Cindy McCain:I will never release my Tax returns


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2007
I can only wonder how much moaning the right would do if Michelle Obama said the same thing.
McCain who was once the maverick and could attract Democrats and Independants seems to be slipping further right and throwing his pledge to campaign in an open and honest way out the window. She wouldnt release them even as first lady. This is not a woman I want counseling the President before his 8:30 bedtime.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Cindy McCain says she will never make her tax returns public even if her husband wins the White House and she becomes the first lady.
"You know, my husband and I have been married 28 years and we have filed separate tax returns for 28 years. This is a privacy issue. My husband is the candidate," Cindy McCain, wife of Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting John McCain, said in an interview aired on NBC's "Today" on Thursday.

Asked if she would release her tax returns if she was first lady, Cindy McCain said: "No."

The Arizona senator released his tax return last month, reporting he had a total income of $405,409 in 2007 and paid $84,460 in federal income taxes. He files his return separately from his wife, an heiress to a Phoenix-based beer distributing company whose fortune is in the $100 million range.

Sen. McCain is routinely is ranked among the richest lawmakers in Congress, but he and his wife have kept their finances separate throughout their marriage. A prenuptial agreement left much of the family's assets in Cindy McCain's name.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Cindy McCain's refusal to release her tax returns gives the appearance of a double standard on the part of her husband.

"What is John McCain trying to hide?" Dean said in a statement. "Throughout this campaign, he has acted like his own calls for openness and accountability apply to everyone but himself. Now he thinks he can bring that same double standard to the White House."

Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton filed joint tax returns with their spouses and publicly released those returns.
.....This is not a woman I want counseling the President before his 8:30 bedtime.
Hi Bunz - So buddy, what's the beef then? Is it the money or the fact that she doesn't want everyone to know her tax situation or the details of the pre-nup.......

Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton filed joint tax returns with their spouses and publicly released those returns.
whooppee doo dah for what!!?? " OooooH look everyone aren't we good little candidates"...all honest and forthright.......yeah right!!!

Over the last decade, former President Bill Clinton has raised more than $500 million for his foundation, allowing him to build a glass-and-steel presidential library in Little Rock, Ark., and burnish his image as an impresario of global philanthropy. The foundation has closely guarded the identities of its donors — including one who gave $31.3 million last year.

Now, the secrecy surrounding the William J. Clinton Foundation has become a campaign issue as Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton seeks the Democratic presidential nomination with her husband as a prime source of strategy and star power. Some of her rivals argue that donors could use presidential foundations to circumvent campaign finance laws intended to limit political influence.

The article neglects to inform its readers that they probably have legions Tax Lawyers all beevering away on their behalf setting up offshore accounts, front Companies and shell companies in order to park cash out of sight of public gaze so that financial information can be filter before it makes it to the public domain!
Hi Bunz - So buddy, what's the beef then? Is it the money or the fact that she doesn't want everyone to know her tax situation or the details of the pre-nup.......
I dont care about thier pre-nup, but her tax status certainly in at least modern historical context is far game. It shows an openness and honesty about ones source of income. If McCain is elected, she will be a public figure in the public trust to know that her income doesnt come from someplace the American people find questionable. Releasing the info just eliminates speculation on what can be there.

The article neglects to inform its readers that they probably have legions Tax Lawyers all beevering away on their behalf setting up offshore accounts, front Companies and shell companies in order to park cash out of sight of public gaze so that financial information can be filter before it makes it to the public domain!
Well certainly when one has that sort of wealth they are able to hire people in order to maximize that wealth. I have little problem with people doing what is allowable by law in this sense. When it comes to big game American politics, this is something the American people have come to expect, and when she is being defiant about it, and saying she wont release that info as first lady really makes me question the whole basis the McCain campaign is running on. Makes me think the "Straight Talk Express" only matters when its convenient for them.
I believe Cindy McCain's drug addiction should be looked at in greater detail as well. How she was investigated by the DEA for stealing pain pills from a medical charity she headed and for having prescriptions filled in the names of the charity's employees.

One of the doctors who wrote the prescriptions for her lost his license. While Cindy admitted to the wrongdoing, do to her connections to husband John, she avoided prosecution.

Cindy McCain strikes me as a spoiled heiress, used to getting her way. Whether it's sleeping with John while McCain was still married to his first wife, popping pills like a female Rush Limbaugh, or refusing to release her tax returns, she seems to feel she's better than everybody else.
...chuugggguuussh.... excuse me whilst I cough and splutter into my tea.....these ARE politicians we're talking about here!!

Yeah I know, I know. But McCain has been campaigning under the "straight talk" banner. Instead he is playing a shell game and asking everyone to not look at the person behind the curtain.
Yeah I know, I know. But McCain has been campaigning under the "straight talk" banner. Instead he is playing a shell game and asking everyone to not look at the person behind the curtain.
This is so funny and exactly what I mean.

McCain says he is on the straight talk express and has been called on the carpet for not always straight talking. The conservatives are the FIRST ones to call him out on this. Most say they will still support him as the nominee but they HATE that he is so dang liberal and sides with the liberals more than his own party, they hate that he says he runs the straight talk express then talks out his butt. But at least they do call him on it.

