McCain family values


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Like many hypocritical Republicans, John McCain talks a good game, when it comes to moral values, but his own personal life shows a man who screwed around repeatedly (with Cindy and others) on his first wife when she became disabled.

Before John McCain's tour of duty in Vietnam, he married Carol Shepp, a model from Philadelphia. On his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam in 1967, McCain was shot down and captured.

While he was imprisoned, Carol was in an auto wreck (1969), thrown through her car's windshield and left seriously injured. Despite her injures, she refused to allow her POW husband to be notified about her condition, fearing that such news would not be good for him while he was being held prisoner.

When McCain returned to the United States in 1973 after more than five years as a prisoner of war, he found his wife was a different person. The accident "left her 4 inches shorter and on crutches, and she had gained a good deal of weight."

In his book, The Nightingale's Song, Robert Timberg chronicled McCain's post-Vietnam military assignments and some of his "adulterous" behavior leading to his divorce from Carol and marriage to Cindy Hensley.

Timberg wrote, "in the fall of 1974, McCain was transferred to Jacksonville as the executive officer of Replacement Air Group 174, the long-sought flying billet at last a reality. A few months later, he assumed command of the RAG, which trained pilots and crews for carrier deployments. The assignment was controversial, some calling it favoritism, a sop to the famous son of a famous father and grandfather [both were Navy admirals], since he had not first commanded a squadron, the usual career path."

While Executive Officer and later as Squadron Commander McCain used his authority to arrange frequent flights that allowed him to carouse with subordinates and "engage in extra-marital affairs." Such behavior was a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice rules against adultery and fraternization with subordinates..

Timberg wrote, "Off duty, usually on routine cross-country flights to Yuma and El Centro, John started carousing and running around with women. To make matters worse, some of the women with whom he was linked by rumor were subordinates . . . At the time the rumors were so widespread that, true or not, they became part of McCain's persona, impossible not to take note of."

In 1979 at a military reception in Honolulu, McCain met Cindy Hensley, an attractive 25-year-old woman from a very wealthy politically-connected Arizona family. Cindy's father, Jim, founded the Hensley and Company, the nation's third-largest Anheuser-Busch distributor.

While still married to Carol, McCain began an adulterous relationship with Cindy. He married Cindy in May 1980 -- just a month after dumping Carol and securing a divorce. The newlyweds honeymooned in Hawaii.

McCain followed his young, millionairess wife back to Arizona where her father helped catapult McCain into politics
There is no excuse for the behavior of the now Cindy McCain, who had an adulterous affair with a married man.

Normally there is no excuse for anyone to have an affair - period. And as much as I hate the idea of defending John McCain in any way, shape, or form, I have to say that after spending five years in a vicious POW camp, I can understand him being "out of sorts" (that is such an inappropriate and understated phrase here - but I lack anything more fitting at the moment).

I don't know if the story printed about his disappointment in his wifes appearance is true or not. If I recall correctly they were pretty much newlyweds when he became a POW. No doubt the relationship was "strained" when he returned.

That is a time and a place I can not comprehend. Even though he was a spoiled, arrogant, pompous bastard, I don't know if I have it in me to condemn McCain for that particular period of time in his personal life - now Cindy on the other hand is a different story.
Timberg is a lib who has made charges for which no proof is offered.

Do you dispute the fact that McCain screwed around on his first wife with the then Cindy Hensley?

Even McCain, when asked about it, admits:

Let me say that I am responsible for the breakup of my first marriage, I will not discuss or talk about that any more than that. If someone wants to criticize me for that, that's fine."

Let me add something I just the process of speaking 2 sentences, McCain uses the word "that" or "thats" 6 times. In fact, at one point, in the space of 7 words, he uses "that" 3 times. Is this another indicator of a possible mental impairment?
Like many hypocritical Republicans, John McCain talks a good game, when it comes to moral values, but his own personal life shows a man who screwed around repeatedly (with Cindy and others) on his first wife when she became disabled.

This is all well known fact by anyone who really knows John McCain. The whole Republican "family values" ruse was nothing more than a political game from the start. They were looking to somehow find a way to chip into the church vote that by large numbers generally went Democrat because of their support for the poor & needy.

The Republicans came up with the scheme to try and drive a wedge between people using the abortion issue as the only "values issue" that counts.

All the while they themselves were often caught trying to seduce male Congressional Pages, traveling all over the country using high price hookers, having numerous gay sex affairs while being supposedly "married" or trolling airport restrooms for gay stall sex.

John McCain is just another sad hypocritical story conservatives do their level best to deny.
Do you dispute the fact that McCain screwed around on his first wife with the then Cindy Hensley?

Even McCain, when asked about it, admits:

Let me add something I just the process of speaking 2 sentences, McCain uses the word "that" or "thats" 6 times. In fact, at one point, in the space of 7 words, he uses "that" 3 times. Is this another indicator of a possible mental impairment?

