional appeal in order to seduce the gullible and unwary. The youth most often falls into this category, not yet “broken in” to the number one rule in electing a ruler: watch their actions, not their lips.

“The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.”
— Adolf Hitler

In the year 2000, a fierce primary raged in the Republican party. Two candidates, John McCain and George W. Bush polarized the party. Some sleazy personal attacks against McCain appeared at a crucial moment. In the end, Bush won, but not without sowing the seeds of animosity. McCain believed he had been the victim of some dirty tricks and attributed the attacks to the Bush campaign. Bush denied it. The vitriol was so bad that many expected McCain to leave the party. By most accounts, including the Democrats that met with him to discuss such matters, he almost did. Nevertheless, to the surprise of many wide-eyed pundits, McCain strolled into the convention in support of Bush. Chalk it up to character or political posturing for another run. Despite this, the rivalry did not subside. The two men represented opposite ends of the Republican party.

In the years to follow, McCain became a vocal critic of the management of the Iraq war. When the blueprints for the Surge rolled out, he was one of the first to embrace it while rejecting the Bush doctrine. He has also been critical of the wasteful spending which the administration allowed and even its tax cuts. He earned the scorn of a lot of Republican leaders for this, as well as his “maverick” handle from the media, seeing him as a thorn in the administration’s side. Despite their many differences and long history of rivalry, Obama attempts to caricature McCain as essentially a Bush-clone in many of his speeches.

“No matter what the costs, no matter what the consequences, John McCain seems determined to carry out a third Bush term…”
— Barack Obama

Returning to the subject of Obama’s views of voters, what do you think this tells us about Obama? Surely the people must know Bush’s policies, they’ve been the law of the land for nearly eight years. Surely, any voter interested in the issues would study the policies of the candidates carefully. If one candidate’s policies were identical to the current administration’s, wouldn’t it be readily obvious even to the most untrained eye? Why would the average voter need Obama to tell them that Bush and McCain are the same person if its obvious? Only if they wouldn’t get that impression from looking at the record, only if it weren’t true.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
— Adolf Hitler

(For the sake of accuracy, it should be noted that a version of this quote first originated with Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister. In this particular quote, Hitler was paraphrasing him.)

“Sooner will a camel pass through a needle’s eye than a great man be “discovered” by an election.”
— Adolf Hitler

January 2nd, 1996, Obama began his under-handed crusade for the senate. With a crack team of lawyers, he challenged hundreds of vote petitions and managed to eliminate all of his fellow Democrats from the ballot. One fellow candidate was Alice Palmer. Up to that point, she had been grooming Obama to succeed her once she retired. Not willing to wait, Obama took matters into his own hands and denied her the right to run for her own seat. Alice Palmer is the same woman who essentially launched his political career. Apparently, Obama didn’t trust the voters to “discover” a great man in that election, so he chose for them.
Part 2
The genes of tyranny:

Obama and Hitler both have displayed a penchant for eliminating “undesirable” infants. Hitler’s case is well known; he believed he could create a master race through selective breeding, mandatory sterilization of “undesirable parents” and abortions. Obama’s methods lack the scope of ambition but the end result is similar - Obama has legalized the murder of already-born infants.

In 2002, an important bill known as the “Induced Infant Liability Act” cropped up in the Illinois senate. The purpose of the bill was to protect infants who had been born alive after a failed abortion from being “aborted” after birth. In the United States, the second a person is born, they become a U.S. citizen. Taking the life of such a citizen is murder. That is something both pro-choice and pro-life advocates can agree on. Even the most pro-abortion lobby in the country, NARAL, did not oppose it nor the federal version of the law.

Obama on the other hand, did oppose it, TWICE. In doing so, he helped establish the legality of murder of infant Americans in his state.

Both Obama and Hitler are of mixed racial heritage, and distort this heritage to control public opinion. Hitler hated jews and made a career of it, so he hid the fact that jewish blood ran through his veins. Obama has made a career out of embracing his “blackness” and African American heritage. His first book, “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance”, was based entirely on that premise. There’s just one problem: Obama isn’t an African American, Obama is an Arab American.

Obama is 50% caucasian, 43.75% arab, and 6.25% black. According to federal law, an American citizen must be at least 1/8th, or 12.5% of a particular race to be considered a member of that race. Obama meets that criteria easily to be considered an Arab American but not African American.

(The astute reader will have noticed that being that Obama is not truly African American, the title of this article is inaccurate. I have decided upon that title rather than an alternative due to the public’s general familiarity with Obama as an “African American”.)

Dead-end philosophy:

Pop Quiz: Which of these quotes was said by Hitler and which was said by Obama?

A. “…our individual salvation depends on collective salvation. Because thinking only about yourself, fulfilling your immediate wants and needs, betrays a poverty of ambition.”

B. “Our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common interest before self-interest.”

If these two statements seem similiar, it’s because they both derive from the same philosophy: socialism. NAZI stands for “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”. The socialists of Hitler’s era aren’t much different from those of today in terms of ideology, though most socialists of the modern era are called “latte liberals”. Indeed, Hitler would’ve fit right in with such a group. He was a vegetarian, pro-abortion, an advocate for strict gun control, desirous of universal health care, and continually extolling the virtues of state control.

