Obama the Black Hitler?

you know if the Republiacans could have just cared more about the Economy and maybe getting Bin Ladin and other things...and not Bills dick, they would not have had to explain anything. But no I got to listen to Republicans who wanted to know what he did with a cigar, and what his Penis looked like...But its good to know that after 8 years of Bush I could point to him and say look, thats a good example of Morals......:rolleyes:

And exactly what has President Bush done that's "immoral" PFOS? You're also STILL confusing the roles of the Executive and the Legislative.

Would you like to borrow my copy of the Constitution so that you'll have a better idea of who the players are, and what their role is?
you know if the Republiacans could have just cared more about the Economy and maybe getting Bin Ladin and other things...

What specific policies were enacted by the Republicans that lead you to believe they didn't care about the economy? When the Democrats took over after the '06 election, they went on a spending spree knowing they could point to Bush and blame him for the spending.

As for Bin Laden... Can you make a case why we shouldn't focus too much on killing him? I have heard cases made and they are very convincing... I'd say more convincing than arguments as to why we should just kill him and call it a day on fighting terrorism.
What specific policies were enacted by the Republicans that lead you to believe they didn't care about the economy? When the Democrats took over after the '06 election, they went on a spending spree knowing they could point to Bush and blame him for the spending.

As for Bin Laden... Can you make a case why we shouldn't focus too much on killing him? I have heard cases made and they are very convincing... I'd say more convincing than arguments as to why we should just kill him and call it a day on fighting terrorism.

Could I make that case, yes i could...would I belive it ? no
I want the dude roasted and I think Bush failed us in not having done it yet. Bush was weak on Afganstian, and I dont know if its becuse he just thought we could do it with few troops and useing the afgans to do it...or he wanted to save the troops for Iraq knowing he was going to send them there..But in any case Bush Policy Failed us, and is more and more, failing afganistan.
Could I make that case, yes i could...would I belive it ? no
I want the dude roasted and I think Bush failed us in not having done it yet. Bush was weak on Afganstian, and I dont know if its becuse he just thought we could do it with few troops and useing the afgans to do it...or he wanted to save the troops for Iraq knowing he was going to send them there..But in any case Bush Policy Failed us, and is more and more, failing afganistan.

What effect would killing OBL have on the war on terror? Please, provide pro's and Con's in that list. I see the Left as pushing the idea that AQ and OBL are the be all end all in that fight and they choose to ignore all the other sources of terrorism and in many cases even side with them.... like the case of Palestine and Hamas.
Bush was elected because so many were angry at the moral decay of the country after the 8 years of clinton. Many parents were angry they had to explain what a BJ was exc. exc. exc.

It's not Clinton's fault your parents are ignorant.

It was a backlash of the moral decay of the left. It was before terror and homeland security before 911 people voted on moral core of the candidate. Bush had a big backing with the church groups.

Yea, Bush sure fooled those church people.

Just like this election is a back lash on the majority of people who hate bush, and why "THE ONE" keeps trying to tag McCain to bush.

Be the time of the election, McCain might as well be seen as a third Bush term.

So this time there is a chance to vote in a literal retarded ***** as a back lash.

oh joy

The ***** running isn't the democrat.
you know if the Republiacans could have just cared more about the Economy and maybe getting Bin Ladin and other things...and not Bills dick, they would not have had to explain anything. But no I got to listen to Republicans who wanted to know what he did with a cigar, and what his Penis looked like...But its good to know that after 8 years of Bush I could point to him and say look, thats a good example of Morals......:rolleyes:

Perhaps if Bill had cared more about the country, and his Oath of Office, INSTEAD of his dick, none of that would have been an issue. Having lived in Arkansas while Bill was Governor, I can assure you that NOTHING changed when he got to the White House, he was doing the same things there that he was doing in Little Rock, but in Washington, he lacked the "good ole' boy network" to help him hide what he was doing.

He was then, and remains to this day a lying sack of feces. All the Republicans did was pull the covers off and expose his highly questionable character to the light of day.
Could I make that case, yes i could...would I belive it ? no
I want the dude roasted and I think Bush failed us in not having done it yet. Bush was weak on Afganstian, and I dont know if its becuse he just thought we could do it with few troops and useing the afgans to do it...or he wanted to save the troops for Iraq knowing he was going to send them there..But in any case Bush Policy Failed us, and is more and more, failing afganistan.

OK PFOS, I'm going to challenge you to support that assertion. As a Veteran, while I do see some things about both Afghanistan and Iraq that I would have done differently, I have seen nothing to lead me to believe that as far as GWOT that President Bush has "failed us".

By your saying that he "failed us", that indicates that you have a particular outcome in mind that has not been achieved, so perhaps you would be so kind as to share with us exactly what you would have done differently to achieve that outcome.
Bush was elected because so many were angry at the moral decay of the country after the 8 years of clinton. Many parents were angry they had to explain what a BJ was exc. exc. exc.

It was a backlash of the moral decay of the left. It was before terror and homeland security before 911 people voted on moral core of the candidate. Bush had a big backing with the church groups.

Just like this election is a back lash on the majority of people who hate bush, and why "THE ONE" keeps trying to tag McCain to bush.

So this time there is a chance to vote in a literal retarded ***** as a back lash.

oh joy

No everyone tags McCain as Bush because he is Bush (policy wise). There differences are he's a whole lot older, has a much worse temper and he thinks reaching for the salt across one of his (I think it's up to 11 now) kitchen tables is best done as a military maneuver.

But I degress...