No links, no citations. This fanciful defamation is just an indication of the desperation of the Koolaid Kult Krusade, now that their empty suit leader finally has a REAL opponent. :D
Im gonna start this by saying, I have a great deal of respect for John McCain. I was a supporter of his in 2000. I think he has served America and Arizona admirably. He is probably my favorite Republican to be honest. Well him and Ted Stevens, but thats another story.
Either way, McCain is the admirals son, privledged and well connected from the day he was born. He didnt have the grades to get into USNA otherwise. Poor student at the Academy, lands a fighter jock spot, crashes a couple of planes before being shot down.
Then milked it into a carpet bagger seat in Congress. Where it lead to his Senate seat. He has rode the wave of privledge his whole life.
I hear people calling Obama an elitist, and it cracks me up. He said a few things at a small gathering and everyone is all over it. McCain has lived as one nearly all his life.
No links, no citations. This fanciful defamation is just an indication of the desperation of the Koolaid Kult Krusade, now that their empty suit leader finally has a REAL opponent. :D

There is a link provided in the OP however, in case you missed or chose to ignore it, here it is again:

BTW, I notice you don't disagree with the facts surrounding McCain's infidelity, wise choice, as the facts aren't under dispute. A simple search of the topic will bring an abundance of results, a reading of which place a black mark right in the center of your hero's forehead. It's rough to now support a man with questionable morals, after spending a great deal of time attacking Bill Clinton, isn't it? Demonstrates hypocrisy, don't you think?

Considering his:

• Sacrifice of American Wealth and Blood for the Sole Benefit of Israel
• Amnesty for Illegal Mexicans Aliens Usurping Jobs and Services
• Outsourcing of Jobs and Technology to China
• Early Release from Captivity for Military Secrets
• McCain-Feingold Legislation Suppressing Freedom of Speech
• McCain-Leiberman Control Gun Legislation
• Slander and Ridicule of Huckabee, Romney, and Ron Paul
• Roberts and Falwell, “agents of intolerance”
• Roe vs. Wade Sacrificial Killing of Children
• To “occupy Iraq for 100 years”, “bomb Iran”, and “just keep Afghanistan”.
• Veto of Bush Tax Cuts
• Keating Five Crooks
• Unsolved Recession and Inflation Problem
• Unsolved Heath Care Problem
• Unsolved Social Security Problem
• Long Scandalous, Contentious, and Non-Productive Political Career

Can such an incompetent and dishonest politician; and such a pretentious Christian and patriot, insanely dishonoring Christian culture and Constitution rule, ever be trusted to cherish and honor the American People?

With Leiberman Neo-Liberal Princess Hillary burnt at the stake by the victorious Kennedy Liberals, shall the Reagan Conservatives give this notorious Podhoretz Neo-Conservative puppet, Insane McCain, a date with presidency, or a date with the Republican firing squad?

Google: Mearsheimer Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy; Stricherz “Why the Democrats are Blue”; Wall Street Journal “McCain-Feingold”; “Keating Five Fraud”; Human Events “Ron Paul Interview”; Who Would the World Elect; McClelland "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception”.
Im gonna start this by saying, I have a great deal of respect for John McCain. I was a supporter of his in 2000. I think he has served America and Arizona admirably. He is probably my favorite Republican to be honest. Well him and Ted Stevens, but thats another story.
Either way, McCain is the admirals son, privledged and well connected from the day he was born. He didnt have the grades to get into USNA otherwise. Poor student at the Academy, lands a fighter jock spot, crashes a couple of planes before being shot down.
Then milked it into a carpet bagger seat in Congress. Where it lead to his Senate seat. He has rode the wave of privledge his whole life.
I hear people calling Obama an elitist, and it cracks me up. He said a few things at a small gathering and everyone is all over it. McCain has lived as one nearly all his life.

I'm going to be dead serious here, no jokes, no spin.

I honestly see things in just this light. John McCain deserves everyone's respect but for mainly just one thing. He was shot down in the service of our country and he suffered in a POW Camp.

He did for a fact ride the coat tails of his Admiral father and the fact he had suffered as a POW created a certain amount of endearment for the man.

But that doesn't make him a good person to be president. McCain even when he was a little kid was known to hold his breath until he passed out throwing fits of anger. He was a poor student as Bunz has stated. John McCain has been privileged his whole life except when he was a POW. He has never been known for being exceptionally sharp minded but is very well known for an explosive temper.

John McCain was someone that could catch a reasonable persons attention back when he ran for President last time because he ran an outspoken campaign against almost everything he now embraces. At that time I liked him a little myself.

But now I think in a lot of ways John McCain would be even worse than George Bush, with a military solution to everything. Even less (can we even imagine) of an understanding of good economic policy. And he could quite possibly have old age and/or cancer problems to deal with during his term.

It's just not a good pick. Even if I was a die hard Republican he's just not a good pick.

America better get someone on the job that is intelligent, extremely energetic and is a good negotiator for our interests around the world.