Obama on the other hand... "The different kind of candidate", not a traditional politician, not of the old style, different, new exc.... blah blah blah

Obama is EXACTLY as gross, slimy and crooked as the rest of them. But his supporters won’t just call him on it. It’s like they can not admit he has a flaw. They can’t say I don’t like that about him but he is the nominee of my party and I’ll support him because I agree with more of what he says than the other guy.

Instead they justify every sleazy thing he says and does out of one side of their mouth and call the others on their hypocrisy out of the other side of their mouth.
I think that makes them 10 times more hypocritical.

News flash! Obama is just a man and just as sleazy as all the other politicians out there. He isn’t God or the Messiah and there is nothing any more special about him than the other jerks running. He is not any less a liar, he has zero more integrity. And it would be a lot easier to swallow have the crud the die hard obama supporters dish out if they could be at least 1/16 as critical of their own candidate as they are everyone else’s.
Why does she hang out with McCain anyway? I mean..there is a slight resemblance to Morticia..but she could do better than McCain, don't you think? Oh yeah..sorry, a political forum.. my bad.
McCain says he is on the straight talk express and has been called on the carpet for not always straight talking. The conservatives are the FIRST ones to call him out on this. Most say they will still support him as the nominee but they HATE that he is so dang liberal and sides with the liberals more than his own party, they hate that he says he runs the straight talk express then talks out his butt. But at least they do call him on it.
Then were are all the conservatives out there insisting Cindy McCain release her tax returns? This isnt about ideology, this is about wanting to be a very public person and dealing with the American people up front. Every other major candidate has done so with thier spouse. Why is she expempt?

Obama on the other hand... "The different kind of candidate", not a traditional politician, not of the old style, different, new exc.... blah blah blah
I know he is a different kind of candidate, its nearly like a breath of fresh air
Obama is EXACTLY as gross, slimy and crooked as the rest of them. But his supporters won’t just call him on it. It’s like they can not admit he has a flaw. They can’t say I don’t like that about him but he is the nominee of my party and I’ll support him because I agree with more of what he says than the other guy.
Firstly, I have voted for more GOP party members than dems. I vote for individuals and not parties. It was only for my state's primary did I go with democrat to support Obama. I changed my affiliation back the next day to independant. But Obama is not infallible in my eyes.
Instead they justify every sleazy thing he says and does out of one side of their mouth and call the others on their hypocrisy out of the other side of their mouth.
I think that makes them 10 times more hypocritical.
You are mistaking the things said about him with the things he has said. The one really controversal public statement he has made was about god and guns.
News flash! Obama is just a man and just as sleazy as all the other politicians out there. He isn’t God or the Messiah and there is nothing any more special about him than the other jerks running. He is not any less a liar, he has zero more integrity. And it would be a lot easier to swallow have the crud the die hard obama supporters dish out if they could be at least 1/16 as critical of their own candidate as they are everyone else’s.

That is right, he is human and he will make mistakes like the rest of us. But I am not sure we can do any worse than we have now, except elect someone who will continue the status quo for another 4 years. That would be the dumbest thing the American voters can do.
Why does she hang out with McCain anyway? I mean..there is a slight resemblance to Morticia..but she could do better than McCain, don't you think? Oh yeah..sorry, a political forum.. my bad.

Like most political marraiges, it is one of convenience. He has power, she has money. They blend well together.
:eek:You keep saying this, but Im not seeing much of it.

I don’t know how you are not seeing it because you are one of the people who are doing it. Read back to the posts you wrote. In one you even agreed white men’s geed is sadly true. What ever it takes to justify Obama.

Every time there is a question about Obama or his wife, you like the other obama bots say either it’s a non issue, topic sounds racist, not saying you are racist but maybe hmm…. Or why are you attacking, the other guy is way worse.

Nothing Obama says or does, nothing his wife says or does can be questioned. It is all silly or justified or ...we are the ones with the problem for even asking the question.
To be frank and in my capacity as a somewhat uninformed Brit - what satisfaction would be gained in forcing the McCain lass to divulge her tax? After all she is not running for Pres, her hubby is but so what isn't see entitled to a bit of privacy?

Anyway I thought you Yanks valued your civil liberties ;)
To be frank and in my capacity as a somewhat uninformed Brit - what satisfaction would be gained in forcing the McCain lass to divulge her tax? After all she is not running for Pres, her hubby is but so what isn't see entitled to a bit of privacy?

Anyway I thought you Yanks valued your civil liberties ;)

This has nothing to do with civil liberties. Cindy McCain, spoiled heiress that she is, is worth an estimated 100 million. Husband John, in running for president, has certain financial restraints put on him by election law. He already, when short of money, has taken advantage of one of Cindy's corporate jets that he used while campaigning. One can only guess of what other political uses John has put Cindy's millions to.

The American public as a whole demand transparency from their political candidates, that includes their wives. So far John and Cindy McCain have not been forthcoming about where Cindy's millions are going and in what capacity, until they are this will remain an issue.