Someone once asked me how Obama could become a socialist. I replied by asking how he could not. Obama has been surrounded by marxists his entire life. I’m not sure that he has contacted non-marxist/socialist ideas within his close circle of friends even once.

His father was a communist. His mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist. Obama explicitly admits to seeking out marxist professors in his autobiographical work and attending socialist meetings. His close friends, like Bill Ayers the former terrorist, leadership at Trinity, all hold distinctly socialist/marxist views. Obama had the most left-wing voting record in the entire senate for 2007. He was even more radical than senators who were openly socialist.
First one to cry Hitler lost the Debate....old Debate rule....you lost.

and again nothing better then crying Hitler? Sad.

In case you missed it PFOS, the Dim-O-Craps have been yelling "Hitler" at President Bush for the past 8 YEARS! What's the matter, don't like having the same stardards applied to Barack Obastard?

The difference this time though is that they're LEGITIMATE comparisons rather than unfounded accusations.
In case you missed it PFOS, the Dim-O-Craps have been yelling "Hitler" at President Bush for the past 8 YEARS! What's the matter, don't like having the same stardards applied to Barack Obastard?

The difference this time though is that they're LEGITIMATE comparisons rather than unfounded accusations.

Was it domb when they did it? yes

So guess what, its dumb when you do it as well.
In case you missed it PFOS, the Dim-O-Craps have been yelling "Hitler" at President Bush for the past 8 YEARS! What's the matter, don't like having the same stardards applied to Barack Obastard?

The difference this time though is that they're LEGITIMATE comparisons rather than unfounded accusations.

Personally I think comparing Senator Obama a Black Progressive that's spent his whole life helping others and wanting to see people of all persuasions come together for a better country...

to a Fascist, Racist, Nazi that would have called him "inferior" and burned him in an oven if he'd of had half a chance is a good talking point for you.

Keep up the good work!

You do a better job than I do at uniting Progressives!:)
I recall writing a research paper in high school comparing Andrew Jackson with Hitler - key phrases and concepts were shared between them, primarily in the need to uproot people to provide "living space."

It isn't hard to compare any charismatic leader to Hitler.
I recall writing a research paper in high school comparing Andrew Jackson with Hitler - key phrases and concepts were shared between them, primarily in the need to uproot people to provide "living space."

It isn't hard to compare any charismatic leader to Hitler.

And that's exactly the point vyo, the sheeple are so incredibly stupid that they believe that "charisma" has any bearing at all on competence to hold the office of POTUS.

Obama doesn't have ANY real qualification to be POTUS (other than age), and now that his citizenship has come into question, he may very well not only lose that, but his Senate seat as well!
And that's exactly the point vyo, the sheeple are so incredibly stupid that they believe that "charisma" has any bearing at all on competence to hold the office of POTUS.

Obama doesn't have ANY real qualification to be POTUS (other than age), and now that his citizenship has come into question, he may very well not only lose that, but his Senate seat as well!

I have listed his qualification, and while yes I would like more ( hence my support of Biden from the Start) its not like he is just going in with nothing...

And Clinton supports I find funny crying about his qualifications...because when I look I don't see much for her as well.

McCain has lots of Qualifications....to bad I don't agree with him on much anymore.
And that's exactly the point vyo, the sheeple are so incredibly stupid that they believe that "charisma" has any bearing at all on competence to hold the office of POTUS.

Obama doesn't have ANY real qualification to be POTUS (other than age), and now that his citizenship has come into question, he may very well not only lose that, but his Senate seat as well!

And just what was the exact "good reason & qualifications" George Bush was elected?

Grades in School... NO

Stellar National Guard experiance... NO

Business sucsesses... NO

Grasp of the English Language... NO

Had good name recognition, a former President as a father and pretty decent hair... I mean come on, seriously.

And you must try to understand Senator Obama is a UNITED STATES SENATOR. They check things like birth records for security clearances. You need a valid original Birth Certificate or certified (stamped) copy to get an United States Passport. He's been overseas... do the math it's not that hard.
Bush was elected because so many were angry at the moral decay of the country after the 8 years of clinton. Many parents were angry they had to explain what a BJ was exc. exc. exc.

It was a backlash of the moral decay of the left. It was before terror and homeland security before 911 people voted on moral core of the candidate. Bush had a big backing with the church groups.

Just like this election is a back lash on the majority of people who hate bush, and why "THE ONE" keeps trying to tag McCain to bush.

So this time there is a chance to vote in a literal retarded ***** as a back lash.

oh joy
Bush was elected because so many were angry at the moral decay of the country after the 8 years of clinton. Many parents were angry they had to explain what a BJ was exc. exc. exc.

It was a backlash of the moral decay of the left. It was before terror and homeland security before 911 people voted on moral core of the candidate. Bush had a big backing with the church groups.

Just like this election is a back lash on the majority of people who hate bush, and why "THE ONE" keeps trying to tag McCain to bush.

So this time there is a chance to vote in a literal retarded ***** as a back lash.

oh joy

you know if the Republiacans could have just cared more about the Economy and maybe getting Bin Ladin and other things...and not Bills dick, they would not have had to explain anything. But no I got to listen to Republicans who wanted to know what he did with a cigar, and what his Penis looked like...But its good to know that after 8 years of Bush I could point to him and say look, thats a good example of Morals......:rolleyes: