Jessie Davis Arrested on Murder but will not get death penaty based on Race


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Ohio mom's body found; boyfriend charged

CANTON, Ohio - A massive search ended in sadness Saturday when authorities announced they found a body believed to be a pregnant woman who vanished from her home a week earlier. A police officer believed to be the father of the unborn child was arrested on two counts of murder.

Jessie Davis, 26, who was due to deliver a baby girl on July 3, was reported missing after her mother found Davis' 2-year-old son home alone, bedroom furniture toppled and bleach spilled on the floor.

The boy gave investigators their first clues. "Mommy was crying. Mommy broke the table. Mommy's in rug," the boy said.

Thousands of volunteers had searched for Davis over several days, while investigators continued to question Bobby Cutts Jr., 30, who is the father of Davis' son but is married to another woman.

Investigators were mum on many details of their work until they announced Cutts was taken into custody Saturday and was to be arraigned on charges of murder in the deaths of Davis and her unborn child.

Scott Peterson got Death penalty verdict on two counts of murder but Jessie Davis wont get the Death penalty on two counts of Murder and un born child. Could it because Jessie Davis is Black and not charged with the Hate Crime? If a white person kills a black person oh sure he will get the death penalty just like the white guys in Texas Killed a black man by dragging him by chains on his pick up truck and the jury gave him death penalty. Well Jessie Davis is Black he killed his fomer white pregnant girlfriend and unborn child Ill bet you he will get 20 years behind bars cause hes not white. Well Scott Person Killed his pregnant wife laci peterson with unborn child and he got death cause Hes white!! Its all about racism in american court system!
While I am one who believes in innocence until proven guilty and I have my own reservations about the death penaly and the race card that is often played and it is usually that a minority is tried in a capital murder case rather than a white person. It reminds me of the Sonya Ivanoff law, in Alaska. Which basically says that if a law enforcement officer is convicted of murder that they are required to get life in prison. Alaska does not have the death penalty, but this stems from a police officer in Nome, Alaska who was convicted of the murder of Sonya Ivanoff.
The thing we must not forget is that this is domestic violence in its worse form. Despite harsh laws against it, DV is a serious problem in this country that is often overlooked. A sad say for all involved.
UPDATE!! New arrest in murder of pregnant woman

CANTON, Ohio - A former classmate of the man suspected of murdering a pregnant woman was arrested Sunday on an obstruction of justice charge, the FBI said. Myisha Ferrell was arrested in the death of 26-year-old Jessie Davis after sheriff's deputies and FBI agents broke down the door of her apartment Saturday night, agent Scott Wilson said.

The Stark County Sheriff's Department refused to discuss the arrest, saying any information made public would hurt their case. Ferrell was to be arraigned Monday, Wilson said.

The Summit County medical examiner on Sunday identified a body found in Cuyahoga Valley National Park as that of Davis. The dead, nearly full-term fetus was still in her womb.

Thousands of volunteers searched for Davis for several days, while investigators questioned Bobby Cutts Jr., 30, a police officer who is Davis' boyfriend and has an estranged wife. He is scheduled to be arraigned Monday.

Davis' relatives have said they believed Cutts, of North Canton, was the father of both Blake and the fetus Davis was carrying.

Justin Lindstrom, 27, an upstairs neighbor of Ferrell's, said officers spent two hours searching the woman's apartment before leaving with several full, brown paper bags and bottles of bleach from the basement.

Wilson would not describe what the deputies seized or say how Ferrell might have been involved.

Lindstrom said he had not seen the downstairs tenant over the weekend and rarely spoke to the woman, except to ask her to turn her music down. He said he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary around the time Davis disappeared.

Myisha Ferrell IS BLACK!!! Now Why arent the Media telling this is a HATE CRIME!!! When You have a White Couple murder a black boy OH YEAH THey say its an Hate Crime. Just like the Media jumped the gun decided its a hate crime when 3 white guys from texas who tied a black guy with chains with an pick up truck dragged him down the highway and killed him and the Jury game them the death penalty! How come when WHITES commit crimes against blacks its an Hate Crime But when Blacks commit crimes against whites its not an hate crime? Just like this Bull**** about scott peterson GOT DEATH By a liberal san franiscio jury.Scott Peterson did the same crime as Bobby Cutts did and i want THE DEATH PENALTY on him too!!
Actually, statistics show that a black person is more likely to have his case brought forward to the death penalty phase then a white person committing a similar crime. Also, a black person committing a crime on a white person is more likely to get the death penalty then a black on black crime.
Then explan why Scott Peterson got death?