So what you're saying is... We traded in a personal private adult consensual affair... for the much better Republican wrecked economy, highest inflation rate in 27 tears, soaring deficits & debt, get attacked pants down with Bush @ the helm on 9-11, lied into a war with over 4000 brave soldiers killed over 30,000 seriously wounded, spent up to $12,000,000,000 (TWELVE BILLION DOLLARS) of hard earned taxpayer money (now & in the future) while doing it and have lost our moral authority by doing that becoming much more disliked all around the world!

I see... Well all things considered it's a shame Senator Obama doesn't fool around because I'd personally stand in line to vote to bring back the BJ!:)

I'll address "Republican Conservative Morals" next post.
No everyone tags McCain as Bush because he is Bush (policy wise). There differences are he's a whole lot older, has a much worse temper and he thinks reaching for the salt across one of his (I think it's up to 11 now) kitchen tables is best done as a military maneuver.

But I degress...

So what you're saying is... We traded in a personal private adult consensual affair... for the much better Republican wrecked economy, highest inflation rate in 27 tears, soaring deficits & debt, get attacked pants down with Bush @ the helm on 9-11, lied into a war with over 4000 brave soldiers killed over 30,000 seriously wounded, spent up to $12,000,000,000 (TWELVE BILLION DOLLARS) of hard earned taxpayer money (now & in the future) while doing it and have lost our moral authority by doing that becoming much more disliked all around the world!

I see... Well all things considered it's a shame Senator Obama doesn't fool around because I'd personally stand in line to vote to bring back the BJ!:)

I'll address "Republican Conservative Morals" next post.

Actually he did bring back the bj, you know he did. he just liked his from a guy and he liked a little crack with it

Ill say the samething for him as I did for clinton,

with that ugly pug for a wife, we cant blame him :)
President Bush has more morals in his big toe than the intire democrat party

Republicans have repeatedly proven themselves to be not only perverted but major hypocrites in trying to hide their true sexual tendencies.

I mean Republican Senator Larry Craig trying to have airport restroom gay stall sex with a complete stranger is just about as Dirty Sanchez as it gets.

Republican Senator Mark Foley trying to diddle young men, our own US Congressional pages, was close to Larry on the perversion scale.

Republicans own no high ground anymore and you know it (never really did they just hide in the closet) when it comes to morality or spending.

They have to act out in perverted risky ways because they are so trying to cover their tracks and they spend like drunken sailors on made up Wars and Corporate Welfare and are only conservative if it isn't any kind of a domestic social program that might actually help American. It's very sad but like the old saying: Absolute power corrupts absolutely! The Republicans proved they can be text book examples of that.
Republicans have repeatedly proven themselves to be not only perverted but major hypocrites in trying to hide their true sexual tendencies.

I mean Republican Senator Larry Craig trying to have airport restroom gay stall sex with a complete stranger is just about as Dirty Sanchez as it gets.

Republican Senator Mark Foley trying to diddle young men, our own US Congressional pages, was close to Larry on the perversion scale.

Republicans own no high ground anymore and you know it (never really did they just hide in the closet) when it comes to morality or spending.

They have to act out in perverted risky ways because they are so trying to cover their tracks and they spend like drunken sailors on made up Wars and Corporate Welfare and are only conservative if it isn't any kind of a domestic social program that might actually help American. It's very sad but like the old saying: Absolute power corrupts absolutely! The Republicans proved they can be text book examples of that.

ok read back to yourself what you said, you talked about two really freaked out wierd men and tried to wrap our president around them and the whole republican party around them

you were responding to BUSH's morals, cant you even give us something about his morals? all you can come up with is the same two republicans that even republicans have shunned and that you repeat over and over

when a republican does something sick and twisted, no one is forgiving, when a dem does something sick and twisted the whole party comes around to tell us its ok, make excuses protect defend, thats why you keep protecting obama the bj crack smoken messiah.

the truth is you can not come up with anything on bush in the morals, just a bunch of made up hate mongering that he had the nerve to go to war
So what you're saying is... We traded in a personal private adult consensual affair... for the much better Republican wrecked economy
That's what reasonable, informed people call a LIE!

highest inflation rate in 27 tears

LIE! You really should study [rul=ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/cpi/cpiai.txt]THIS[/url] chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Inflation for 2007 was only 2.8% over 2006, which was 3.2% from 2005, which was 3.4% from 2004, etc., etc.

soaring deficits & debt

Time for you to do some more research LIAR. The debt and deficit, as a percentage of the GDP is nowhere NEAR as high as it's ever been.

get attacked pants down with Bush @ the helm on 9-11

WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! President Bush had only been in office for 9 months when we got attacked, primarily because CLINTON DIDN'T DO HIS JOB!!

lied into a war with over 4000 brave soldiers killed over 30,000 seriously wounded

Even MORE LIES. OK tg, I DARE you to try to show us ONE LIE, and I'll blow you out of the water! The only LIARS around here are you Libtards.

spent up to $12,000,000,000 (TWELVE BILLION DOLLARS) of hard earned taxpayer money (now & in the future) while doing it

I see you haven't looked at the costs of WWI, WWII, Korea, or Vietnam (inflation adjusted of course), because if you had, you'd know that GWOT has been run ON THE CHEAP! Lives of troops? You are SO FULL OF CRAP!! We lost more troops on D-DAY than we've lost since 9-11!

and have lost our moral authority by doing that becoming much more disliked all around the world!

Libtards like you never HAD any "moral authority" in the first place, so what are you talking about?