Canadian Premier forsakes Canada for heart surgery


Staff member
Dec 24, 2009
Wandering around
can't imagine why

and they aren't talking

It would not be shocking that Newfoundland isn't the epicenter of heart care but there isn't anyone in Montreal ? Toronto ?

Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams will undergo heart surgery later this week in the United States.

Deputy premier Kathy Dunderdale confirmed the treatment at a news conference Tuesday, but would not reveal the location of the operation or how it would be paid for.

"He has gone to a renowned expert in the procedure that he needs to have done," said Ms. Dunderdale, who will become acting premier while Mr. Williams is away for three to 12 weeks.

"In consultation with his own doctors, he's decided to go that route."
Mr. Williams' decision to leave Canada for the surgery has raised eyebrows over his apparent shunning of Canada's health-care system.

Okay, you can have Obama, and we will take Williams. Williams will not have to wait, and Obama will not have to pay.

But for average citizens with serious health problems, Canadians wont go broke, and Americans wont get the best health care (unless someone organizes a fundraiser for a particularly heart wrenching case).

Screw the elite. For an average person, it is better to be sick in Canada than it is to be sick in the US. The elite can afford US health care, the working stiff often can't. It's as simple as that. Many Americans are one heartbeat away from poverty. And their fate is usually in the hands of the corporate insurance elite.

Williams coming to the US for an extremely expensive procedure is not an indictment of the Canadian health care system. It is an indication that health care for the rich is not a problem.

But a health care system should not be measured by what it can do for the elite, it should be measured by what it can do for us all. That is, of the people, by the people, and for the people.

If you think that insurance executives hold healthcare above the bottom line, then I guess you also think that Blackwater holds our national interest above that same bottom line.

Capitalism works for burgers, bologna, and baristas, but it's not what I would choose for police, fire fighters, and medical care.
Clipped from the article: "In consultation with his own doctors, he's decided to go that route."

Much ado about 'NOTHING''s his heart, and on the advice of 'HIS DOCTORS' he's going to the place that they've done the type of surgery that he's needing so WTH, get over it already. If you were in his shoes and your heart was on the line then you all would most likely do all that you could to pick the BEST IN THE SPECIFIC FIELD for your surgery. GOOD GRIEF :rolleyes: