Democrap mother gets life sentence for leaving her baby in a playpen then taking a 10 day vacation


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2024
This is why no democrap should be allowed to have children


The child left to die alone and scared, starved to death. If only the mother had been aborted
I would have given her a coat hanger
I would have recommended a Christian-based women's health center, provided not all of them have been bombed by animals who allegedly could not be caught, according to Merrick Garland, because they did their arsons and bombings at night.
I would have recommended a Christian-based women's health center, provided not all of them have been bombed by animals who allegedly could not be caught, according to Merrick Garland, because they did their arsons and bombings at night.
This woman is exactly why abortion should be legal
I would have recommended a Christian-based women's health center, provided not all of them have been bombed by animals who allegedly could not be caught, according to Merrick Garland, because they did their arsons and bombings at night.
How many have been bombed
You would be surprised. I am not surprised by the embarrassing ignorance of those who refuse to read publicans banned by the left.
I would be surprised if you post anything 8ntell8gent 8nst3ad of r8ght w8ng blather
You obviously have no clue lol
Baby's lives are not precious in the eyes of godless sinners.
Now there is a thought: only those who worship Trump are fit to have children.
Trump is, of course, a walking human monument to great family values.
Thrice married, Trump has cheated on every one of his three wives, and refers to his daughter as a "fine piece of ass" that he would date if she were not his daughter.

There is zero evidence that the woman who left her child locked in a car was a member of any political party.
Now there is a thought: only those who worship Trump are fit to have children.
Trump is, of course, a walking human monument to great family values.
Thrice married, Trump has cheated on every one of his three wives, and refers to his daughter as a "fine piece of ass" that he would date if she were not his daughter.

There is zero evidence that the woman who left her child locked in a car was a member of any political party.
Christians who worship Trump instead of Jesus are in disobedience to God.