The choice boils down to this now:

An old relative hot headed person that really is no scholar, admittedly not an economics person, governing on gut feelings and fighting things just because they piss him off.


A younger energetic person that even the opposition gives props to for being very intelligence and a great speaker and organizer. This kind of person puts the best of the best around him (from either Party) listens intently but in addition also researches for himself and makes the best informed decisions.

I just don't see anyway John McCain helps our situation in any way by continueing on the same path or possibly worse.
Im gonna start this by saying, I have a great deal of respect for John McCain. I was a supporter of his in 2000. I think he has served America and Arizona admirably. He is probably my favorite Republican to be honest. Well him and Ted Stevens, but thats another story.
Either way, McCain is the admirals son, privledged and well connected from the day he was born. He didnt have the grades to get into USNA otherwise. Poor student at the Academy, lands a fighter jock spot, crashes a couple of planes before being shot down.
Then milked it into a carpet bagger seat in Congress. Where it lead to his Senate seat. He has rode the wave of privledge his whole life.
I hear people calling Obama an elitist, and it cracks me up. He said a few things at a small gathering and everyone is all over it. McCain has lived as one nearly all his life.

He was shot down over North Vietnam by a SAM missile while continuing a bombing run, even though his jet was already damaged. He made 23 bombing runs over north vietnam, an area that had the most dense air defense sytem in world history up till that time. He is a genuine hero, and not one out of a million libs would do what he did - certainly not Obama, who took a pass on military service.
If the above personal story is true, he's a bastard and slimeball. Of course his politics alone are objectionable enough that I won't vote for him.

I don't regard the fact that he crashed planes as damning. You don't lose planes by jerking off; you lose them by being on the frontlines where you're being shot at.

Re: the family values thing, the contention by conservatives is that America's highly sexualized culture has a vulgarizing effect on people, who are not free to choose or avoid it; this is why they regard sexual liberalism has fundamentally coercive. That McCain has (had) a sordid sex life is proof of this, not proof that family values are fraudulent.
He was shot down over North Vietnam by a SAM missile while continuing a bombing run, even though his jet was already damaged. He made 23 bombing runs over north vietnam, an area that had the most dense air defense sytem in world history up till that time. He is a genuine hero, and not one out of a million libs would do what he did - certainly not Obama, who took a pass on military service.

I see no comment about him being a spoiled kid who rode the coat tails of his Gramps and Dad. If his father wasnt an active Admiral, he would have been taken off flight duty after the second plane he lost through incompetance and lack of discipline. Where he was flying to low and took out some power lines in Spain.

But either way, yeah he got shot down by a SAM over some pretty heavily defended areas, He was on his 23rd mission. He sang like a bird after 4 days.
Then enjoyed a level of comfort that his fellow POWs didnt have. Why, because he is John "silver spoon" McCain III. No other reason. He has a chest full of medals for getting shot down. That doesnt happen to the average fighter pilot.

For 23 combat missions (an estimated 20 hours over enemy territory), the U.S. Navy awarded McCain a Silver Star, a Legion of Merit for Valor, a Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Stars, two Commendation medals plus two Purple Hearts.
Nothing like a well decorated below average pilot. If it wasnt for his Daddy he would have never even went to college.
If the above personal story is true, he's a bastard and slimeball. Of course his politics alone are objectionable enough that I won't vote for him.
Well that story is more or less true.
I don't regard the fact that he crashed planes as damning. You don't lose planes by jerking off; you lose them by being on the frontlines where you're being shot at.
He was apart of losing 5 naval jets. One where he went off the end of the runway during training. AKA as an overrun.
Another while flying over Spain he struck power lines which is reminiscent of the incident that cost two air force pilots thier careers when they stuck a gondola cable at a skiing resort.
Then he experienced a flame out, couldnt get the jet re-started and ejected.
Then of course there was when on the USS Forrestal his plane was hit by a Zuni rocket.
And lastly, his famous shootdown. Where he was wreckless in his own actions in leading up the incident.
John McCain is no stranger to crashing airplanes, wreckless behavior, while soaking up the success of others, or expoiting weaknesses to maintain his own level wealth and comfort.
Re: the family values thing, the contention by conservatives is that America's highly sexualized culture has a vulgarizing effect on people, who are not free to choose or avoid it; this is why they regard sexual liberalism has fundamentally coercive. That McCain has (had) a sordid sex life is proof of this, not proof that family values are fraudulent.
Yeah, because McCain was doing all of his philandering before rap music, violent video games, and AIDS came around.
If the above personal story is true, he's a bastard and slimeball. Of course his politics alone are objectionable enough that I won't vote for him.

Stop here and note that at this point, that is just the unsupported claim of a liberal/left journalist.

I don't regard the fact that he crashed planes as damning. You don't lose planes by jerking off; you lose them by being on the frontlines where you're being shot at.

GREAT!!! One of those breath-taking moments in this forum where someone says the OBVIOUS.