Hey he looks white to me.
Did I say white men never got the death penalty?

It sure sounds like it. And the Liberal media isnt calling out for Cutts death nether.And theyre not saying its a hate crime nether.But When Scott Peterson was on trial all Nancy Grace on Court TV is calling out for Death against Scott Peterson Now she wasnt calling out Death for O J Simpson nether!
Steve, once again, you need to get your facts straight.

Where should I even start, OK Nancy Grace is usually so off base with her comments it is borderline criminal in my opinion. She was not nationally known at all when OJ was being tried, so I dont know how you would have known what she was calling for on the OJ issue.
Comparing Scott Peterson and the case at issue right now is not quite fair just yet. Scott Peterson was tried and convicted. Cutts hasnt even been arraigned yet. Also, according to CNN, a source in the investigation said that Cutts led police to the womans body in an isolated part of a national park. Ever contemplate the idea that maybe there is a plea deal in the works where the prosecutor said no death penalty if you fess up and tell us where the body is? Because that is a very highly likely scenario, it happens all the time.
Also your notion about race and the death penalty is completely incorrect. Go and look up some statistics, real true facts and not just your enclosed skewed world perception. Minorities are much more likely to be given the death penalty and once sentanced to death, to actually be executed. So try it again and use some facts this time please.
Police Officers do not make deals! Detectives dont make deals.Thats like if i take people hostage and i tell the Negotiator "" If i end the drama I dont want the Death Penalty..Detective will say,,Son,I cannot gurantee that,But i can only gurantee your safety""" Cops dont make deals.If you try to bribe them,,Thats a crime!
Police Officers do not make deals! Detectives dont make deals.Thats like if i take people hostage and i tell the Negotiator "" If i end the drama I dont want the Death Penalty..Detective will say,,Son,I cannot gurantee that,But i can only gurantee your safety""" Cops dont make deals.If you try to bribe them,,Thats a crime!

Maybe you should go back and read his post. Plea bargains occur between the accused and the prosecutors of their trial. An alarmingly common plea bargain is the "No death sentence if you let us know where the body is" deal. Those happen all the time. The deal is being made with the prosecutors...not the police.
It sure sounds like it. And the Liberal media isnt calling out for Cutts death nether.And theyre not saying its a hate crime nether.But When Scott Peterson was on trial all Nancy Grace on Court TV is calling out for Death against Scott Peterson Now she wasnt calling out Death for O J Simpson nether!

This is what I said:
Actually, statistics show that a black person is more likely to have his case brought forward to the death penalty phase then a white person committing a similar crime. Also, a black person committing a crime on a white person is more likely to get the death penalty then a black on black crime.

I'm just pointing out statistics in the inequity in the death penalty. I don't listen to Court TV.

By the way...shouldn't someone be tried and convicted before you start calling for the death penalty?
You dont understand just how crooked and coruputed american Justice system is.Just like that O J Trial and Micheal Jackson trial.If any ordinary person did what O J an M J did he or she would been in Prison for a very long time.
You dont understand just how crooked and coruputed american Justice system is.Just like that O J Trial and Micheal Jackson trial.If any ordinary person did what O J an M J did he or she would been in Prison for a very long time.

You're picking a few high profile rich boy cases and making an example of them.
Thats why i like the Justice system Russia had. You know back in those days of the soviet union You dont get a lawyer when you commit a crime.You dont get a jury. You have to tell it to those 3 Judges all by yourself.And beg for mercy 99.5% of the time youll end up in prison.And those 3 judges dont care how many rubbles you have.You commit the crime you do the time.
Yeah Steve, changing our entire criminal process to the soviet union's system seems like a great idea to me. Forget about the systemic differences and thier lack of freedoms. There is no need for due process or the bill of rights, lets just get rid of them all and bring back witch trials. Maybe after we all find him guilty based on your opinion we can tie him in a bag and throw him in Lake Erie. Come on dude, bring some form of facts and a bit of common sense to these threads please. Also Ill point out that in the old Soviet system, you would be shot for more than half the things you have posted in here. But hey you want to get rid of the first amendment, so based on your wishes we all should.